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Lenongan, Modern-traditional Betawi Theater by Sandiwara Ogah
Mundur (jak) Perkumpulan
Sandiwara Ogah Mundur T001 pub31, 7/6 10.30, the03, 9/6
19.30, fco04, 22/6 19.30, the10, 27/6 17.00 T003
Kehidupan Cinta Damai - Peaceful Life by Teater Tukank,
contemporary Theatre (jak) 15
Actors from Indonesia. Tukank Theatre is a group approach to art that is
based the concept of the unity of intention whilst respecting differences;
and recognizing that the harmonizing of differences is the highest of
attainable mutual rewards between social beings.
Tukank Theatre itself was brought into being through campus life, a
way of life which adopted ideals upon which the company has been founded.
It’s main purpose is to develop and improve the arts (Indonesian
Literature), especially theatre. Tukank Theatre formally was set up in
September 1999. Since then Tukank Theater has performed: Dramatisasi Puisi
99 Performance in TIM, October 1999, monologue reading in GRJT, January
2000, Salman Yoga´performance at Jakarta, Maret 2000, Dramatisasi Puisi
in campus IISIP Jakarta, Year 2000, Performance to commemorate HUT RI in
Cempaka Putih, Year 2002, Pentas bersama di Pelataran Masjid At Tin Taman
Mini Indonesia Indah, beginning of January 2002, “campus to campus
performances” Out off town
performances:, 12 February 2002, Banten, Dramatisasi Puisi; Bandung, Labor
Day, Purwokerto at RRI. Members and actors of Tukank Theater: Director,
Ryan Hamzah; Vice Director, Nursan Guntur. Actors: Ardy Ferdianto, Aby,
Eko, M. Iksan, Rike Ria Wijaya, Sherly Marlina, Stevana Ilona M, Suharno,
Asep Septiawan, Hendar Ridwansyah, Tapi Suhesti, Vanya Putri MH, Pungkur,
Agus Pathoni, Nrimo, Iyos Buana T003 the02, 17/6 19.00, mal11, 21/6
13.00 T004 Karena Namaku
Amoi - Because Amoi is my name, monologue by Teater Kail “
Today, I didn’t go to work, I turned on the TV at home, the TV was full
of smoke, cars were burned, stores were being robbed. Rascal hands
snatched me from mother’s embrace.”. Kail Theater was established on
December 1974 through Jakarta Theater Festival. In 1977, it has been
crowned as “Senior Theater”. During the same time, Sutarno SK, both
director, and chairman and performer of Kali Theater, has received an
award from SAIF. Kail Theater has only one production per year but still
can impress their audience with their performance. In 1986, 1987 and 1989,
Sutarno SK performed his own scenario called “Trilogi Bangkai” which
was about the past, present and future of his homeland. Nani
Tanjung Sutarno SK was born in Sibolga, August 26th 1950: since she was
kid she enjoyed to watch the arts such as dancing and singing. The first
role she played was Bolero Hijau as Achachila in 1965. Until now, she has
played in 100 scenarios: Bolero Hijau, Hompimpah, Waska, Tanda Silang,
Yerma, Nyanyian Marsinah dari Bawah Tanah, Pesta Pencuri, Yudith, Angsa
Emas, Joko Kendil, Bangsat, Bangkai III, Air Prawitasari, Rumah Bernama
Alba, Prita Istri Kita, Karena Namaku Amoi until Jika Masih Ada Cinta
diantara Kita, etc. Do some collaboration with other theater groups such
as Lisendra Dharnoto, Satu Merah Panggung Ratna Sarumpaet, Hitam Putih Adi
Kurdi, Tanah Air Yose Rizal Manua, Nendra WD, Mathias Muchus, Ray
Sahetappy, Dwi Yan, Sigit Hardadi, Renny Jayusman, Rita Zaharah, Mandra,
Nirin Kumpul, and other name which can’t be mentioned but still have
special meaning in theater world. Reading: Al Qur’an and Hadits, Wayang
Mahabharata Story, Ramayana, Kho Ping Hoo, Gan KL, OKT, Karl May, Romo
Mangun, Putu Wijaya, etc. She has performed in cities in West, Central,
and East Java and also in North Sumatra. The
Synopsis: Maisaroh, a half chinese girl, didn’t go to work that day, for
safety’s sake she chose to stay home. Together with her mother and 2
sisters/brothers, they prayed for protection. They knew in that chaotic
situation and condition, they would be a perfect target - the black sheep.
