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Official Opening

The Shoestring Orchestra.
conducted by:
George Ellis
An orchestra set up only with shoes and strings, performing the 9th of Beethoven.

Christophoros Stamboglis  - bass
Cherie Valaray - soprano
Adelaide Simbolon - piano
Lathika Vithanage – violin
Asep Hidayat – cello
AUG 1 - 20.00 hrs
Teater Kecil, TIM

supported by:


  Youssef Chahine's
Alexandria... New York (2004)

Film showing

Program supported and endorsed by the Embassy of Egypt, Jakarta and The Ministry of Culture Arab Republic of Egypt.

Considered to be one of the most important international film directors, Chahine is also one of the most eclectic, having directed everything from musicals to melodramas, autobiography to comedy, and neo-realist to political films. His movies pushed the traditional boundaries of Arab cinema. Alexandria Why?, his most autobiographical film, innovated the use of first-person narrative, while other films, such as Cairo Station, explored issues of sexuality and madness for the first time. His more political films, such as The Return of the Prodigal Son (an adaptation of André Gide's novel), explored the social politics of the Arab-Israel War, while films such as Once upon a Time on the Nile concentrated a strong critical eye on the construction of the Aswan High Dam. His work has been included in international projects featuring famous directors, such as the Lumière Brother's anniversary compilation of shorts, as well as shorts about 11 September 2001. In 1997, he won the prestigious Cannes Film Festival's highest honor, the Palme d'Or, for his film Destiny.
AUG 30 - 20.00 hrs
TIM 21 - STUDIO 1, KINEFORUM - DKJ, Jl. Cikini Raya 73, Jakarta

The Inauguration of the house of Pablo Neruda –   
Pablo Neruda Archives, Jl. Diponegoro – Menteng, Jakarta Pusat

nd the Canto General.Pablo Neruda's tenth book of poems Intoned as an Oratorio composed by the Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis
Performed by Maria Farantouri and Petros Pandis, the St. Jacob's Chorus and the Stockholm Orchestra, Directed by Mikis Theodorakis

Program contributed by the Embassy of Chile, Jakarta.
AUG 2 & 3– 18.00 hrs
Taman Suropati , Jakarta

  Ateh Theatre Group
Alan Ayckbourn's, Mr. A’s Amazing Maze Plays

Suzy and her mother, along with their trusty dog Neville, live a simple, happy existence in their English cottage. That is, until the mysterious Mr. Accousticus moves in across the street and strange things start happening. To solve the mystery, Suzy and Neville must navigate through Mr. Accousticus' enormous and sinister house.

AUG 18 - 7.30PM
Tanjung Semek Ave
Jakarta JabarF

Plug In To Van Abbemuseum:
view the entire collection of contemporary Art

The Van Abbemuseum is one of the leading museums for modern and contemporary art in Europe. Since the opening in 1936, it has shown many acclaimed exhibitions around the world including masterpieces by Picasso, Chagall, El Lissitzky, Beuys, Weiner, Gordon and McCarthy.

JL. Kyai Sentot Prawiranegara 20A JAKARTA PINGGIRAN

  Rembrandt Ruscha Kiefer

Contributions from the Dutch Golden Age associated with the American Pop art movement ,and combined with works incorporating materials like straw, ash, clay, lead, and shellac.
 "An amazing exhibition"

AUG 1-7 / 8-31
Elcanna Art Gallery
Jl. Pakubuwono VI no 35
Kebayoran Baru

Fragmentation – a Rereading
of the Contemporary World

In this exhibition, curated by the Enrique Guerrero Gallery in Mexico City, artists put on show their ideas and their respective visions of the contemporary world.
Santiago Borja, Manuel Cerda, Rubén Gutiérrez, Miguel Ångel Madrigal, Quitarte&Ornelas, Ricardo Rendόn and Pablo Helguera

official opening Aug 4, 20.00 hrs
by H.E. Mrs. Melba Pria Embassador of the Embassy of Mexico, Jakarta
and a performance of THE JAZZ TRIO Speaker: Ms. Lassla Esquivel Curator & Board member of the Enrique Guerrero Gallery Mexico City
In cooperation with the embassy of Mexico

AUG 4-18
Art Gallery Elcanna


Declaration on the inalienable rights of artists & intellectuals

 Members of the Global Academy of the Arts & Sciences, alarmed that culture is at the brink of extinction and the world is facing the imminent demise of civilization, have called an unprecedented extraordinary meeting.

1st to the 17th  day of the eighth month, in the year 58 AP
(After Present)
International Pantheon Arts Center Pulau Seni, Thousand Islands, Jakarta





Beaux Arts Trio
Traditional Javanese music works, selected, adapted and arranged by the Trio

The reputed trio, hallmark of the chamber music, will step on JakArt on their 53st season offering a generous excerpt from their celebrated 2004 Aniversary Compillation along with some traditional Javanese music works, selected, adapted and arranged by the Trio for the occasion.

Aug 42 - 20.00 hrs
Mat Pitung Spanish Opera Hall
Jl. Dadung Kepuk 03 RT 06/RW VII Kelurahan Gepuk Ilir Kebon Durek, Jakarta Udik

  Latin American Film Presence

8 days of Films from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; the Federative Republic of Brazil; the Republic of Suriname; Argentina; Ecuador; Mexico and Peru.

Official opening Aug 10th, 20.00 hrs
with a performance of Eduardo Tami,

"The works of Astor Piazolla"

AUG 10-19

Galeri Cipta II, TIM


The works of Astor Piazolla
Eduardo Tami

Works including: Bordel 1900, Cafe 1930; Night club 1960, Concert d'ajourd hui, Fuga y misterio; Escualo, Rapsodia porteña,; Verano Porteño; Otoño Porteño, Invierno Porteño, Primavera Porteña; Milonga del Angel, Libertango.

Eduardo Tami – flute / Argentina
Aisha Pletscher – Piano / Indonesia
Oliver Pletscher – Guitar/ Suisse

in cooperation with the embassy of the Argentine Republic

- 10.00 hrs.
RSPAD, Jakarta Pusat
AUG 9 - 14.00 hrs
Sekolah Musik, YPM, Bintaro Jaya
16.00 hrs. Masterclass /Workshop
AUG 10 - 20.00 hrs
Galeri Cipta II, TIM

AUG 11 - 20.00 hrs
Graha Bhakti Budaya, TIM


ODc Psychosomatic Project


 “Sebuah rangkaian tari yang berangkat dari kompleksitas atas eksistensi manusia. Dengan mengangkat tema tentang cinta dan jarak yang menjadi misteri bagi manusia atas kemanusiaannya.”

Koreografer: Okty Budiati; Komposer: Kee Yong Chong, Tony Prabowo; Penata Artistik: Pius Sigit Kuncoro; Penata; Cahaya: Heri W Nugroho; Penata Kostum: Konomi Sugahara; Penata Suara: Totom Kodrat; Manager Panggung: Yoga; Penari: Arief Winarko, Anca Takdir, L. Yoga Setyono


ODc Psychosomatic Project/08

adalah sebuah lembaga independent yang concern pada pengembangan tari eksperimental. Dengan dedikasinya pada proses penciptaan karya yang mengolah trauma-trauma psikis yang termanifestasikan dalam bahasa tubuh sebagai modal kosa gerak tarian, maka genrenya menjadi lebih dekat pada isiplin kontemporer.

AUG 18 Rumah Susun Angke
AUG 20 Pasar Jembatan Besi
AUG 22 Balai Latihan Kesenian Utara

the lamentable taile of the rise and fall if Idi Amin
by Brett Bailey

a play of the third world bunfight:
an all-african performance company

in cooperation with the Performing Arts Network of South Africa, PANSA

AUG 1-7
African Center for the Arts
Mangga Dua


Three Illusions by Elliot Carter
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra

Founded as the BBC Scottish Orchestra in 1935 by the Scottish composer and conductor Ian Whyte, it developed a strong profile supporting the BBC Symphony Orchestra in the UK and abroad, performing regularly at the BBC Proms, the Edinburgh and Cheltenham festivals. Every season, it tours Scotland extensively, bringing orchestral classical music to the smaller provincial towns as well as the larger cities. Now coming to Jakarta.

AUG 20 - 9 PM
Datuk Maringgih Theatre Haus
Gg. Sutan Malakakas 12B-14L
Depok Baru I - MBOGOR








Exhibition of the Marbles
of Parthenon Reunified

During its almost 2500 years history, the Parthenon was left relatively undamaged by the forces of nature. Unfortunately, it fell victim to 3 man-made catastrophes.

Aug 1: Official opening by Melina Mercouri , Minister of Culture of Greece
The opening will be followed by a performance of
the Orchestra “Mikis Theodorakis”

In cooperation with the Embassy of Greece
AUG 1-32
The International Museum of Sculpture IMS,
Jl. Pakubuwono no 30, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

  Charlie Chaplin
Ambitious Retrospective Presentation of the cycle by Geraldine Chaplin

Ambitious retrospective of the works of the great director, from “The Kid” to “A King in New York”. The opening ceremony will start with the presentation  of the cycle by Geraldine Chaplin, daughter of the famous actor and director, followed by the showing of a recently restored copy of “City Lights”.

