Photo left:

Mr. Robert Brown
President of the Royal Canadian Legion
Branch 31



a letter to: Bob Dowling - Subject: Jasper veterans in the Netherlands
about Mr. John Bowen - WWII Veteran
from The
Rev'd G. David Prowse, CD, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret'd)
Alberta 2005 Centennial.
Monday June 13th
Performance at the
Jasper Centennial Park
19.00 hrs
Jasper, Alberta.
Photo bottom left:

Mr. James Cox - WWII Veteran
Royal Canadian Airforce/
Pilot-Airforce Wing.
Training Pilots during WWII.

Liberator of the Netherlands
photo bottom Right:

Mr. John Bowen (96) - WWII Veteran
Dispatch Rider -Truckdriver /First Division - Service corps

Paying tribute to his brother:
Mr. Bowen / Gunner and Wireless operator
Royal Canadian Airforce

Liberators of the Netherlands