Photo top:
Mr. Joe Arnason
- WWII Veteran
(and his daughters Terry and Sheila.)
Mr. Joe Arnason was lead aircrafts man with the
Royal Canadian Airforce based on the west coast during
the fight against the Japanese.
He designed a prototype of a boat that could be dropped from
an aircraft
and would not get smashed on impact. The boat was ment to
rescue downed airman
Photo middle - left to right:
Members of the Royal Canadian Legion
Branch 181 - Gimli
Tom Zanzow
Mr. Millard Barteaux
- Sergeant at Arms
Mr. Jim Thompson
photo bottom - left to right:
Ms. Marie Pemkowski,
Member of the Royal Canadian Legion
Branch 181
Ms. Wilma Pelkey
First President of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 182 &
Chairperson honors and awards and poppy Chairperson
Mr. Joe Arnason |