Aug 7-17 - 20.00 hrs
Mat Pitung Spanish Opera Hall
Jl. Dadung Kepuk 03 RT 06/RW VII Kelurahan Gepuk Ilir Kebon Durek, Jakarta Udik

A Poem received and written down in High Javanese and Kawi, and later rendered into Indonesian by

An excerpt from SBD about Culture  in Javanese (Pembacaan Susila Budi Dharma
perihal kebudayaan) Mocopat: Dhandang Gula, Bab 20 pupuh 1 & 2 & 3

Sang by: Mr. Widarbo and
translated by Mrs. Pudjiwati Insia M. Effendi

Aug 1 - 15.30 hrs, Shanghai Night, Hotel Sultan Jakarta
JL Gatot Subroto, Jakarta

for the official opening of JakArt@2008 General Conference



Nezahualcoyotl ruler of the city-state of Texcoco in pre-Columbian Mexico reads his poetry


I love the song of the mockingbird,

Bird of four hundred voices,

I love the color of the jadestone

And the enervating perfume of flowers,

But more than all I love my brother: man.


23 - museum of pre-Columbian latin American treasures
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Depok


Sex and the City

Erotic Art of Indonesia

by Irwan Williams-Holmes

The JakArt Festival will hold an exhibition
of antique Indonesian erotic art
from the 13th – 20th century.

AUG 1 - 6
Teater Kecil Lobby, TIM


Out of the Ashes…

an exhibition of fire destroyed artifacts from the 1882 Collection of The Technological, Industrial and Sanitary Museum of New South Wales.

The Powerhouse Museum is the major branch of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences in Sydney, the other being the historic Sydney Observatory.

Aug 1-20
JL. Campur Aduk, Kelurahan Sa’ penake, JAKARTA ILIR


karl, adam & eve
the grey earth company

a play by:

1. Adam Smith
is an eccentric but benevolent intellectual character,
2. David Hume, philosopher and reputed atheist, great friend of Adam Smith, his senior by more than a decade.
3. Karl Marx is a rowdy, rebellious man frequenting Tavern’s and Clubs, and a heavy drinker and a great thinker.
4. Friedrich Engels Marx’s closest friend and colleague, a communist intellectual, who is interested in studying the conditions of the working class.
5. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, deist philosopher and teacher who employs metaphysical assumptions and dialectical methodology, merging theological content with politics.
6. Eve, mother of mankind, beautiful and elegant woman, loves temptation and is sometimes frivolous and spoilt.

Aug 12-21 - The Jakarta Globe, Pasar Ikan, Jakarta Utara


Prokofiev's ballet Romeo and Juliet by Baden’ya

Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra

Established in 1765 under the name Det Musicalske Selskab (The Musical Society), it later changed its name to Musikselskabet Harmonien and it is often referred to as "Harmonien" (the Harmony) by Bergen's citizens.

After World War I, there was strong interest in the major Norwegian cities of Bergen and Kristiania (which later changed its name to Oslo) in having larger orchestras, and in 1919 the orchestra in Bergen was reorganized to employed 40 professional full-time musicians. As of 2006 the orchestra has 98 musicians.

The orchestra has had a long tradition of playing contemporary music and will visit Jakarta on:

Aug 30 - 08.00 PM
Jl. Drupadi Shakti No. 007
Armaputri Kelurahan Kiedondong Cikampek

Jessye Norman
“Just Enormous”

interpretation of the works of Kurt Weill

“Just Enourmous”, as usually known, will unfold her unique voice and talent in the Spanish Opera Hall offering an operistic re-interpretation of the  works of Kurt Weill. For this especial event, Norman will be accompanied by the amateur young musicians of the “Jakarta Orphan’s Jazz Band”. 

Aug 33 - 11.30 PM
Mat Pitung Spanish Opera Hall
Jl. Dadung Kepuk 03 RT 06/RW VII Kelurahan Gepuk Ilir Kebon Durek, Jakarta Udik


Jakarta City of Sculptures

500 Indonesian artists and 500 artists from abroad turning the wasted and disturbing monorail columns into beautiful sculptures.

Mengubah kolom kolom monorel yang mengganggu dan merupakan pemborosan menjadi  pahatan pahatan yang indah

AUG 1 - 31

"Operatic Recital"
"Famous Songs and Arias from the Italian and French Repertoire"

A recital by:
Christophoros Stamboglis - bass
Thanassis Apostolopoulos – piano.

Teater Kecil, TIM
Multifunctional Hall
Istituto Italiano di Cultura

in cooperation with the Istituto Italiano di Cultura.
Jl. H.O.S. Cokroaminoto 117
Menteng, Jakarta 10310


"Parfum" & "Obscure Download”

Parfum performed by Juha-Pekka Marsalo and Sara Orselli
Choreography: Juha Marsalo
Obscure Download  performed by Juha-Pekka Marsalo
Choreography: Carolyn Carlson

Ballet presented by the National Choreographic Centre of Roubaix Nord-Pas de Calais.

AUG 15-16
- 20.00 hrs
workschop Q&A session:
AUG 16 - 10.00 hrs
Graha Bhakti Budaya, TIM


Festival Monolog
Federasi Teater Indonesia

20 Peserta Monolog akan beraksi di pasar-pasar, lembaga pemasyarakatan, terminal, stasiun, perkampungan, dll.


Setiap peserta Monolog diminta atau dirangsang untuk menggali persoalan-persoalan yang hidup dalam komunitasnya kemudian mengkreasinya menjadi bahan dasar, naskah dan isi pertunjukan monolog itu. Karena itu, bisa dipastikan isi/bentuk monolog dalam festival ini akan beragam,

20 - 29 / di seluruh Jakarta
click here for schedule

  IMPETUOUS THEATRE GROUP Fenway last of the bohemians

Can the ideals of the Aquarian Age stand up to the glitter of Reaganomics?

written by KELLY MCALLISTER & LISA MARGARET HOLUB.  It’s 1986- and conservatism is sweeping the nation.  On a small hippie commune, Fenway and his fellow refugees from the sixties are doing their best to ignore the outside world. 

AUG27 - 9.30PM
Urip Sumoharjo Boulevard KAV 2473 JAKARTA 143259

Chester Theatre Company
The Dishwashers
by Morris Panych and directed by Byam Stevens

Dressler presides over the basement scullery of an upscale eatery, marshaling his forces with a stream of Marxist rhetoric, Ayn Rand-inspired ravings and old fashioned working class pride. Unfortunately, his fellow wage slaves, the ancient Moss and the downwardly mobile Emmett fail to fall into step.

AUG 4 - 20.00 hrs
Begawan Sunyi Opera House
Jl. Kemiri 30-38
Jakarta 90909


“Musical splendours and celebrations in Baroque Europe”:Rameau, Bach, Telemann and Haendel
Four countries and four composers rarely united.

Arsys Bourgogne Choir and Harmonie Universelle Ensemble
(Artistic director: Florian Reuter) Conductor: Pierre Cao
28 singers/ 4 solists/ 24 piece orchestra and Pierre Cao.
program contributed by Arsys Bourgogne, France

15-19 August
Cilandak International Center for the Arts,
Jl. Fatmawati Raya, Cilandak ,
Jakarta Selatan

An exhibition of works by:
Iman Sapari

AUG 8 - 22
Elcanna Art Gallery
Jl. Pakubuwono VI no 35
Kebayoran Baru

  Soekarno's Speech

Indonesia’s first president
Soekarno speaking about: "The relevance and Importance of the Arts and Culture in shaping the 21st Century".

Appearing at the
official opening of  the JakArt@2008 General Conference

Aug 1 - 15.45 hrs, Shanghai Night, Hotel Sultan Jakarta
JL Gatot Subroto, Jakarta


Workshop for Script writing and Improvisation

 workshop by
Karen Jeynes

General Secretary PANSA
Performing Arts Network of South Africa

- 15.00 hrs
STIKOM the London School of Public Relations
, Sudirman Park Jakarta


Pagelaran Tari Betawi
Bibit Creative Anak Indonesia


Dikema dalam pagelaran Tari Betawi Tingkat Dasar yang dimainkan oleh anak-anak usia SD yang diciptakan khusus untuk anak-anak agar gerakan yang disajikan menggemaskan.


Penata Artistik : Yudi; Penata Tari : Linda Nirin; Penata Musik : Entong; Make Up  : Iput; Kostum; Sinta; Pimpinan Produksi : Lina Wijaya; Pemain :(Anak usia SD + Menampilkan 2 orang Anak Profesional) Risa, Faza, Sarah, Diva, Sinta, Yana, Ayu, Hafi, Irma, Devi

Aug 16 - 10.00 hrs /Lapangan Condet
Aug 17 - 19.00 hrs /Lapangan Jagorawi


Kabul Survivors:
antiquities from Kushan, early Buddhism, and early Islam

The Kabul Museum  was founded in the 1920s by King Amanullah in the Darul Aman area. In 1973, a Danish Architect was hired to design a new building for the museum, but the plans were never carried out due to political instability

Aug 28-30
JL. Panjenengan Sinten Km 5

  Nephesh Theatre
Make yourself at Home
(Both in Hebrew and English)

The Nephesh Theatre was founded in 1978 by Howard Rypp and Gabriel Emanuel and was the only professional Jewish theatre operating in Canada at that time.

