Photo left:
Mr. Robert Brown
President of the
Canadian Legion
Branch 31
a letter to: Bob
Dowling - Subject: Jasper veterans in the Netherlands
about Mr. John Bowen - WWII Veteran
from The
Rev'd G. David Prowse,
CD, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret'd) |
Alberta 2005 Centennial.
Monday June 13th
Performance at the
Centennial Park
19.00 hrs
Jasper, Alberta. |
Photo bottom left:
Mr. James Cox
- WWII Veteran
Royal Canadian Airforce/
Pilot-Airforce Wing.
Training Pilots during WWII.
Liberator of the Netherlands |
photo bottom Right:
Mr. John Bowen
(96) - WWII Veteran
Dispatch Rider -Truckdriver /First Division - Service corps
Paying tribute to his brother:
Mr. Bowen
/ Gunner and Wireless operator
Royal Canadian Airforce
Liberators of the Netherlands |