At one point during my time in Holland I sent home approx 24 tulip bulbs and unknown to me my father dug a square out of the front lawn and in the spring after my return to Canada our front yard was ablaze with the color of Dutch Tulips. To this day there are still tulips in my garden.

The vivid memories of the people and the hospitality of a country called Holland have never left me and have helped overshadow the horrors of war. I have been touched deeply and I shall never forget.
Martin Schlinker, Calgary Highlanders.





Would I do it all over again? “You bet in a heart beat!” The Dutch and Canadian will always be there for one another, we are bonded for life.
Dick D. Sawatsky, D.R. - Dispatch Rider, 21st Army


Dutch women would look for parachutes, and sewed suits out of them for us.
"Craftsman" Robert Fitzsimmons - 7th Canadian Infantry

You want my Dutch war story eh?
Sergeant John Hatt - 7th anti-tank regiment of the First Canadian Army Corps

This book is written by Luluk Purwanto & René van Helsdingen. They tell a story about their 5 month jazz tour through Canada in conjuction with the 60th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands.

This book is a tribute to the WWII Veterans and a photographic impression of Canada seen through the eyes of 2 Jazz musicians, the true performers of freedom.

This book mentiones the names of the WWII Veterans that they have met before -and during their tour. Many stories told 60 years after.

 The stories they remember and the stories they want to forget.

Thank you Canada for our Freedom


It is an event in his life he has never talked about.
Mr. Berwick Bell - Bren gunner with the 2nd Division, Black Watch
My promotions had come since all the other ones were killed.
John Ross - 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, C Company
Unless you lose your freedom you don’t know what you have.
John Ford, Royal Air Force Aircraftsman 1st Class

Produced by jakArt @ 2005 - ©Helsdingen music BV, Koninginneweg 211B, Amsterdam, The Netherlands –