AUG 5 - 20.00 hrs
Jl. Drupadi Shakti No. 007
Armaputri Kelurahan Kiedondong Cikampek


La petite mort - A Phantasmaorgy by Claus Kuehnl
Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie

The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen is a German chamber orchestra. Estonian conductor Paavo Järvi has been its artistic director since 2004.

The orchestra was established in 1980 as a group of music students with a written 'grassroots' constitution aimed at motivating themselves personally and musically. Important early events include their performance at the United Nations in 1983. Their visit to Jakarta, 2008, will be a landmark event.

Aug 3 - 20.00 hrs
Begawan Sunyi Opera House
Jl. Kemiri 30-38

Jakarta 90909





Pada tahun 1999 yang lalu,bencana telah menimpa pulau Madura. Saat itu tanah garam diterpa gelap gulita selama  hampir tiga bulan.

Suasana gelap itu memicu banyaknya muncul tindak kriminal, namun sebagian warga berinisiatif untuk melakukan ronda untuk menjaga keamanan dengan cara menggunakan musik Patrol. Warga Pamekasan tidak hanya membawa kentongan dari bambu ataupun kayu, namun berbagai alat yang selama ini dipakai dan dekat dari kehidupannya digunakan. Seperti Drum minyak, atau tempat menyimpan ikan atau udang yang digunakan untuk bunyi bass, hingga kuali yang dikreasi dan dapat menghasilkan bunyi baspun mereka gabungkan dalam kesatuan bunyi perkusi yang sekarang dikenal dengan musik patrol saur.

Kramat Percussion Ensamble sekarang menjadi salah satu kelompok yang keliling kota di Indonesia sekaligus memperkenalkan kesenian ini.

AUG 2 - Fatahillah Square
AUG 4 - Kober
AUG 6 - Lapangan Voley Pamulang


The Golden Gardens of the


outdoor exhibition.

12 hectares of royal gardens so astonishing it might have come out of a fairy tale.

AUG 1 - 31
Cideng National Park
Pulau Kapuk, West Jakarta


Gods, Fate and a Librarian
There are three sides to every story...
Erica Glyn-Jones and
Haidee Crowe

one act play from South Africa
Best described as manic, mythical mayhem: Gods, Fate and a Librarian investigates religion, politics and a the different ways to use a ladder

AUG 5 - 13.30 hrs
STIKOM the London School of Public Relations
Sudirman Park Jakarta
AUG 6 - 20.00 hrs
Teater Kecil, TIM




Sanggar Poros Jakarta

Karya : Acep S. Martin


“Kong Juki yang lagi sakit gigi kepingin istirahat di rumah Mpok Siti, anaknya. Tapi bukannya istirahat malah neraka yang dijumpai. Mamat dan Leha, cucunya bikin onar dengan menyetel musik triping....


 Para Pemain: Sastra, Mertha, Seno, Erna, Arie, Holong, Shavira, Jeremy, Mayke, Melati, Grecia, Yosinta, Sari, Puspa.

AUG 22 -komplek DPU Cengkareng
AUG 30 - Stasiun Senen
AUG 31 - Lapangan Bulutangkis Kemayoran

  Miracle Theatre Group
by Milcha Sanchez-Scott

Gallo Morales is the proud patriach returning home after a seven-year stint for manslaughter. Seeking to re-establish his legendary status as a champion breeder, he comes back for the rooster bred by his father. But it is Hector, his son who inherits the prize-winning bird and neither are about to give in.

AUG 17 - 20.30 pm
JL. Kangkung Sawas Kav 72-333B
Jakarta Timur




The works of Marcel Pinas
(KIBRI A KULTURU) exhibition.
Preserve the culture.
The exhibition will be officially opened
with a performance of
Marlene's Ballet Company from Suriname.

Program contributed by the Embassy of the Republic of Suriname, Jakarta.

AUG 15 - 30
Latin American Center
for the Arts
Jalan Kemang Raya 808, Kemang, Jakarta


Hidden Structures
exhibition from Chile
Paz Molina.

Ask yourselves about your origin.
Don't forget the basic elements of culture.
Globalization doesn't mean that we all have to create the same things

Official Opening
Aug 4 - 20.00 hrs



AUG 10-24
Galeri Cipta II, TIM


Keith Jarrett
Indonesian Standards


Keith Jarrett playing the compositions of Ismail Marzuki, Saiful Bahri, Slamet Abdul Sjukur, Trisutji Kamal and others

AUG 22 – 20.30 hrs
Royal Sri Wijaya Concert Hall
Senayan, Jakarta Selatan


History Shaking Bronzes exhibition of Bronzes from China

The Sanxingdui Museum is near an archaeological site that dates to the Neolithic, Shang and Zhou periods. In 1988 this site was declared a National Key Cultural Relics Protected Unit, due to its scope, the wealth of its contents, and the rarity and precious nature of its excavated objects.

Aug 6 - 16
JL. Binasena Sakti no. 70A, JAKARTA ILIR 40707


Contemporary Indonesian Arts

as part of the JakArt@2008 General Conference coinciding with the Annual General Meeting of AAPAF

click here
for complete schedule


AUG 1-5

Teater Kecil, TIM


Carolyn Carlson l Joby Talbot l Alain Fleischer

ballet for twelve dancers
and orchestra

new, original work by
choreographer Carolyn Carlson
and composer Joby Talbot.

AUG 8,9,10, and 11
Cireundeu Opera House
Cireundeu, Tangerang


Festival of Controversial and Cult Films
La Grande Bouffe (La grande abbuffata,) 1973 French–Italian film directed by Marco Ferreri; Bilitis is a 1977 French romantic drama film directed by photographer David Hamilton; Emmanuelle, series of French softcore erotic movies featuring Sylvia Kristel; Last Tango in Paris, 1973 film directed by Italian Bernardo Bertolucci and more.

Aug17 - 24
Jalan Petamburan III, Jakarta Pusat


Out of This World:
An Exhibition of Meteorites and Egyptian Mummies from Brazil

National Museum of Brazil brings the largest exhibits of the Americas, consisting of animals, insects, minerals, aboriginal collections of utensils, Egyptians mummies and South American archaeological artifacts, meteorites, fossils and many other findings.
Aug 19 - 3
JL. Sunda-Jawa no. 204 BC, Pejagalan Edan, JAKARTA SENTER


Rest Music


Dari lagu liris manis, sampai explor Complex. Dari Etnik sampai Global.


Pemain: Yasudah; Dwiatmoko; Didit; Tommy; Woro; Erika





Aug tba
check the website for updates


Magma by Erkki-Sven Tüür
Estonian National Symphony Orchestra

The Estonian National Symphony  is Estonia’s representative orchestra over the years and has powerfully increased its international scope especially over recent years. The orchestra comprises ca 100 musicians and averages 60-65 concerts per season, with three to four new programmes a month. In addition to Estonian musicians, the orchestra performs with many renowned conductors and soloists from around the world.
Aug 14 - 19.30 hrs
Tanjung Semek Avenue
Jakarta Jabar

Gamut Theatre Group
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
by William Shakespeare

The play revolves around the adventures of four young lovers, a group of amateur actors and their interactions with the fairies who inhabit a moonlit forest. The story takes place in Midsummer and is a complex farce featuring Hermia & Lysander and Helena & Demetrius.

AUG 15 - 20.30 pm


6 Decades of Indonesian Films

Panorama Sejarah generasi perfiman Indonesia

History of Indonesian cinema - a selection of good Indonesian small films from the 50ties until now.
Malin Kundang  Anak Durhaka;
November 1828; Tjoet Nya’ Dhien; Langitku Rumahku; Gie

n cooperation with ASIFA, Association International du Film d'Animation; ANIMA, Asosiasi Animasi Indonesia.
Curated by Gotot Prakosa
AUG 1 - 6
Teater Kecil Lobby, TIM


An opera in three acts for orchestra,
chorus and soloists.

Music by Philip Glass.
Libretto by Philip Glass in association with Shalom Goldman, Robert Israel and Richard Riddell.
Performed by The Stuttgart State Opera, Orchestra & Chorus.
Directed by Dennis Russell Davies.
Assistant Conductor: Anton Zapf.
Chorus Master: Ulrich Eistert.
Featuring Paul Esswood as Akhnaten and Milagro Vargas as Nefertiti.

AUG 19-24 - 20.00 hrs
Pondok Indah Grand Opera, Jalan Munir tenggelam no. 12A-Z, Jakarta Ujung.


Laying Blame
one person show by Haidee Crowe
Written by Karen Jeynes

“Laying Blame” is a funny, hard-hitting one-woman show that invites you into the unbalanced mind of a very, very ordinary girl. Actress Haidee Crowe takes you on a guided tour of Average – just be sure to mind the gap!

