These are the names of the View Veterans mentioned in this book.
We were so honoured and fortunate to meet them, talk to them, interview them, reed about them and hear about them – to be able to get some of their stories as they remember 60 years after. They are all so special.

“More than 200,000 Canadians played a vital role in liberating the Netherlands, pushing the German occupying troops out of the northeast and west of the country and ending the threat of mass starvation facing the Dutch people in the "Hunger Winter" of 1945. More than 7,600 Canadians gave their lives during the Liberation. As a result, sincere and profound ties of friendship and respect between Canada and the Netherlands exist to this day”
Edmund Martin of Grand Falls

This book is a tribute to all veterans.




Adair, Harold

482 Blanchard, Rudolphe 515  
Adamson, John 424 Bodley 59

Adolf, John

222 Bottomley, John 200, 201
Agnew, Frank 429 Boucher, Jacques Arthur 502
Alexander, Laurence Guy 54 Bowen, John 52
Alexander, William C. 91, 417 Bowen, John 52, 213
Alguire, Howard 385 Bowen, Mr 213
Allen, Norm 284 Bowyer, George 482
Allison, Alvin 426 Boyes, Rupert Nelson 66, 260
Allison, Les 84, 378 Boyles, Clifford 524, 526
Amstel, William van den 275 Bradley Senior, John 284
Anderson, Allan 451 Bradley, Alden 52
Anderson, Bill (William Alexander) 230 Bradley, E. 482
Anderson, Brad 161 Bragnalo, Fred L. 63, 260
Anderson, Elfriea 256 Brantford, John W. Dave 284
Anderson, Germund 85, 385 Brasnett, Raymond Gerard 52
Anderson, Jack 80, 348 Breck, Bill 540
Anderson, Shirley 85 Britton, Russell Hubert 482
Ansell, Dick 200, 201 Brouillet, William 308
Aplin,  Ted 55 Brown, Donald 383
Applin, William 482 Brown, Harry 482
Archambault, Richard 527 Brown, Wm Elmer 482
Archambault, R.J. 527 Bruce, Donald 469
Ardiel, L.A. 230 Bruce, James 469
Armstrong, D.L. 230 Bryson, Betty Jo 284
Armstrong, G.H. 482 Buitjes, Aldert 27
Arnason, Joe 371 Burnett, Dick 378
Ashby, Conn 469 Burnham, Nina 68, 280, 284, 285
Ashton’s, Robert 16 Burns, John A. (Tony) 315
Atkinson, Eldon 73 Byatt, Stuart 208
Atkinson, Myron 73 Calvert, Hugh 482
Atkinson, Ronald (Bruce) 73 Camillan, Chuck 284
Atkinson, Ron C. 536 Campbell, Bob 208
Bacon, Al 351 Campbell, Ed 258
Baffington, Kay 258 Carpenter, L. V. 59
Baker, Clayton Roy 222 Carr, Frank H. 230
Baker, Ned 230 Carr, Mr 59
Baker, Peter T. 482 Carroll, Earle 384
Baraniuk, Steve  384 Carter, Earl 540
Barlow, Frank 88 Carter, Frederick 482
Barlow, Fred 399 Caseley, Lee 59
Millard, Barteaux 371 Cassidy, Bryan Michael 24, 38, 267, 313, 499
Bartlett, Ray 344 Cassidy, Douglas Michael 313, 499
Beam,  J. Zane 166 Challice, Corporal               102
Beckerton, Sergeant           179 Charbonneau, Francis Lorne      365
Bell, Berwick 78, 341 Charbonneau, Morris


Benoit, Ivan 436 Chemerika, Sam 384
Bergeron, Jean-Philippe 69 Chester, William 482
Bernhard, HRH Prince 17 Christensen, Karl 52
Berrow, W.L (Wild Bill) 45, 183, 184 Clarke, Bob 429
Berthiaume, Phillip 273, 274 Claysmore, Billy 378
Bérubé, Hormidas 70, 300 Clermont, Jean 308
Besserer, Jerome 286 Clifford, Bill 539, 540
Best, Gordon 398 Clifford, Norman J. 482

Beyers, Cliff

376 Cole, Olliver 498
Bhérer, Raymond 69 Collins, Albert M. 284
Biers, Wally E. 534, 536 Collins, Alexander 516
Biffonette, Bill 65, 260 Colpitts, Stanley 377
Bill Booth, Bill 47, 190, 191 Colquhoun, Don 429
Billard Lewis G. 75 Colville, Alex 94, 493
Bishop, Harry J. 498 Colvin, Carm 378
Bishop, L.G. 482 Compeau, Sanford 482
Bishton, Edward 56, 231 Constantine, Norm 49