It was true. Suddenly, Maisaroh was snatched from her mother’s embrace
and lost her pride. Later, when Maisaroh was presented at the court room,
she asked why the guard didn’t defend them. The other day, Maisaroh was
found dead - a suicide. The question is, “Because my name is Amoy”
she’s been raped? T004 the03, 10/6 19.30, mal11, 11/6
17.00, com35, 12/6 16.00, fco06 14/6 17.00, mal10, 15/6 14.00 T006
Aphrodite is Looking for Love, Kotak Pensil Theatre Group,
contemporary theatre. Kotak
Pencil ( Pencil Case ) is an institution that identifies and gathers
interest and talent from college students of Trisakti FSRD, enabling the
further development of their skills and talents in music, dance, and
operetta. Once upon a time in
the palace of the gods, there was a beautiful goddess known as the Goddess
of Love, her name was Aphrodite. Although, she was beautiful, Aphrodite
was unpredictable, often creating trouble and apparently never satisfied.
But, one day Aphrodite was rewarded for her mischief…. Aphrodite was
married to Haeptus the God of Handicraft, but she had an affair with Aries
the God of War. Aphrodite also had a major role in the event of the Trojan
War. The story began with the wedding party of Peleus and Thetis the
Mermaid. Aphrodite put an apple that can only be owned by the most
beautiful goddess in Thetis’ bouquet, which became a competition between
the goddesses. Paris the
Human was then chosen to become the juror, and Aphrodite promised Paris
that he will be able to marry the woman he loved if the apple gets in the
hands of Aphrodite. And so
the apple fell to Aphrodite, which meant that Paris can marry the woman he
loved, who is Helen of Troy. Helen’s husband, Spartan, became jealous of
Paris. With his brother he formed the Greek army to attack Troy, which led
to the Trojan war. But one
day Aphrodite received her recompense. While she was playing with the
Arrows of Love with her son Cupid, the arrow struck Adonis the Human and
made him fall in love with her. Unfortunately their love did not last, as
Adonis finally died in the hand of a wild forest monster when Aphrodite
left him briefly to visit heaven. Aphrodite who loves him much realizes
that her actions are wrong, that what she receives is a form of karma. She
promised herself to be a kind goddess, and then crying
wiped away Adonis’ blood and her teardrops became the Anemone
flower, one that quickly blooms and dies, exactly like the love tale of
Aphrodite and Adonis. T006 pub31, 7/6 13.30, uni19, 14/6
19.00, off10, 15/6 17.00, fco01, 22/6 17.00, res05, 29/6 19.00 T007 Charlie &
Charles by Teater Gerak, Pantomime Theater
Gerak is directed by Rully Firmansyah. It is a performance group of 9
members located at Cipinag Muara III, RT 10 RW 08 n039. Cipinang Muara,
jatinegara 13420, Jakarta Timur. For JakArt @ 2003 the group will perform
a pantomime piece called: “CHARLIE & CHARLES”
Charlie is a character trying his best to maintain his way of life…
being a gay. One day, a women tried to sexually arouse Charlie, but
Charlie doesn’t respond. Charlie also plays unusual love games for a
man. On one occasion Charlie engaged in a rivalry with a woman to gain the
love of “a man” !! The
man is Charles, a mysterious man, a lot of questions……who is Charles
?? T007 pub31, 7/6 16.30, off10, 9/6
15.30, the05, 11/6 16.00, the02, 14/6 19.00, pub30, 15/6 14.00, mal01,
18/6 16.00, mal15, 20/6 16.00 , the11, 26/6 16.00, mal11, 29/6 13.00,
the04, 30/6 19.00 T008 Song of the
Nation (Nyanyian Bangsa), Sanggar Lentur, Contemporary Theatre. Swan Song
(Anton Che Kov). Through its workshop, the community of
“Sanggar Lentur” tries to build communication facilities that
are proactive, creative, and also educative. Thus, in February 2, 2002
this workshop become a foundation named “Yayasan Pendidikan Seni Sanggar
Lentur” (Art Education Workshop of Lentur Foundation) which is certified
by Notary Public certificate No.2 on February 2, 2002. T008 off10, 15/6 15.30,
Mal11, 22/6 16.00, res05, 28/6 17.00, com25, 30/6 16.00 T009 Tong atau
Sampah Sampah - Drum or Garbage by Teater Bunga, Modern Theatre for
children. Teater
Bunga was established in 1997. Its
members are 50 children who live in Gang Kober, Rawa Bunga area, in East
Jakarta. In their village,
they do not have a playground, so they play and practice in the nearby
Kober Cemetery, a 4x6 square
meter area. Witnessing a
great desire and potential
from children frm the “Gang Kober”, district of Rawa Bunga, East
Jakarta, Herman Sepu was touched ed to build this community. He felt, it
would be too bad if such incredible talent and potential got lost. HERMAN
SEPU (Chairman of Teater Bunga), is an employee of the Visual Art and
Design Department of Trisakti University.
