Six Nations Veteran’s Association
Nina Burnham
comes from a strong family of veterans at Six Nations.  Three brothers and one sister served in both the Canadian Armed Forces and the American Army.  Her uncle, Brigadier General O.M. Martin was the highest ranking Native officer in Canada.
Nina joined the Six Nations Veteran’s Association in 1962.  Since then, she has been an active member of the Association, attending meetings and marching in parades.  Although her marching days have been replaced by organisational tasks, Nina still finds time to attend many Veterans’ events. Fifteen years ago, she traveled to the Netherlands to celebrate the 45th Liberation celebration held in Holland.  “A contingent of twenty veterans and their families from Six Nations went and we were royally welcomed with a parade through the city of Holten, Netherlands,” she said. As the Veteran’s celebrate the 60th Liberation celebration, Nina will be again a part of the commemoration but this time, in her home community of Six Nations. As an important member of the Six Nations Veterans Association, Nina continues to work to uphold the honour and respect given to the veterans.  “It’s honouring those who sacrificed their lives so that we can live free,” she said.

Marion identifies “discipline” as one of the most important things
Marion Hill, Six Nations Canadian Women’s Army Corp.  It was 1944 and Marion Hill was eighteen years of age when she walked by the recruitment office in Brantford, ON and decided to go in.  Marion was one of a number of women who joined the Canadian Women’s Army Corp. and made the commitment to serve her country in the mid 1940’s. Marion received her basic training in Kitchener, ON before traveling to Woodstock, ON where she completed the courses necessary to qualify her as a driver.  Marion then headed to Halifax, NS where she spent the remainder of her two year service driving trucks, buses, jeeps and staff cars for the army. Remembering her years in the Canadian Women’s Army, Marion identifies “discipline” as one of the most important things she learned.  She enjoyed traveling and meeting many different people from all across Canada. Marion is very much involved in Veteran activities and enjoys attending Veteran reunions with her friends.  She has marched in many parades but admits she is slowing down with this activity.  “It’s a good life,” she said.  “It’s what you make it.”


Marion Hill
WWII Veteran
Six Nations Canadian Women's Army Corp

Stories written by
L.M. VanEvery
L.M. VanEvery is of the Mohawk nation from Six Nations of the Grand River.
freelance journalist, Consulting & Publications Ink (

photo: July 5th, 2005
Six Nations Veterans Association, Ohsweken ON

Nina Burnham
pointing at a document about her uncle: Brigadier General O.M. Martin,
the highest ranking Native officer in Canada