Tuesday September 6th:

Departure for Guelph Ontario
700 km / We stayed at a hotel in Gananoque.

The next morning, Wednesday Sept 7th
we met with
Ms. Sheila Rosalie Burtch
pianist and accordionist
entertainer for the members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 92 Gananoque
and at Seeley's Bay Legion

Sheila would like to pay tribute to all
of the
Gananoque Veterans who made the supreme sacrifice

photo / left to right:

Sheila Rosalie Burtch, Sylvia Cuenca and Luluk at the Monument in front of city hall:

In honored Memory of the men of the town and district
who fought and fell in WWI :

Donal Eric Turner - Robert Lucy - Oscar Lloyd - Millard Wright - John Leakey - Alfred Stunden - Rolfe McKeil - Charles Matthews - Stanley Moss - Wilson Miller - Roderick E OConnor - Hugh Moss - Charles H. Pecor - Norman Rogers - Ralph Ranger - Bernard Richards - Alfred Teale - Ewart M. Richardson - Wm Dempster Street - Henry Tryon - H. Lee - Vernon Abraham Street - Flight.Lieut Amyas Terrell Sampson - Chas Stoliker - William L. Watson - Ivan Landon - Brenton Haynes - Joseph Herbert - Jack Kinnier - John Wallace - James Drummond - LIEUT.COL Russell Hubert Britton DSO - Harold Adair - William Applin - George Bowyer - Peter T.Baker - F.L. Davis - CAPT Wm Elmer Brown - Harry Brown V.C. - Hugh Calvert - William Chester - Fred H. Glover - Sanford Compeau - William Dailey - Frederick Carter - Alonzo Cowan - Wm J. Dempster - George H. Davis - Ernest J. Eastwood - Wm Garrah - Frederick Fletcher Jnr - M.J. Flynn - Norman J.Clifford - William Deir - James Grundy - Ellis J.Gibbons - Wm Harry Gibbons - Chas Watson


In memory of the men who made the supreme sacrifice in WWII :

P.O. G.H. Armstrong - P.O.  L.G. Bishop - A.S.  E. Bradley - P.F.C. O.M. Davis - GNR. H.J. Dundon - CPL. J.E. Graham - GNR. O.H. Harper - A.S. J. Hughes - SGT B.B. Keyes - SGT W.C. Knapton - SGT. L.A. LaChapelle - SGT. M. Lambert - GNR. C.A. Massey - P.O.  K.W. MacDonald - FLT SGT  W.J. MacMillan - MAJ. A.B. McDonald - SGT D. Mills - F.O. D.H. Petch - MAJ. E.B. Rogers - GNR B. Sanders - LT. W.P. Sampson - F.O. W.H. Thompson - CAPT. E.R. Waldie - L.A.C. C.V. Ward - CAPT. F.E. Wright