In 1977 he established a Community Theater for Children.
He is one of the founders of Alang-alang Community for Art.
He is a member of Rendra’s Workshop Theater, and is involved in
Kubur Karya Theater. He has
received a number of awards in Indonesian Children’s Theater and the
Jakarta Festival of Children’s Theater. Members:
Sri mulyati (Athie), Heru Ramdani, Asep Aswandi, Andre Moedanton ,
Siti Aisyah, Herman Sepu, M. Aidil, Farid. Synopsis:
Can the garbage once created be recycled to become useful in the
hands of a queen mother? Sun. Going down at the end of the river. Never to
be told. There is a stick of wood drifting in the river. I’m stunned by
its journey. I hope that no one will take it. It is my lovely soul T009 com14, 1/6 19.30, com17, 4/6
19.30, com13, 7/6 19.30, COM18, 8/6 19.30, com19, 11/6 19.30, com20, 14/6
19.30, com21, 18/6 19.30, com22, 21/6 19.30, com24, 23/6 19.30, com23,
25/6 19.30 T011
Perampok (Robber), Teater Jakarta Timur, Modern Theatre The Jakarta Theatre was established on June 22, 1973
by Syarifuddin A.Ch and Dorman Borisman. The theatre is based in a youth
centre in east Jakarta. They have performed at several majaor festival
including “Festival Teater Remaja Jakarta” (Jakarta Theatre Festival).
After 5 years the they have progressed to become a senior group in the
Jakarta Theatre world. Synopsis: Raden Sudrajat slandered his brother
Raden Legowo who was nominated by his mother to be Regent of Lumajang. The
consequence of the slander, not only led Raden Legowo to become a robber,
but also led him to kill his mother out of shame. She could not bear to
live with her guilt and sin.
T011 the10, 13/6 20.00, the10, 14/6
20.00, the10, 15/6 20.00, the03, 20/6 20.00, the03, 21/6 20,00, the03,
22/6 20.00, off10, 25/6 16.00, off10, 26/6 16.00, off10, 27/6 16.00,
off10, 28/6 16.00 T012 Love and
Freedom, Teater Cikrak, Contemporary theatre. UKM
Cikrak Theatre University of Krisnadwipayana workshop was inspired and
began from a self-reflection upon a work of literature on aesthetic and
manner values. Cikrak Theatre has created ‘art of the soul’ expressing
through their work a feeling of mutual love filled with peace and calm. T012 mil01, 6/6 10.00, the03, 12/6 19.30, the05, 14/6 16.00,
the02, 15/6 19.30, mal08, 28/6 17.00 T014
Pinangan (the Engagement), Sanggar Pondok Cipta, Modern Theatre. Ratna
Kumala Kolil is an old spinster, the one and only daughter of Mr. Rukmana
Kolil. One weekend, Mr. Rukamana is visited by an old bachelor named Agus
Tubagus. Agus intends to marry his daughter Ratna. Even though, Agus tells
about his engagement to Mr. Rukmana Kolil he fails to tell his fiancé
Ratna Rukmana. Agus and Ratna have been friends for a long time, but they
always argue with each other about the Sari Gading Land and the two dogs,
Kliwon and Belang. Mr. Rukmana tried to cool them down and suddenly
mentioned that Agus intended to marry Ratna. Ratna was shocked of
happiness. “Sanggar Pondok
Cipta” was established on July 14,1999 and is registered with- and
supported by the government of east Jakarta. T024 COM 26, 7/6 17.00 T015 4 Madams with
a million Tricks, Bengkel Lenong Jakarta, Drama-Comedy Theatre. Mpok
Titi is concerned at the conditions nowadays, with so many companies
bankrupted and forced to fire their employees, creating so many jobless
people and neglected children. She intends to adopt those neglected
children as her own. How can Mpok Titi realize her intention According to
Benkel lenong it is important
to study history or at least know of it. But, what is of equal importance
is the initiative to keep the knowledge and to build upon it as an asset
for our children and for future generations. “Bengkel Lenong Theatre”
was established in 1999. This play is produced by Nendra WD T015 pub31, 7/6 17.00, mal08, 8/6
14.00, the05, 13/6 16.00, mal10, 15/6 16.00, the02, 20/6 19.30, off10,
22/6 14.00, the04, 25/6 20.00, mil01, 27/6 10.00, mal11 28/6 15.00 T016 Tak (Not),
Teater Polos, contemporary theatre In
my village there is a girl who has no mouth. Pros and cons are everywhere.
