La petite mort - A Phantasmaorgy by Claus Kuehnl

Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie

Aug 3 - 20.00 hrs /Begawan Sunyi Opera House, Jl. Kemiri 30-38
Jakarta 90909

The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen is a German chamber orchestra. Estonian conductor Paavo Järvi has been its artistic director since 2004.

The orchestra was established in 1980 as a group of music students with a written 'grassroots' constitution aimed at motivating themselves personally and musically. Important early events include their performance at the United Nations in 1983 and performance with Gidon Kremer at Lockenhaus in 1984 and 1985. The Wind Soloists of The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen have been an established ensemble since 1990.

They became a professional chamber orchestra in Frankfurt in 1987, moving to Bremen in 1992, where they present two subscription series, special concerts, two chamber music series, and the open-air festival 'Summer in Lesmona'. They also tour and perform about fifty concerts per year elsewhere in Germany and worldwide, including appearances at festivals such as The Proms and the Salzburg Festival. They have been 'Orchestra in Residence' at the Bremen Music Festival since 1998 and at the International Beethovenfest in Bonn since 2005; they are currently engaged in a cycle of Beethoven's complete symphonies, which they are performing worldwide and recording.

Their repertoire ranges from baroque to contemporary music, and they regularly collaborate with specialists in different styles of music, such as Ton Koopman, Trevor Pinnock, and Marc Minkowski in early music and Heinz Holliger and Pierre Boulez in modern works. Aside from their concerts, they conduct educational projects, working with schools and adult education institutions and giving concert-lectures and workshops.

The orchestra has been directed by Mario Venzago, Heinrich Schiff, Jirí Belohlávek, and Thomas Hengelbrock, and Daniel Harding was music director from 1999 to 2003. Soloists they regularly work with include Heinrich Schiff, Olli Mustonen, Murray Perahia, Mikhail Pletnev, and Viktoria Mullova.

The orchestra is organised as a company owned solely by the musicians, who assume responsibility for financial as well as artistic management. It is 40% subsidized through sponsorship and the City of Bremen; the remaining 60% comes from concerts and recordings. They have gone so far as to analyse their business activity with a study by an expert on high-performance teams at the University of Saarbrücken, from which they have developed a management tool they call 'the 5 Seconds Model', aiming to make themselves even more efficient.


Claus Kühnl (* 17. November 1957 in Arnstein) is a German contemporary composer living in Frankfurt am Main.




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