AUG 4 - tba
AUG 6 - 21.30 hrs
Teater Kecil, TIM


Sanggar Seni Ayeri
Serui Papua

Tari Aifa
diilhami oleh kehidupan anak-anak muda Yapen yang umumnya adalah anak nelayan tradisional.
Tari Cendrawasi
mengisahkan burung cendrawasih yang oleh ketamakan manusia kehidupannya nyaris punah
Tari Perang dan Perdamaian
diilhami oleh ceritera masa lalu suku-suku pribumi Saererari Papua.

Aug 1 - Stage Bus
Aug 2 - Fatahillah Square


Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra conducted by Michael Schuhmacher with Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Symphonic Dances

The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Annually, the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra performs 200 concerts for over 350,000 people. Michael Schuhmacher is a former Formula One driver, seven-time world champion,  After retirement he started conducting various orchestras around the world for charitable purposes.

Aug 9 - 20.30 hrs
Suteja Building Basement.
MH. Abduh Ave., Jakarta 43215


Alicia de Larrocha
Concierto n. 7 for Piano and Gamelans By Isaac Albeniz

The brilliant Spanish pianist, Alicia de Larrocha is bringing her celebrated interpretation of the this unique “concierto” of the master Albeniz.  Featuring the gamelan players of the National Gamelan Balinese School.

Aug 22 - 20.00 hrs
Mat Pitung Spanish Opera Hall

Jl. Dadung Kepuk 03 RT 06/RW VII Kelurahan Gepuk Ilir Kebon Durek, Jakarta Udik

  Shakespeare at the Waterpark

Mistrust and resentment thrive in the Venice of Shakespeare's dark comedy.

The Royal Shakespeare Company
The Merchant of Venice
directed by Tim Carroll

AUG 5 - 15 / daily at 18.00 hrs
Waterpark, Menteng
Jakarta Pusat

film screenings at many locations around Jakarta.

Film-Film Indie; Experimental; Short; Movie; Animation; Dokumenter Pendek;
including Film Pendek Indonesia, films from the Kodak Filmschool Competition, Swedish Short Films, International Animation, films from the Tempere Film Festival Short Film Competition etc

in cooperation with ASIFA, Association International du Film d'Animation; ANIMA, Asosiasi Animasi Indonesia.

Curated by Gotot Prakosa
AUG 1 - 31
di berbagai pelosok jakarta
Aug 15 -22 Waroeng Solo

A Forgotten Mountain Region Rediscovered

They live in a mountainous region on the border between northeast India and western Myanmar (Burma). Once feared as fierce warriors and headhunters on the margins of the British colonial
empire, they were at the same time admired for the beauty of the material culture they produced. 

An ideal opportunity to rediscover the cultural heritage of the Naga people.
AUG 22 - 31
Museum der Kulturen Jakarta
jl Aipda K.S. Tubun 8

live action painting

Jung & Cayce

All inspiration derives from the same source.

Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss psychiatrist, an influential thinker and the founder of analytical psychology and Edgar Cayce  the early dream interpreter create on the spot

9 / Teater Impian
Jalan Sastrodiharjo no 99,
Pluit, Jakarta

  Mainan Yang Hilang
by Nanang Hape

Seorang bayi dilemparkan ke kawah Candradimuka. Di hari yang sama dia muncul dari kobaran api sebagai pemuda belasan, sebagai seorang ksatria tanpa tanding yang segera menjadi panglima perang menakutkan. Gatotkaca menjadi idola setiap pemuda, tapi nun diseberang ingatan, Gatotkaca kecil merindukan massa kanaknya;.

AUG 4 - Showcases/ Teater Kecil



Forgotten Melodies Tour 2008
Carlos Santana and Friends

Carlos Santana and a 10 piece Band
featuring: Chester Thompson, Benny Rietveld, Dennis Chambers, Andy Vargas, Karl Perazzo, Bill Ortiz,
Jeff Cressman, Tommy Anthony, Raul Rekow, Tony Lindsay.

program contributed by the Embassy of Mexico, Jakarta.

AUG 21 – Royal Sri Wijaya Concert Hall
Senayan, Jakarta Selatan

  Vladimir Horowitz performs his famed “Rach 3” Rachmarinoff Piano Concerto N0. 3 in D minor.

Hodororovitz brings to Jakarta his famed “Rach 3”. As a part of his  2008 Asian tour , the legendary pianist stops at the JakArt Festival to offer his lauded performance of the Rachmarinoff Piano Concerto N0. 3 in D minor.


Aug 39 - 3.30 AM
Mat Pitung Spanish Opera Hall
Jl. Dadung Kepuk 03 RT 06/RW VII Kelurahan Gepuk Ilir Kebon Durek, Jakarta Udik


Elgar: Great is the Lord
A stunning new performance by Westminster Abbey Choir of sacred choral works by Sir Edward Elgar in celebration of the composer's 150th birthday.

The Choir of Westminster Abbey
Robert Quinney organ
James O'Donnell conductor

From the regal opulence of Great is the Lord, first performed in Westminster Abbey in 1912, to the quiet devotion of the Opus 2 Ave verum and Ave Maria, this varied programme is the perfect guide through Elgar’s rich choral output.

Aug 5 - 20.30 hrs
Jl. Jenderal Besar Suharto No 1
Jakarta Pusat


The Chronicles


Terbentuk pada pertengahan tahun 2007 dipinggiran ibukota yaitu Pamulang oleh beberapa orang yang memiliki kesamaan paradigma akan musik blues & rock n roll.



Ferdy, Dady, Dandy, Jhony, Handy


Aug 6 - Pasar Grogol
Aug 13 - Stasiun  Senen


Nonton Nonstop

24 hours 31 days
nonstop movies
at 1 location.

in cooperation with ASIFA, Association International du Film d'Animation; ANIMA, Asosiasi Animasi Indonesia.
Curated by Gotot Prakosa

AUG 1 - 31
Rumah Darmint
Jl. Tebet Utara I no 8
Jakarta Selatan
tel: 021-8290074

  The Garage Theatre Group
Sweet Charity

Book by Neil Simon, music by Cy Coleman, lyrics by Dorothy Fields

Have you ever known a girl who wanted something so badly, that she tried too hard to get it? Meet Charity, the girl who wants to be loved so much, that she has lost sight of who she is. Charity sings, dances, laughs and cries her way through romances with the "animal magnetism" hero, the "ultra-chic continental" hero, and the "impossible-to believe-but-he's-better than nothing" type hero.

AUG 13 - 8.00 pm
JL. Merbabu Bau No 23/7845
Jakarta Utara


Streetworks: inside outside Yokohama

The Urban grunge Culture of Skateboarding hip hop and graffiti to render barren pockets of urban landscapes into dramatic filmic sequences & video

Australian Artists Shaun Gladwell and Graig Walsh use new media  in an exhibition that moves laterally around concepts of performance and documentation, high art
and low art, sub culture and pop culture,
the staged and the real.

official opening Aug 4  / 7.30 - 9.30 PM
Presented by the Australian Embassy
Agustus 4 - 12 
Galeri Nasional Indonesia,
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 14, Jakarta


Artist Talk

David Broker (curator)
Shaun Gladwell (artist)
Agung Hujatnika Jennong (artist)

Presented by the Australian Embassy
and IN2OZ, Creative Australia, Australia's cultural diplomacy program in Indonesia

Agustus 4- 5 
Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 14, Jakarta


Gilgamesh Theatre Group “Senseless: Vote But Don't Mean It”

Current politics often curdle plays, turning them sour and dated. Improvisation often fills that void. With wacky director Ralph Buckley shaping the lunatic antics of a cast of 13 comic actors, this delightful revue of politics and its malcontents mischievously sends up the absurdities of the day…-- Village Voice

AUG 3 - 19.30 pm
THEATRE D’OR LE PRINCE, Antasari Kalimantan Permai Blvd 30 Jakarta


Of Burkas and Crosses

An installation depicting the contradiction
between believe and behavior
by Mikhail David

AUG 1 - 11
Teater Kecil Lobby, TIM

AUG 12 - 16
Universitas Trisakti

AUG 19 - 28
(exhibition Banned by UIN)
Universitas Islam Negeri
Syarif Hidayatullah


with the jewelry of Irwan Williams-Holmes

a 6-day exhibition of Indonesian semi-precious stones and Jewels

Irwan is an American jewelry designer living in Indonesia for 40 years.  He now uses Indonesian gems exclusively in his design work.

AUG 1 - 6
Teater Kecil Lobby, TIM


The Mythical Abduction of Persephone
the Queen of the Underworld
(the ritual of Eleusian mysteries)

presented by Ersi Pitta,
Dancer Choreographer

A seminar to understand the our society
by approaching 2 different cultures,
the Asian and the Greek-European tradition.
On Aug 20 Local dancers, performers and musicians will be invited for
a 5 day workshop (4 hour daily session)
to present a work in Progress on Aug 25

in cooperation with the Embassy of Greece.