She was the subject of much gossip. Eventually the village people got used
to her and lost interest. She lost her fame and everybody forgot about
her. One day a high official abused the mouth less girl. She was then
accused of causing trouble and disturbing the peace of the village. She
was interrogated by the officials and the people came to help her and
protested against her harassment. How could such a poor creature be
considered guilty of such an offence when she was not even noticed anymore.
After many years a baby was born also without a mouth. It shocked and
surprised the people and they all hurried to the hospital to witness the
baby. The mouth less baby turned out to be crippled. Just another ordinary
handicapped child. “Polos
Theatre” was established on March 20, 1979. Its members are: Hendra WD,
Chamdy, Henry Ra’nyan, Cak Winarsya, Novy Rani, Mey Handayani, Iserlal,
Kustiawan Barnas, Rony Sasmita, Puji Rahardjo, Rina, Syarifudin, Ade, Are
Juwansyah, Umiyah and Bonita. The play is written by Arifin C Noer. T016 off10, 12/6 16.00, fco07, 13/6
17.00, pub27, 14/6 19.00, the05, 17/6 16.30, the02, 21/6 19.30, pub30,
22/6 19.00, the04, 27/6 19.00, mal08, 28/6 12.00, the03, 29/6 17.00,
mal11, 30/6 19.00 T017 Script of a
mask (Naskah Topeng), Teater Bambu Located
in East Jakarta, Bamboo theatre is a group consisting mostly of homeless
and underprivileged youth and young students. The group has been operating
for over two years, and is motivated by their need for creativity. These
young artsists are already on their way to establish themselves in the
entertainment world. T017 com34, 8/6, the04, 12/6 20.00,
off10, 13/6 16.00, the03, 14/6 19.30, pub30, 15/6 11.00 Pub27, 17/6 16.30, the05, 18/6
16.30, the11, 22/6 19.30, the02, 24/6 19.30, mal11, 28/6 17.00 T018 Corps -
Bangkai Teater Kail (junior), Contemporary theatre Kail
Theatre was established in 1974, and was built to represent the teenage
activities in a small residence. The participants came from the
neighborhood of Menteng Pulo, where they built Kail Theatre. Later they
joined with the “Festival Teater Remaja” which renamed as the Jakarta
Theatre Festival. The members of Kail Theatre come from a variety of
backgrounds; 50% are lower level government employees, 20% are school and
college students and non-government employees, jobless, street children,
and also 30% is alcoholic. “Corps”tells
of a conflict that affected someone’s soul, creating a dilemma where he
must betray his own feelings. Udin, the character who plays a security
guard, fears that his desire and passion for worldly life can blind him to
believing in God. In this case, Kail Theatre tries to determine a straight
a line in a complex life structure. T018 the04, 29/6 20.00 T019
Cockroaches (Kecoa-kecoa),Teater Tiang, Contemporary Tiang
Theatre was first established three years ago as an extracurricular unit
in SMU 3 Bekasi. In 2002, Tiang Theatre evolved into an independent
organization, that covers a wide variety of material, with a special focus
on workshops. Today the group members are not only students but from many
walks of life. The actors develop their creative skils through Role Play (Theatrical,
Operetta, Lenong, Play), Poetries, Monologs, Betawi and short stories. The
Cockroaches by Tiang Theatre, is
a scenario of poor people who live and grow in a city corner. Jakarta, the
capital city with bright lights, is portrayed as offering a glorious and
marvelous life and seems very beautiful. Pedok, a beggar, expresses his
anger at the security and government services that constantly harass him,
After his hut has been destroyed, and feeling that he and his friends’
pain and misery are ignored by the State, they decide to fight and pay for
their rights with their lives. T019 pub30, 8/6 14.00,mal08, 12/6
17.00, off10, 17/6 16.00, the05, 20/6 17.30 T020 Perubahan
(Changes) & Kungkung Si Katak Kecil (The Little frog),
Teater Cinta Lakon, Musical drama Youth
is a generation that is noted
throughout history as an agent of change. up to now, this agent of change
remains our country’s hope. “Cinta Lakon SMPN 202 & SMKN 50”
which was established in 1980 intends, with the creative arts, to give a
positive input to our institutions for the next generation, from
