My name is Martin Schlinker and I entered the European
campaign with the Calgary Highlanders. I landed in Calais
in late 1944. From there we moved to Ghent Belgium where we
first experienced the reality that is war. Slowly we moved
from Belgium into Holland making our way to Doetinchem via
Nijmegen. It all seems like a blur now and I remember that
most of our movements through the countryside were made at
night with little contact with the local population. At
Doetinchem we met a great deal of resistance and we as a
unit paid the toll that only war can bring.. From here we
entered Germany and a short time after I was wounded and
sent behind the lines to Brugge Belgium to convalesce. I
then took 14 days leave prior to returning to duty. During
this period the war ended. Upon my return to my unit I was
dispatched back to Holland and after about 3 months I was
given the choice of returning home, going to the Pacific war
or remaining with the occupation force in Holland. I chose
the latter, transferred from the Calgary Highlanders to the
Stormont Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders and stayed in
Holland until August 1946. As an occupation force our
duties were many and varied. I, being of farm stock, was
given the opportunity in the fall of 1945 to stay with and
help a family by the name of Stouffer near the town of
Vierhouten in order to bring in the fall harvest. The
appreciation shown me by them has been unforgettable and
will remain with me always.
At one point during my time in Holland I sent home approx 24
tulip bulbs and unknown to me my father dug a square out of
the front lawn and in the spring after my return to Canada
our front yard was ablaze with the color of Dutch Tulips. To
this day there are still tulips in my garden. The vivid
memories of the people and the hospitality of a country
called Holland have never left me and have helped overshadow
the horrors of war. I have been touched deeply and I shall
never forget. |
Photo: June 22nd, 2005 -
Mr. Martin Schlinker standing next to
His Worship Mr. Garth Vallely, Mayor of Medicine Hat.