AUG 25
Teater Kecil, TIM


Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker

Sir Simon Rattle, Principal Conductor of the Berliner Philharmoniker, a democratic, self-governing orchestra ever since their founding in 1882.

128 world-class instrumentalists. Get to know them – as orchestral and chamber musicians.

AUG 9 - 23.59 hrs
Tebet Super Bowl, Jalan Tebet Tenggara Dalam, Jakarta Pusat

  José Carreras
Madama Butterfly

(sung in Bahasa Indonesia)

José Carreras returns to his Madama Butterfly’s Pinkerton famous debut 36 years later. Described then as an “honeyed lyric tenor, richly coloured, clear and true and possessing a sensual beauty that is quite extraordinary." Some of the pieces will be sung in Bahasa Indonesia, to make a special deference for the public of the Jakarta Arts Festival.

32nd Aug32 - 9.00 AM
 Mat Pitung Spanish Opera Hall

Jl. Dadung Kepuk 03 RT 06/RW VII Kelurahan Gepuk Ilir Kebon Durek, Jakarta Udik

Srimpi Srimpet

Iber-iber Tledhek Barangan

Kelompok Sahita

Koreografer : Wahyu Widayati


Srimpi Srimpet
Jika kebanyakan orang memitoskan bahwa penari identik dengan cantik,  segala yang serba indah, lantas bagaimana dengan nasib para penari bekas yang sudah tidak cantik lagi, tidak molek bertubuh tambun dan uzur?

Iber-iber Tledhek
Barangan 50 tahun silam mbah Kawit adalah seorang Tledhek Barangan yang ngamen dari pintu-pintu rumah, keliling di tiap perempatan dan lorong desa..

Penari ; Wahyu Widayati, Sri Setyoasih, Sri lEstari, Atik KEncono Sari

AUG 1 - Showcases, Teater Kecil

AUG 1 - Stage Bus, TIM

AUG 2 - Fatahillah Square


Wagner, The Valkyrie, first act, by the Vienna Philharmonic conducted by Bruno Walter

The Vienna Philharmonic is an orchestra in Austria, regularly considered one of the finest in the world.

Its home base is the Musikverein. The members of the orchestra are chosen from the Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera.
Coming to Jakarta on August 17th to celebrate.

AUG 17 - 20.30 hrs
Jl. Dayeuh Koyot Kaler IV/13 OB
RT2/R4 Jakarta


The All. Z.Heimer Symphony
In memory of the late .....

conducted by a person at a concerthall Jakarta.
Performing some works of Sebastian and several other German composers from a couple centuries ago.

an unforgetable experience

AUG ...
tba -
keep checking the website

  The works of Diego Rivera & Frida Kahlo
a rare and impossible exhibition of Movable murals, panels and paintings

This exhibition will also include Diego Rivera's first portrait of Lenin and the 1928 Oil on Canvas, Rivera's Baile en Tehuantepec (US$ 4.000.000,-), from the IBM International Collection and many other works.
n cooperation with the Embassy of Mexico, Jakarta

AUG 28-14 Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art
Jl. Cut Meutia no 70, Bekasi

Engine of the U-2 spyplane shot down during the Cuban Missile Crisis

from The Museum of the Revolution in the Old Havana section of Havana, Cuba. The museum is housed in what was the Presidential Palace of all Cuban presidents from Mario García Menocal to Fulgencio Batista. It became the Museum of the Revolution during the years following the Cuban revolution.

Aug 1 - 31
JL. Pinang 40 – 80, Bukit Nusa Indah, Tangerang

  Marquis de Sade

A French philosopher of extreme freedom (or at least licentiousness), unrestrained by morality, religion or law, with the pursuit of personal pleasure being the highest principle.

He will present his new book:
Les Crimes de L'Amour, Crimes of Passion, The Crimes of Love.
Trans. by David Coward

AUG 28 – 18.00 hrs
The Joyoboyo National Library,
Jl. Pegangsaan Timur, Jakarta Pusat.

The Mongolian Snow Orchestra

Peter and the Wolf
Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev

narrated by:
Sir Peter Alexander Ustinov

AUG 23-25
Princess Lara Jonggrang- Auditorium
Kenari Boulevard Bumi Serpong Damai

  The Israeli Radio Symphony Orchestra
conducted by Zain Al Nur

performing the music of
Richard Georg Strauss
Also sprach Zarathustra op. 30, a tone poem by Richard Strauss, composed in 1896 and inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche's book Also sprach Zarathustra

Aug 7 - 20.00 hrs
Suvarnadvipa Music Hall
Pasar Baru, Jakarta Pusat

Bernstein / Symphony No.2 "The Age of Anxiety" by the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Tadaaki Otaka

Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra is the largest orchestra in Japan with 166 members and is distinguished for its active and varied schedule embracing symphonic concerts, opera and ballet.
The orchestra played a pivotal role in bringing authentic opera to the Japanese public under Chief conductor Manfred Gurlitt (1890-1972.) Shortly after the war, the orchestra became a fully independent organization and changed its name to the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra.

Aug 13 - 20.00 hrs,
Jl. Merbabu Bau No 23/7845
Jakarta Utara


Judul Pementasan
Sintren Milenium


Dipentaskan oleh :

Bibit Creative Anak Indonesia (BCAI)


Deskripsi Pementasan

Sintren kebudayaan dari daerah Cirebon.

Sintren adalah seorang penari dibantu ketua rombongan yang juga memandu Sintren merubah penampilan nya menjadi cantik dengan kekuatan gaib.

AUG 9 - 16.00 hrs / GOR Makasar

AUG 10 - 16.00 hrs / GOR Cipayung

AUG 16 - 10.00 hrs /Lapangan Condet
AUG 17 - 19.00 hrs / LApangan Jagorawi
AUG 23 - 13.00 hrs / Gor Jaktim


Brno Philharmonic Orchestra
conductor: Petr Altrichter

playing the music of Hungarian pianist and composer Rezső Seress
Including "Gloomy Sunday" (Szomorú Vasárnap), Hungarian suicide song.

AUG 0 - 00.05 hrs
Vishnuvardhana center
Jalan Keng Arok 18
Jakarta Tenggara


Leonardo da Vinci

first in his mind then in his hands!

Florentine artist, one of the great masters of the High Renaissance
expressing his thoughts about the new Renaissance'

Appearing at The JakArt@2008 General Conference

Teater Kecil, TIM


Nias Eksotik/ nias 100 years ago/ nias Masa Lalu
photos by researchers:

Paul Wirz,  Eugen Paravicini, Gustav Forrer, Rudolf Elber and Jörg Hauser
Presented by the Embassy of Switzerland

The exhibition belongs to the collection of the Museum der Kulturen, Basel, Switzerland

AUG 14-28
Rumah Darmint
Jl. Tebet Utara I no 8
Jakarta Selatan
tel: 021-8290074


online photo exhibition
featured on the internet site of JakArt@2008 International Arts Cultural and Educational Festival,
from 07 to 28 August, 2008;

The panorama of the city of Lavaux, Suisse, photographed by Eric Givel, which has become a UNESCO World Heritage since 2007,
and other UNESCO World Heritage sites in Swiss and Indonesia by Indonesian and Swiss renowned photographers;

AUG 7 - 28


Dodolan Gombal
Surabaya Dance Collective

Wisnu HP & Purbandani
Koreografer: Heri Lentho

AUG 2 - Klender
AUG 5 - Showcases/ teater kecil, TIM

Jl. Ir.H.Juanda No.95, Ciputat,


Bluebeard’s Castle by Béla Bartók
the Montreal Symphony Orchestra

Bluebeard's Castle (Hungarian: A kékszakállú herceg vára; literally: "the castle of the blue-bearded prince") is a one-act opera by Hungarian composer Béla Bartók. The libretto was written by Béla Balázs, a poet and friend of the composer. It lasts only a little over an hour and there are only two singing characters onstage - Here in Jakarta -

Aug 12 - 20.30 hrs
Jl. Kangkung Sawas Kav 72-333B
Jagaraksasa, Jakarta Timur


Tanah Bernyanyi
Kolaborasi Linta Seni
Multidisiplin 9 artists

(Musik, visual, keramik, dll)
Karya Seni Rupa Keramik yang difungsikan menjadi alat music
Peristiwa Budaya kolaborasi lintas seni oleh Haryo Wisanggeni dkk.

Kali ini sangat berbeda, menariknya komposisi musik yang dimainkan oleh: Naniel Swami, Wukir Suryadi, Yongki LTP dan Anang WE karena seluruh alat musik adalah hasil Kriya Keramik, kerajinan yang dibuat oleh Ratih Widyasari.

AUG 1 - 21.30 hrs
Stage Bus, TIM, Jakarta
AUG 26 - 20.00 hrs
Teater Kecil



I told you so!

