They put themselves in very dangerous situations
Norm Constantine
enlisted in 1941 in the (RCCS) Royal
Canadian Corps Signals.
Liberator of the Netherlands
An interesting sidelight is that his
‘buddy’ Bill Grant also joined at the same time. Later they
became separated and Bill went overseas as an Army
Photographer - Correspondent. Bill landed on ‘D’ day with
the troops and his pictures and stories were some of the
first to be sent back. Bill received many ‘kudo’s for
recognition for his outstanding camera work in the chaos of
that memorable day. He was wounded there and then returned
to Canada and eventually retired to Gibsons, where, believe
it or not, his old ‘pal’ Norm Constantine also decided to
come to spend his retirement days. Norm became a Sergeant
in Vancouver in charge of the Signal Office, later moved up
the ladder, became a Lieutenant and went overseas, where he
was put in charge of a Re-enforcement unit. Norm did not
make it over on ‘D’ day, but eventually his complaints to a
“Senior Officer” that he ‘needed’ to be over there, had the
desired effect and he was posted with the 2nd Canadian Corps
Signals to Belgium and Holland. This was the same ‘Senior
Officer’ that Norm had a few ‘run - ins’ (disagreements)
previously, so Norm is not sure if this ‘Officer’ did this
because Norm wanted to get ‘over there’, or if it was just
to get rid of him. Norm recalls the heaviest fighting took
place in the Reichswald and the Hochwald forests which were
strongly defended. Many times the Signal Corps advanced so
near to the ‘front’, that they put themselves in very
dangerous situations. * Excerpt from History of Royal
Canadian Corps of Signals - “ So eager was the Corps
headquarters staff to get forward that on 4th March the
advance party of 2nd Corps Signals was ordered to establish
a site in the Hochwald less than a mile from the forward
defended positions of the 3rd Division. It was a novel
situation to be laying lines back from Corps to the
headquarters of divisions and brigades, but one which had
been experienced by 2nd Corps soon after it became
operational in Normandy.”
Story by Linda Williams, Gibsons Landing Jazz Festival |