Mr. Jim Thorp - WWII Veteran ,
Liberator of the Netherlands |
which was an experience wondering if the truck was going to
over into the drink.
This crossing was covered by a heavy smoke screen for about
3-4 days. We then supported the Brits when they cleared
Arnhem, then headed northerly Otterloo where we heard the
cheering of the people in Apeldoorn when the city was freed
but we had an attack on our position that night by some
holdouts who hid out in the forested area until darkness but
when daylight came they hid out in a depression in the woods
and ignored our call to surrender as they were surrounded by
flamethrowers. They ended up being toasted..We then headed
north to Harderwijk. Then east and northerly to Harlingen
then Leeuwarden, bypassing Groningen to just south of
Delfzijl, which my company took on the fourth or fifth of
May,(my chronology may be a bit off) We were billeted in a
the village of Siddeburen for a few weeks then in a school
in Groningen where the army was calling for volunteers for
the Pacific and my buddy and I volunteered and got back home
on the 12th of July. The whole tour completely paid for by
our Government
Jim Thorp |
Ignored our call to surrender
Mr. Jim Thorp – section leader, Lands corporal
My Cooks tour of Holland, with the Irish Regt. of Canada
began late in feb.1945. After we crossed the bridge at
Nijmegen we travelled by trucks for some distance, then
traveled some more on foot into a level farming area, and
remained in one position for a couple of days then on to a
farm house called Wolf Camp, which we passed at night and on
to a road which crossed a dyke, where we dug in. Encountered
some patrol activity from the German troops and engaged in
some patrol and skirmishing of our own and had a fairly
large group of German troops surrender to us. This position
was overlooking the river Waal or Rhine. I'm not sure which
but our position was overlooked from Wageningen. The Germans
were launching V1 rockets from this area and we could see
the flare and noise of the launching at night, until one
launch just made it off the launcher when it crashed and
exploded, that was the last one we heard, ha ha. We moved up
river and crossed the Rhine on a pontoon bridge
May 23rd, receiving a Tulip Friendship Garden - left to
Mr. Terry Sheehan, City Councillor and acting Mayor of Sault
Ste Marie,
Jim Thorp, Essiet, Marcello, Luluk, Rene
at the Bushplane Museum - Algoma Festival |