Aning Katamsi Asmoro, soprano
Aisha Sudiarso Pletscher, piano
Oliver Pletscher, Narrator

1) Cycle “Puntung Berasap”
Music  : Mochtar Embut
Lyrics  : Usmar Ismail

Kutindjau air bening dalam perigi
Kuselami hingga dasar tiada gentar
Tapi terkadang
Timbul takut akan cermin
Di dalam djernih air,
Keruh djiwa sendiri
Hidupku laksana angin bertiup kentjang
Diatas bentangan permadani pengalaman
Meliputi rata alam semesta
Deras arus kedjar berembus

Djika Kau Tahu
Ah, Djika kau tahu resahnja
Petjahan alun dikarang kalbu
Tak kan kau berkata
Tak kan kau bertanja
Tapi kau dalam berdiam
Akan memberi segala ada
Karena kau tahu sudah
Aku tak kan meminta
Melainkan akan memberi hanja

Tjita – tjita
Kurasakan lintjah
Menari-nari didalam djiwa
Kudengar kau njaring bernjanji didalam dada
Bagai seruling tiada henti menjorakkan gembira ria:
Bahagia ‘kan datang di esok hari!

2) Jaya Suprana: Tembang Alit - piano solo

 3) I Hate Music! (A cycle of 5 kid songs) – Leonard Bernstein

 I. My name is Barbara
My mother says that babies come in bottles;
but last week she said they grew on special baby-bushes.
I don’t believe in the storks, either!
They’re all in the zoo,
busy with their own babies!
And what’s a baby-bush, anyway!?
My name is Barbara.

 II. Jupiter has seven moons
Jupiter has seven moons or is it nine?
Saturn has a million, billion, trillion sixty nine;
And everyone is a little sun,
With six little moon of its own!
But we have only one!
Just think of al the fun we’d have if there were nine!
Then we could be just nine times more romantic!
Dog would bay ‘til they were frantic!
We have nine tides in the Atlantic!
The men in the moon would be gigantic!
But we have only one!
Only one!

III. I hate music!
I hate music!
But I like to sing:
la dee da da dee; la dee da dee.
But that’s not music,
not what I call music.
No, sir.
Music is a lot of men in lot of tails,
making lot of noise like a lot of females;
Music is a lot of folks in the big dark hall,
where they really don’t want to be at all;
with a lot of chairs, and a lot of airs,
and a lot of furs of diamonds!
Music is silly!
I hate music!
but I like to sing:
la dee da da dee: la dee  a dee; la dee da dee.

 IV. A big Indian and a little Indian were walking down the street
A big Indian and a little Indian were walking down the street.
The little Indian was the son of the big Indian;
but the big Indian was ot the father of the little Indian:
(You see the riddle is, if the little Indian was the son of the big Indian, but the big Indian was not the father of the little Indian, who was he?___
I’ll give you two measures):
His mother!

 V. I’m a person too
I just found out today
that I’m a person too, like you:
I like balloons; lots of people like balloons:
But ev’ryone says,”Isn’t she cute? She likes balloons!”
I’m person too, like you!
I like things that ev’ryone like:
I like soft things and movies and horses
and warm things and red things: don’t you?
I have lots of thoughts;
Like what’s behind the sky;
And what’s behind what’ behind the sky:
But ev’ryone says,”Isn’t she sweet? She wants to know ev’rything!”

Don’t you?
Of course I’m very young
to be saying all these things
in front of so many people like you;
But I’m a person too!
though I’m only ten years old;
I’m a person too, like you!



Biography Aning Katamsi

Aning Katamsi Asmoro took her first vocal lesson fron her mother, Pranawengrum Katamsi, and then continued in Sekolah MusikYayasan Pendidikan Musik (YPM) under Catharina W. Leimena. She also has been tutored by Lee Alison Sibley, and attended in several master classes by Ruth Drucker, Andrea Ehrenreich, Adib Fazah and also Rudolf Jansen.

In YPM Aning Katamsi Asmoro also learned piano under Susiana Wibowo and Iravati M. Sudiarso. Several awards she has won including Ist prize in Bintang Radio dan Televisi Remaja Tingkat Nasional in 1987 and I st prize in Pekan Seni Mahasiswa Nasional in 1991. Meanwhile, she completed her formal study as Science Bachelor in Physic Departement of Mathematic and Natural Science Faculty of University of Indonesia.

In addition to her performance with severz! well-known national orchestra, right now Aning Katamsi also serves as conductor of Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia "Paragita", and as a piano and vocal teacher in Sekolah Musik YPM




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