Yevgeny Zamyatin, Adlous Huxley, George Orwell and Henry Miller, (representing Mr. Ray Bradbury)

They took some time off from the extraordinary meeting of the Global Academy of the Arts and Sciences they were attending at Pulau Seni and got together in Teater Utopia, Simprug, Jakarta Selatan for an informal presentation, discussion and questions and answers session with the audience about their visions of the future. Mr. Miller, was representing Mr. Ray Bradbury, who due to his advanced age was unable to attend the meeting.

summaries of the presentations of the four authors and some of the comments from the audience
Teater Utopia, Simprug
Jakarta Selatan

From SYDNEY and BUDAPEST with love --
Cherie Valaray returns to Jakarta

Cherie Valaray has agreed to make her second recital in Jakarta at the JakArt@2008  Festival

Cherie Valaray comes
to Jakarta this second time, sponsored again by and
courtesy of The Sydney Cultural Centre and 72 Erskine Events & Exhibitions.

Cherie Valaray is accompanied by:
Ibu Pujiwati Insia M. Effendi,

grande dame of Indonesian pianistes, and head of Yayasan
Musik International.


Teater Bunga
performance schedule:
Aug 2
Jl. Bunga Rampai I, Gg Beringin 2/325
Perumnas Kelender , Jakarta Timur

Aug 6 - Jl Sigma no 28 Rt 01/20
Lapangan Banteng Perum, Jati
Makmur, Pondok Gede. Jakarta Timur

Aug 9 - Kampung Pendurenan Rt 02/13, Komplek Bedol Cibinong, Bogor, Jawa Barat
Aug 10 - Yayasan Anggi Lenteng Agung, Jl Alamanda Rt 09/07 no 40, Komplet Arman, Cimanggis, Depok
Aug 12 -
Jl Panti Sosial Ppa no 1, Kl. Bambu Apus, Kec Cipayung, Jakarta Timur 13890
Aug 14 - Oncor Studio, Jl. Lambung Mangkurat, Tangerang
Aug 16 - Bengkel Teater Rendra, Jl. Cipayung Jaya, Depok Jawa Barat
Aug 23 - Jl. Kober Kecil Rt.03/008, Kel. Rawa Bunga, Kec. Jatinegara- Jakarta Timur


AUG 4 - 20.00 hrs - Adi Puri, Wisma Subud, Jl. R.S.Fatmawati no. 52, Jakarta Selatan.

supported by multi-function venue
operated by Yayasan Muhamad Subuh


Teater Bunga

karya seni tradisional dan moderen bagai  upaya dalam menampilkan aspek kultur tradisional khususnya tontonan 4 babak “ Mat Sobri “  
  Mat sobri adalah seorang jawara di kampungnya. Dia ditakuti oleh masyarakat yang tinggal disekitarnya. Ketika orang-orang hijrah ke kota untuk mencari penghidupan yang lebih layak maka tinggallah dia sendirian, Dia  bertahan hidup sebagai pengrajin topeng ondel-ondel dan selalu memainkannya.  

Giovanni Allevi

Jabotabek Special

Supported by Istituto Italiano di Cultura

AUG 25
Auditorium Parco della Musica
Tanjung Priok, Jakarta

  Richard Serra
The Guggenheim Jakarta opens its doors on August 8
presenting Bilbao’s permanent collection of large scale assemblies of sheet metal

Richard Serra American minimalist sculptor and video artist

His exterior steel sculptures go through an initial oxidation process, but after 8-10 years, the patina of the steel settles to one color that will remain relatively stable over the piece's life.

AUG 8 -
The Guggenheim Jakarta
jalan Gatot Subroto
Kav 79

Lintasan Perempuan Pandeglang

Teater Abu
Sutradara RR Titi Margestiningsih


“Siapakah perempuan yang melintas malam itu; Diantara hiruk pikuk, lalu lalang dan kesemrawutan; Beban apa yang diusungnya?; Mungkinkah mimpi atau kenyataan?; 


Para Pendukung: Wijiyono, Liswati, Adjim, Ida S., Siti Sumiati, Een Nurhasanah, Siti Purnama Sari, Emah Suhaemah, Iwan Kurniawan, Koko Ernawan, Iti, Iyoh Maesaroh, Indra, Enjum.

Teater Kecil
AUG 12  Kompleks PU Rengas Ciputat
AUG 16 pasar Grogol
AUG 18 Kota Bogor
AUG 21 Balai Budaya Pandeglang
22 Lapangan Voley Pamulang

The Man Who Came to Dinner a comedy in three acts by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart

Lecturer Sheridan Whiteside slips on the ice on his way into the home of a prominent Ohio family. The Dr. says Whiteside must remain confined having broken his leg. He begins to meddle with the lives of everyone in the household and, once his plots are underway, learns there is nothing wrong with his leg. He bribes the doctor. The owner discovers the fraud, but Whiteside blackmails him (he finds out that the owner's sister is an axe murderer) and resumes control.

AUG 29 - 9.30 PM
NYOMAN SAKA UDAYANA CONCERT Kampung Dukus Bawas Pasar Kambang Lor
Jakarta Tenggara

"Swan Lake"

Bolshoi Ballet and Opera theatre presents Peter Tchaikovsky’s "Swan Lake"

Choreography: Maestro Yuri Grigorovich Set Designer: Simon Virsaladze Music Director: Pavel Sorokin

AUG 11 - 17.00 hrs
Jl Kemuncung Utara, Cinangneng 320 L Jakarta Barat Daya


The paintings of truckdrivers and their families

An exhibition of 1750 Trucks
throughout the 5 provinces of Jakarta.

They will slow down on your Q!

AUG 1-31
Di seluruh Jakarta


A Wall of Karnak
283 Painted Sandstone Blocks from a Temple in Karnak, Egypt

A display of antiquities limited in the number of items, but they are beautifully displayed.  Items that catch one's attention are an enormous red granite head of Amenhotep III and the cow-goddess head from the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Aug 12 - 24
Avenue Mpu Prapanca Kav 103
Jakarta Inside 20475

19th August, 14h
Workshop “On Air”
“To observe, to listen, to capture our environement through diverse creative processes and digital tools.”

Open workshop for all the festival visitors, to learn and explore about the possibilities of sound, image and creation, with the main goals of:
-Working with the interactive possibilities between soud, light and space.
-Learning about the interactive tools for the self-managing and editing audio-visual material
-Creating the material for the “On Air” exibition.

20th August, 20h
Inaguration of the exibition “On Air”

Heritage Art Gallery, Jl. Surdiman Bubur 123-321, Complex B, II 07/32, Jakarta Utara.

Exibition of the Works produced by the participants during the worshop of the previous day.



“…landscape is a code, a map, on wich men move , always following paths walked by others who preceded them; with each step we leave something, we move towards something, our present, our future.”  Reichel-Dolmatoff

moving_LAB it’s a cultural action platform focused on the  creation of projects and cultural tools for the social development of the local communities, from a non-centralized point of view.

 From 17th to  19th August ’08, as a part of the JakArt program,  moving-LAB offers a presentation of the new project timor_1.08 that will take place on November 2008. The presentation will include a live concert,  an experimental workshop and the exibition “On Air”, that will be open during the festival showing the results of the workshop.

17, 18, 19 and 20
War Memorial Theater Hall, 
Jl. Jaksa 1015-1017, RP 007/RW III, Jakarta Pusat Barat

17th  August, 17.00 hrs
Moving_LAB is open! Project Presentation
Project presentation by Alfred Font, Project Manager.

18th August, 20.00 hrs
Moving_LAB live concert

Live musical improvisation by Xabier Erkizia, sound artist.


SelingX… uh!

Tari Kontemporer Ali Larinca

“Karya tari ini mengangkat persoalan hidup kekinian manusia dengan ‘budaya kota’ yang urban. Sebuah pencermatan melalui kacamata dialektis tentang kompleksitas hidup ‘keluarga manusia’ dalam ikatan rumahtangga (suami-istri)”


Koreografer: Ali Larinca; Komposer: Muchlis; Penata Artistik: Yoga; Penata Cahaya: Ipoer Wangsa; Penata Kostum: Vita; Manager Produksi   : Ipoer Wangsa; Penari: Ihwal, Uwin, Yoga, Citra, Cindy, Vita


Ali Larinca

Koreografer otodidak yang unik dalam proses kreatifnya. Seorang manusia kota yang bergerak untuk mendapatkan pilihan hidup: sebuah perjalanan panjang menemukan tari.  Berawal dari kungfu, tinju, kick boxer dan akhirnya memilih tari sebagai pilihan hidup kreatifnya.

 AUG 18 Rumah Susun Angke
 AUG 20 Pasar Jembatan Besi
 AUG 22 BLK Utara


Karya: Peni Candra Rini

Komposisi ini diberi judul “Bramårå”, yang dalam Bahasa Jawa berarti kombang atau tawon dan bahasa Indonesia berarti “lebah”. Ia menjadi inspirasi saya untuk menyusun komposisi ini. Falsafah ini saya tafsir ke dalam 3 bagian komposisi berikut ini:
An Nahl ; Madusari; Tilar

Fretless Bass (akustik-eletrik):  Alam Wardhana; Mandolin (akustik-elektrik) : Zoelkarnain Mistortoify; Gitar (akustik-elktrik) : Boby Budy Santosa; Ukulele (akustik-elektrik) : Rudy Sulistanto; Bibab (gesek akustik-elektrik) : Rudy Sulistanto; Cittern (akustik-elektrik) : Erwin Gusur Eka Prasetya

AUG 2 - Showcases, Teater Kecil
check schedule


Concerto for Violin and Orchestra by Philip Glass
Bruckner Orchester Linz

 The Bruckner Orchester looks back on more than two hundred years of history and tradition, and over the past few decades it has become one of Central Europe's leading orchestras. With its 110 musicians it manages not only the music productions of Linz’s Landestheater but also the concert orchestra in Upper Austria.