elementary, through to senior high school. “Changes” , a musical drama
performed by 60 actors, tells of how “Kucil”, a smart, tricky, and
clever mouse deer thief, experiences a transformation, and uses his
intelligence to reveal crime. “Kungkung” is a frog without any useful
skills or abilities; considered contemptible by humans and other creatures,
they try to kill him. What happens to Kungkung , and how is he treated by
his friends? T020 the04, 15/6 16.00 res05, 17/6
17.00, off10, 18/6, mal10, 24/6 15.00, the05, 28/6 17.00 T021 Jaka tarub (the legendary jaka tarub) by teater Mahesa, contemporary. Jaka
Tarub was created in the legends of the ancient Javanese. As a wayang
puppet Jaka Tarub was married with a fairy named Nawang Wulan. Rebelient
Jaka Tarub is transformed into a human puppet, and swears a curse upon the
puppeteer for creating such a boring life. The play is performed by Syawal
Permana (Dalang), Bambang Prakoso (Jaka Trub), Eno gerak (Nawang Bulan),
Putra Bukit (Poetry reading), Khairul Sindroma (Tiger), Irwan Sukma (film
producer). The angels are performed by: Dian Pelita, Nur Cempaka, Ida
Melati, Ilal Seruni, Nia Cryshan, neneng Kesumat. The choire consists of
Buyung Karang, Vera Tulif, Dayat Wajah, Yani Kasturi, Rizki Gelombang,
Irfan Gerimis. The Mahesa Theatre group is based in Cipayung, Jakarta
Timur. T021 pub27, 18/6 17.00, the02, 19/6
19.30, the11, 25/6 17.00, mal10, 28/6 16.00, off10, 30/6 16.00 T022
Komedi, Kompeksi Group, Comedy Theatre “Kompeksi
Group” is an institution of considerable experience; participating in
comedy entertainment in Jakarta. As
a major success in a TV performance “Kompeksi Group” received an award
in a comedy festival. Hilarious comedy performed by Buyung P’A, Khairul
Aldino, Dayat Cangak and Putra Biotot. T022 mal15, 5/6 16.00, pub31, 7/6
12.30, off10, 8/6 16.00, pub27, 19/6 17.00, fco06, 29/6 16.00 T023
Juminah Juminten, Sanggar Ratu, contemporary theatre Juminah
Juminten is a play in which abuses, follies, stupidities, vices ar
ridiculed. This satiric comedy is a genre of dramatic theatre treating
trivial material superficially or amusingly and showing serious and
profound material in a light, familiar and satirical matter. Jumina
Juminten is a servant from the millennium area. She works for a company
called PT Amburadul. She dresses like a career woman. She always caries a
hand phone in her right hand and talks intellectually but…. in her left
hand she holds a cleaning rag. T023 mil01, 6/6 13.00, pub30, 8/6
11.00, mal08, 15/6 12.00, mal10, 18/6 16.00, com35, 22/6 16.00, the02,
23/6 19.30, the03, 25/6 19.30, pub27, 27/6 16.30, fco04, 29/6 19.00,
the05, 30/6 16.00 T024 Pemilu
Kadaluarsa (the old elections), Sanggar Cikal, Betawi drama. It
would be correct to say that Theatre Sanggar Cikal provides an ideal forum
for the development of human resources. Theatre can be a mirror for the
national conditions reflecting Indonesia’s concerns over the phenomena
of globalization. Based on this thought, Sanggar Cikal SMUN 7 Bekasi was
founded. T024 com27, 8/6 19.00, the02, 9/6
19.30, com28, 11/6 19.00, com29, 13/6 19.00, com30, 14/6 19.00, the03,
17/6 19.30, com31, 18/6 19.00, the05, 21/6 16.00, the11, 22/6 17.00,
pub27, 24/6 16.30 T025
Narkoba & Anak-Anak Setan, Taman Bacaan Masyarakat Anak Bangsa,
Contemporary “The
Children of the nation ” reading club is an education system set up to
promote creative thought and to stimulate childrens’ imagination from an
early age. In an effort to
make it real “children of the nation” launched the theatre on January
29, 1999 for the development of the east Jakarta community. The play
begins with Jambrong, who in breaking devil’s rules, is cursed by Om
Cetan’s to become Narkoba (drugs). Otong and his friends pass the drugs
around. One day, Otong and his friends match wits with the children who
study the Koran. Who will be the winner of that battle ? T025 res05, 7/6 17.00, off10, 8/6
14.00, pub30, 15/6 15.00, pub27, 20/6 16.30, fco04, 22/6 19.30, com14,
24/6 19.30, the04, 26/6 17.00, the11, 28/6 14.00, fco01, 29/6 17.00,
mal08, 30/6, 12.00 T026
Kampret Dicolek Santet, (Kampret Pinched by Magic), Sanggar Teater
Gudang Sangar
Teater Gudang was established in 1994, based on the present day conditions
and conflicts, and the lack of trust within our society. As human beings
