15 members of our Regt. were buried

Robert J Fenske  M.M. CD  65BT4  5 A/TK Regt
4th CDN Armoured Div. - Memories of Holland

It’s hard to remember where we had been at time & battle. Last Town in Belgium. Esseng (First names in Holland) Bergen op Zoom, the people happy to be free, done all they could to cheer us up.  We were tired & dirty.  It was there where we had a church parade (Nov 5) & a burial of nine members of the Regt, the population where there with flowers.  We were impressed Nov 8 moved on to a Breda and then to Tilburg, moving fast onto S-Hertogenbosch.  Cheered on by all we passed, each stop crowded, kissed, flowers, treated as heroes. From their we went to Lith on the Maas river and were billeted at peoples homes. We patrolled for most of the winter and the people of Lith were pleased to help in any way possible. Rest Period, we returned to “Night” where we were welcomed with a dance, a good time was had by all.  I made friends with Fijko Verhagen and family. 


They served a wonderful meal!  First stop.  Coevorden a wonderful reception, as much joy & attention was when we liberated them.  Lochem reception again as in 1945, next ‘sHertogenbosch, Vucht was a pleasant reunion.  Visit museum were shown case pictures.  The rainbow band 65 BT4, different members etc a royal lunch, and meeting the whole town visit Lith.  Again a royal reception.  The town turned out, (NC. Tom of Lith) underground who worked with us 1944)   Here the school children beat me out of all my cdn change, a wonderful lunch, wonderful people. Next stop  Breda.  Again an amazing reception.  Last stop in Holland was in Bergen op Zoom.  Here we started with a parade at the military cemetery where 15 members of our Regt. were buried.  Dutch military & people turned out.  The cemetery was immaculate, each head stone, a little cleared space at the bottom were planted with flowers.  They told us that the school children tend them. Then to the town reception, Great people, cheered and at this time, a special thanks to William & Ann Dekker who supplied transport to all events we wished to see. I wish to thank all the people of Holland whom I have met or was cheered on by as we raced through your towns & villages. 
Help us carry on.  RJF



Performance at the
Military Communications
& Electronics Museum
 - Canadian Forces Base
Kingston ON.
September 22nd