AUG 25, 10.00 PM
Pasar Kambing
Jakarta Selatan


Alligator Band

Soul Blues Rock


“Sebuah suguhan musik yang memadukan sentuhan Blues dengan Rock’n Roll dan Country dengan vokalis yang mempunyai karakter vokal yang khas”


Featuring : Mbarep Antasena, Vocal; Philipus Budianto, Bass; Antonius Mahir, Rhythm Guitar; Steve Michael Sumilat, Drums

AUG 8 Rumah Susun Cengkareng
AUG 15 Pasar Grogol
AUG 29 Pamulang Benda


Lonely Mona 

Featuring: Aria Andante Muhammad Ichsan, editor film & vokalis; Muhammad Irfansyah, editor film & bassist; Fajar Palasta, drums; Bowo Christantyo, guitarist; Eko Diana, guitarist


Di tahun 1996 Aria dan kawan-kawan juga bersama Limbas membentuk sebuah Band bernama FENOMENA. Tahun 2007 Aria bersama Irfan mengajak Fajar dan Bowo untuk kemudian membentuk band LONELY MONA. Kini di tahun 2008, Eko sang gitaris bergabung memperkuat kehadiran LONELY MONA.

9 AUG Rumah Susun Cengkareng
23 AUG Komplek DPU Cengkareng

The Rantoul Theatre Group
Lend Me A Tenor

The appearance of the opera star Italian tenor Signor Tito Merelli will be the highlight of the Cleveland Grand Opera Co.'s most important fundraiser for the 1934 season.  But, luck is not on his side, and he is presumed dead after passing out due to a series of mishaps.

AUG 30 - 10.00PM
Pasar Kambing,
Jakarta Selatan


Taste Band

“Suguhan Musik Pop Rock Alternatif”


Featuring :

Virdha Ananta: Vocal; Khenderial Basri: Bass; Aldhy Prabowo: Rhythm Guitar; Panji Anggri Putra: Drums


Berdiri sejak 25 Agustus 2005 diawali oleh sebuah persahabatan dan kesamaan hobby yang akhirnya sepakat membentuk sebuah band yang beraliran Pop Rock Alternatif.

AUG 17 Lapangan Mini Rengas
AUG 22 BLK Jakarta Utara/Pusat
AUG 23 Gerai Merah Putih


Plácido Domingo

street version

The renowned Spanish tenor Placido Domingo is going to perform his acclaimed Otello in a new version specially created for the Festival, where the channels and backstreets of Jakarta will replace the original Venetian scenario.

Program contributed by Instituto Cervantes and Centro Nacional de las Artes.

Aug 17 - 3.00 PM
Mat Pitung Spanish Opera Hall
Jl. Dadung Kepuk 03 RT 06/RW VII Kelurahan Gepuk Ilir Kebon Durek, Jakarta Udik

Atraksi Musik M. Halim


Sobek-Sobek Bulu Ayam : Karya ini menggambarkan perselisihan paham yang terjadi antar saudara, warga, kaum dan kelompok.

Singkong yang Halal : Musik ini dibuat terinspirasi dari orang-orang dulu yang kebal dalam soal penyakit. Tapi mungkin bukan orang dulu saja, namun juga rakyat jelata yang hidup di era sekarang. Mereka tampak tetap tegar, bahagia dan pekerja keras”


Musisi Pendukung

M. Halim, Peter Slayan, Syahrial, Jhoni Azwar, Risdul Fahman, Hendri S, Warnelis, Donny, Topit Katap, Aidil

AUG 4 Kober
AUG 5 Gerai Merah Putih


Tambologi 1 : Retroaksi
Lembaga Penelitian dan Penciptaan Teater Tambologi, Karya Wendy HS


“Baca.. Baca.. Baca..!  Kesadaran tidak lagi harus menunggu bagiku kini. Sebab sedari tadi setiap orang sudah berbondong-bondong terbang mengitari langit. Berpindah-pindah benua dalam 1357 detik bersama siaran berita-berita, realityshow, film, infotainment, entertainmen atau hanya iklan-iklan daam daftar chanel televise kabel langganannya. Sementara aku belum punya kartu identitas….”


Para Pendukung

Pimpinan Produksi: Dede Prama Yoza

Sutradara: Wendy HS; Pengamat Proses: Dede Prama Yoza; Artistik: Wendy HS, Dede Prama Yoza; Musik: Indra Jaya; Crew: Sukra Maulana; Aktor: Wendy HS, Andi Jagger

AUG 4 Kober
Jl Sigma no 28 Rt 01/20
Lapangan Banteng Perum, Jati
Makmur, Pondok Gede. Jakarta Timur


Richard Engels

Painting exhibition

The Rainer Maria Rielke Institute and the Batavia Bauhaus Foundation, in collaboration with Reinhard and Marleen Hesse, have arranged for these paintings to be brought and exhibited in Jakarta. In the framework of “100 Years of National Awakening” they have also commissioned a new composition by Valerie Gregorovich, to be performed at the opening, Aug 7, of the exhibition, based on one of these paintings: “The Sleeping Beauty”.

AUG 7-27
Rainer Maria Rielke Institute, Cileduk


The Story of Hong Kong
45,000 Objects Relating to the History of Hong Kong

Exhibition presented by the Hong Kong  'The Story of Hong Kong,' which portrays in a lively way the natural ecology, local customs, historical developments and traditional culture, over 45,000 objects divided into archaeological, local history, people's history, and natural history.

Aug 20 - 28
Jl. Asia-Africa-America Kav 50-55
bldg 407 - 568th floor
West Jatinegara


Semesta Tubuh
The Body Cosmic

Aidil Usman


“Ada warna yang mengambang ditiup angin selatan. tertelungkup di peraduan waktu, saat aku merubah diriku jadi kadal, jadi angin, jadi mesin, jadi lebah yang ditopang angin. Jujurkan aku pada semesta yang menggerakan jagat raya. Gerakan aku pada sukma, pikiran dan kesadaran aku integrasikan bersama waktu yang meruang”


Para Pendukung

Koreografer/Sutradara: Aidil Usman; Pimpinan Produksi: Idol Dg. Mappuji; Sekretaris: Desi Isna Rizky; Para Pemain: Mariati, Ika, Kalio, Ivan, Jaka, Aji, Oji, Michael, Indah, Nur, Tati, Jhon Koto, Dede, Aan.

AUG 4 - showcase
AUG 20 - Graha Bhakti Budaya, Tim
AUG 21 - Graha Bhakti Budaya, Tim


Tari Saman UIN Jakarta

Tari Saman FEIS UIN adalah sebuah unit kegiatan mahasiswa (ukm) yang berada dibawah naungan BEM Fakultas Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial.

Sedangkan TIM Saman yang akan tampil untuk JakArt@2008 adalah:

Amalia Octaryna, Anna Amelia, Ayu Zakya Lestari, Novi Camelia, Fauzia Kharisma, Winda Astuti, Puji Saraswati, Fitri Rahmayuni, Din Fadhila, Sharah Nadya, Putri

AUG 1 - StageBus, TIM

  NORTH BAY THEATRE GROUP Eastern standard

Eastern Standard is set in 1987 Manhattan, and deals with all the flashpoints therein--yuppies, AIDS, the stock market, trendy restaurants, homelessness, and urban malaise. The first act is set in one of those uber-trendy restaurants, with a relentlessly black-and-white motif and grouper tortellini as the lunch special. Stephen, a disenchanted architect, is lunching with his gay friend Drew. At the next table, Phoebe finds out her gay brother Peter has AIDS. Then a strident homeless lady causes a scene, and the four find themselves thrown together in an odd way.

AUG 6 - 20.30 pm
Jl. Jenderal Besar Suharto No 1
Jakarta Pusat

Lab Teater Syahid

(Pertunjukan Teater Korban Kerusuhan Mei ’98)

Ide: Bambang Prihadi


“Problematika bangsa dalam kurun waktu sepuluh tahun masih disesaki oleh misteri di balik peristiwa kekerasan masa lalu.  Pertunjukan ini adalah proyeksi getaran nurani mereka yang bermuara pada keinsyafan semua lapisan masyarakat dan aparatur Negara bahwa makhluk yang bernama kekerasan dengan label apapun mesti dihentikan sejak saat ini juga”


Pemain: Ibu Sumiati, Ibu Kiki, Ibu Amang, Ibu Darwin: Ibu Erwin, Ibu Endang, Ibu Koes, Ibu Iyem, Ibu Murni, Ibu Mimin, Ibu Nur, Holiefah, Juleha Alam, Julung, Sir, dll.

