The 28th  Canadian Armoured
(The British Columbia Regiment),
4th Canadian Armoured Brigade,
4th Canadian Armoured Division,
1st Canadian Army

The Move to Bergen op
 Zoom 28 October 1944.
A road block on the main road to Bergen op Zoom reported by “A” Squadron was investigated by the Reconnaissance Tank Troop at dawn. Corporal McKay of Vancouver, B.C. who was in command of one of the patrols of two Stuart tanks was held up when his tank was hit by a German ‘panzer faust’, as he and his crew worked to repair the broken track, machine guns opened-up and mortar bombs were fired from the north bank of the river, still held by the enemy, and dropped along the road. Corporal McKay ordered the gunner to engage the machine gun while he complete the repairs. He also killed the panzer faust operator,  two snipers, saved his tank and returned to Headquarters with information about a route across the obstacle. For this courageous action, he was awarded the Netherlands Decoration.


Sinking Three German Naval Ships at ZIJPE, The
 Netherlands, 5-6 Nov 1944.

One of the comic episodes of the Victory Campaign took place at Zijpe on 5 – 6 November 1944 when the 28th Canadian Armoured Regiment (The British Columbia Regiment), “C” Squadron  and anti-tank   gunners of the Lake Superior Regiment had the satisfaction of fighting a “Naval Engagement” when their fire, directed across the intervening channel, sank three small German Naval vessels and damaged a fourth in the harbour of Zijpe located on the eastern end of the Island of Schouwen, the Netherlands. The largest ship was 100 feet in length and mounted 4 inch naval guns. The tank trop from “C” Squadron was commanded by Lieutenant R.H. (Rusty) Goepel, of Vancouver, was responsible for this unusual achievement, and a ship’s bell belonging to one of the sunken German vessels now stands in the Officers’ Mess of the British Columbia Regiment (DCO) and is rung on important occasions.

  Their fire sank three small German Naval vessels

Stories written by
Archie M. Steacy,
CD (Lt Col Ret’d),
President BCR Association

photo: June 6th, 2005
Georgia Street Plaza,
Vancouver International Jazz Festival