Ville de Saguenay - d'arrondissement de Chicoutimi


Paul Lapointe was born in Chicoutimi, Quebec on Jan 30, 1905 He served in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany with the Royal Canadian Engineers Lapointe passed away on November 7, 2002.

Paul Lapointe

Oct 25, 1944 , We return to Malle Antwerp, for regrouping and to move to Holland. At the German border we go to Grave.

Nov 9, 1944 We spend the winter there.

Feb 15, 1945 Our first departure in the German country. I have changed trucks I now drive a tank transporter and I carry a tractor to a small flooded village where I spend 3 days; during my return to Nijmegen enemy aircrafts cut the road and this delays us by 6 hours.

Feb 20, 1945 We are sent to another front, towards Kleve Uedum and the famous forest; it has been very tough in that area, we see robot tanks, bombs all ready to blow us up but the engineers are there to clear out the fields; there have been heavy losses there and we are taking 1000 prisoners a day for 3 days.

Feb 28, 1945 We have been machine gunned and bombed by our airplanes, an error, there was only one wounded. The other days are quiet until March 8.... I spent 3 days with the Maisonneuve, a French Canadian regiment. There, I talked every night until midnight, 1 o'clock.

Mar 8, 1945 For the offensive:1400 cannons in the town of Nijmegen, 350 kinds of munitions, which if piled 5 feet high would be 30 miles long. Paint, 5 gallons of paint of every color to mark the roads, 1,000,000 ft. of white ribbon to mark the roads and the mine fields; the army has made 100 miles of road in 3 days for the troops to advance on. Since we arrived in Germany we sleep in basements or we dig holes for days or nights; it is not very pleasant but a consolation is


that we eat fresh meat, pork or beef, there is a lot of it here and it helps the morale. Mar 12, 1945 We are moving, we are going to Kleve the first night we are shelled at midnight; we go and spend the night in a basement; the day is quiet. Mar 13, 1945 At 11 PM, my truck is hit by a shell but is not too damaged, but as for me, I have lost all of my equipment; the same day we have to move again. It is quieter but not very safe as we are 4 miles from the front lines along the Rhine; we are in the country and the weather is nice and warm and the greenery and the flowers have started to come out in the gardens; it we were not always on the look-out I would really love it; the few animals that remain are in the pastures; what is bothersome is that we constantly hear the cannons and the shells.

Mar 17, 1945  On the 17th of February we were bombed and machine gunned by our own aircrafts, a mistake; last night we received a message of apologies and of sympathy from the RAF. They had burned 4 trucks, one being the kitchen, 2 of munitions and one empty. Presently, it is very quiet, if it could continue.

Mar 24, 25, 26, & 27, 1945  We are machine gunned every night and we are shelled during the day, and this is supposed to be a rest..... I continue my diary

Apr 8, 1945 We are in Holland and there is very little resistance.

Apr 12, 1945  This morning we entered the city of Groningen for the first time; it was liberated last night, a beautiful city, with a population of 300,000 plus; we are well received everywhere.


Courtesy of ‘The Canadian letters and images project’ Malaspina University College

 – Dr Stephen Davies.

May 18th, The audience waiting for the Mayor,
Festival des Musiques de Création du Saguenay-Lac Saint-Jean