AUG 22 -UIN, Ciputat
AUG 24 -Komplek DPU Cengkareng
AUG 27 -Gerai Merah Putih


Sanggar Tari & Modelling “ATA”

Pentas Tari Kontemporer Dan Tradisi



Tari Ayam Jago (Kolaborasi Betawi dan Modern) yang menggambarkan para gadis yang tengah bersenda gurau dalam kesehariannya.

Nyai Ronggeng (Kolaborasi Jaipong dan Modern) tarian yang bercerita tentang ronggeng-ronggeng remaja yang menjalani profesinya dengan penuh suka cita.

Banda Urang (Jaipong) yang menceritakan seorang gadis yang tengah berdandan untuk bersiap pergi melancong.

Geter Munggara (Jaipong) sebuah tarian yang bercerita tentang gadis yang patah hati ditinggal sang kekasih.

Ngarojeng  (Betawi) tarian sambutan untuk para tamu dalam acara-acara perayaan di Betawi.

AUG 17 - Rumah Susun Angke
AUG 22 - Lapangan Voley Pamulang
AUG 24 - Taman Kompleks DPU Tangerang


Sandy Spring Theatre Group
Much Ado About Nothing
a comedy by William Shakespeare.

Much Ado About Nothing is a comedy by William Shakespeare. First published in 1600, it is likely to have been first performed in the autumn or winter of 1598-1599, and it remains one of Shakespeare's most enduring and exhilarating plays on stage. Stylistically, it shares numerous characteristics with modern romantic comedies including the two pairs of lovers, in this case the romantic leads, Claudio and Hero, and their comic counterparts, Benedick and Beatrice.

AUG 10 - 20.30 pm
Suteja Building Basement.
MH. Abduh Ave., Jakarta 43215


Kota Suara
--dengan orang-orang yang dibuang--

eater Amoeba

Karya Ady Santoso


“Sebuah kisah tentang kota mati. Kota yang porak poranda akibat perang. Kota ini telah menjadi tempat bagi orang-orang yang dibuang. Untuk mengatasi kejenuhan menghuni kota mati ini, para orang terbuang pun membuat suara-suara dari apa yang bisa mereka buat menjadi suara.”


Para Pemain :

Irwan, Riza Nugraha, Agus, Ricky, Rini, Mario Wawo, Sesilia, Dana, Panji Pastel, Rahmawati, Hariza Aulia, Risky, Mutia, Bedul, Erna Lopez, Febri, Angin, Fajar; Para Pendukung:


AUG 16 - Rumah Susun Angke
AUG 19 -  Pasar Jembatan Besi
AUG 30 - Pamulang Bende


“Gagasan dari bagaspati (yang dalam bahasa jawa artinya matahari) berasal dari pertemuan saya setiap hari dengan matahari. Matahari membuat kita mengambil pelajaran tentang kejujuran, ketekunan, kegigihan tanpa pamrih dan peduli kapan mesti berhenti”



“Pencerminan tentang kondisi sosial Indonesia. Ide dari karya ini berasal dari situasi kekacauan sosial terutama paska Mei ’98. Kondisi sosial politik dan segala hal berjalan tanpa kendali. Tak ada kepastian.  sehingga sulit untuk mengetahui secara pasti apa yang sebenarnya terjadi”


Koreografer: Mugiyono Kasido

Komposer: A Dedek Wahyudi

AUG 2 - Fatahillah Square
AUG 4 - Teater Kecil


Palu, The Gulf City in Asia
Ensambel Modero Palu

“Konser Tunggal selama satu jam dengan latar belakang audio visual”


Para Pendukung: Amin Abdullah: Music Director Kakula, Gamba-gamba, Rebana, Vokal; Delyuzar Amu : Gamba-gamba,; Kakula, Rebana, Pare’e, Vokal; Iwan Gendang: Gimba 1, Marwaz, Rebana, Vokal; Icha Rivalda  : Gimba 2, Rebana, Pare’e, Vokal; Aksi : Gitar Karambangan; Imbam: Floor drum, Tambourine, Cymbal, Kudode; Irvan: Gong, Gitar Karambangan; Anari: Tambourine, Gamaru, Vokal; Zulkifly Pagessa: Audio Visual


Ensambel Modero Palu

Berdiri pada tahun 1977 di Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, kelompok ini khusus membawakan musik-musik kreasi baru berdasarkan idiom-idiom tardisi dari Sulawesi Tengah.

AUG 23 -Pamulang
AUG 24 -Komplek DPU Cengkareng


Kutongkau Tongmu
Teater USB Trisakti

Karya : Joko Nugroho

“Tiga orang gila hidup di dalam tong yang dibuang masyarakat. Sementara ada dokter jiwa yang mencoba datang mengobatinya. Tukang sapu hadir mencairkan suasana. Tukang sapu yang tidak gila ikut diperiksa. Yang gila siapa?”


Para Pendukung; Pimpinan Produksi: Anton; Penata Artistik: Cindy Criwil; Penata Cahaya: Faisal; Penata Kostum & Rias: Fitria, Henny; Panata Musik: Andra N Blackboard; Pimpinan Panggung: Jeans Fiesta; Assisten Sutradara : Tuti; Sutradara: Adi Phoconk

Para Pemain: Aldo, Abie, Rudy, Atika, Beny, Astrid, Okta
AUG 10 - Rumah Susun Cengkareng
AUG 21 -  Pasar Jembatan Besi
AUG 29 - Pamulang Bende

  The Group Theater
Johnny Johnson (1936)
Musical play in three acts. Book and lyrics by Paul Green

Johnny goes off to World War I in spite of his love for peace, and leaves behind his true love, Minny Belle, in their rural town. Naive and idealistic, Johnny baffles the recruiters and commanders, but still winds up fighting in Europe, where he manages to halt the war temporarily by attacking a meeting of the generals with laughing gas.

AUG 21 - 9.00PM

Dunia Dalam Mesin Jahit
Komunitas Seni HITAM PUTIH Padang Panjang

Karya Afrizal Haroen


“Setiap kelahiran adalah proses. Makhluk hidup bergerak mencari identitasnya sebagai subjek utuh. Waktu selalu berputar, kita terus saja bergerak sampai menyadari kalau kita berada pada situasi kemonotonan”


Para Pendukung

Pimpinan Produksi: Sahrul N; Pimpinan Panggung: Masvil Tommy; skenografer : Yusril; Artistik: Susandro; Sutradara: Afrizal Haroen; Pemain: Hasan dan Citra

AUG 5 - Gerai Merah Putih
AUG 6 -  Lapangan Voley Pamulang
AUG 8 - Rumah Susun Cengkareng


Dinosaurs, Butterflies and Native Americans From Texas
presented by Houston Museum of Natural Science

"Enhance in individuals the knowledge and delight in natural science and related subjects..."

Aug 3 - 22
Jl. Bumi Pamulang Ceria Kav 51-59
Tangerang 170845



Around the world in 15 minutes
Agus Nur Amal
PMTOH Theatre

One day, a boy sent by his mother to find medicines that can cure of all blindness. From a medicines man he learns that there are three kinds of medicines that can cure the deasease. One is a turtle eggs in Indian Ocean. The other is a giant's egg in African dessert. And the last is an eagle's egg in the Amazon. So, off he go around the world to look from them.

AUG 1 - Stage Bus, TIM
AUG 5 - Showcase Teater Kecil

  Yo-Yo Ma and the Philarmonic Orquestra of Jakarta
works include the “Dollar’s Trilogy”
Sergio Leone

Yo-Yo Ma takes “Petunia” to Indonesia. The famed player and his primary performance instrument,  the Venetian
Domenico Montagnana’s cello  built in 1733, nicknamed Petunia, will come to Jakarta to perform a selection of  the most famous “Score Works” of the player. The show will include score fragments of such pictures as: Seven Years in Tibet, Memories of a Geisha and the “Dollar’s Trilogy” of Sergio Leone.

Aug 33 - 3.30am 
Mat Pitung Spanish Opera Hall
Jl. Dadung Kepuk 03 RT 06/RW VII Kelurahan Gepuk Ilir Kebon Durek, Jakarta Udik

In Remembrance
the Vatican Museum collection of automobiles, carriages, and inscriptions from ancient Hebrew cemeteries in Rome

The Vatican Museums originated as a group of sculptures collected by Pope Julius II (1503-1513) and placed in what today is the “Cortile Ottagono” within the museum complex. The popes were among the first sovereigns who opened the art collections of their palaces to the public thus promoting knowledge of art history and culture.

Aug 3 - 33
Jl. Rock The Opera, Semanggi Utara
Jakarta Selatan

  ORTO-DA Theatre Group
To be or not?
The journey of the nation of Israel from an ancient tradition to a new age


AUG 20 - 20.00 hrs

Full Cast Musical Stage Production

The Westfield Theatre Group is a department of the Westfield Woman's Club.  The theatre group has been in existence for over 70 years. Our three primary goals are to provide live theatre to the community

AUG 25 -9.00PM