who are concerned about the situation today, we feel that we have to
contribute creatively. “Kampret dicolet santet” is a 45 minute theatre
play performed by 10 actors, which tells about life conditions these days,
presenting hot news, interestingly and attractively wrapped. Suddenly all
the problems are solved just like that, by a magician who becomes involved
in the situation. T026 the02, 6/6 19.30, pub30, 8/6
14.00, mal10, 9/6 16.00, the04, 10/6 20.00, pub27, 15/6 16.30, Fco07,
17/6, com34, 22/6 17.00, the11, 23/6 19.00, fco01, 27/6 17.00, the03, 28/6
19.30 T027 and T027W Pilihan dan Mesin
Pemburu (Choice and The Hunter’s Machine), Tikka Sears and Teater Payung Hitam Experimental theatre with verbal and
non verbal expression. This
performance is a multi-media theater collaboration among director of
Teater Payung Hitam Rachman Sabur, theater artist and director Tikka Sears,
writer and video artist Manuel Castro, and Indonesian actors and
designers. The cast includes
artists from Indonesia and America. The script was written in English by
Manuel Castro with Tikka Sears; later the script was translated, adapted
and added to by Artistic Director of Payung Hitam, Rachman Sabur.
The production is based on classical and contemporary mythologies
by incorporating elements from local Mahabharata stories and American pop
culture. We are drawing our research from Indonesian oral traditions,
contemporary Indonesian authors, music, topeng dance, Javanese and
Sundanese mythological tales, and popular global media culture.
We are incorporating on-stage video projection to play a
significant part in the production. The
piece explores the places where theater, film and documentary can meet. Working with the notion of “suture” from film theory, we
focus on the film shots that are used to knit images and mise-en-scene
together. These film shots
encode ideologies in subtle ways. By
incorporating video interviews from varying areas of the population in
Indonesia and America, we analyze and highlight these usually hidden
narratives. To do this, these
documentary video clips will serve as characters in the play that engage
in dialogue with onstage characters thus blurring the distinction between
myth, reality, and media. Here
we will use non-realistic video sequences that are being produced with and
by the actors. We hope to
create a dialogue between dichotomies of east and west, old and new, rich
and poor. The production
focuses on the perceptions that Indonesian and American peoples have of
each other’s cultures. The
play's themes highlight the repetitious actions of humankind, the way
people are blinded by societal myths, and questions whether it is within
human nature to change these behaviors and cycles.
Innovative video interaction and interviews with Indonesians and
Americans: The play incorporates video sequences.
These video sequences include video interviews with a variety of
people in both Indonesia and America T027 the10, 27+28/6 20.00 and Workshop: T027W the10, 29/6 11.00 T028 Pantomime by teater Raut Pantomime,
as we know it today is predominantly aimed at children, based on
popular fairy tales or folk legends. Pantomime , (also called Mime)
is acting out scenes without the use of words or sound effects. This
is a skill that allows people to express ideas and feelings through
movement, as opposed to words. Raut (Rayon Utara- Northern district)
Theatre consists of a number of senior high school students in North
Jakarta. Teater ‘RAUT’ with Sofyian Joel as a leader has a lot of fun
expressing them selves. They practise hard to reach perfection and JakArt@2003
is a way to introduce themselves to a bigger audience. T028 mal08, 20/6 17.00, mal10, 22/6 16.00, har01, 27/6, res05, 28/6
12.00, mal01, 29/6 14.00 T029 Mat Baret by teater Muda, Contemporary Theatre Young
theatre. Muda theatre was established by the college students of IISIP
Jakarta, on June 13, 1998. it was based on the commitment to develop self
esteem and mutual respect. In this play Mat Baret and his buddy
“Bangkot” were predicted by a fortune teller to become successful men.
Mat Baret will be ‘Lurah’ and bangkot’s child will be ‘Camat’.
How can Mat Baret change his
life to become ‘Lurah”….? T029 mal10, 24/6 15.00, the02, 30/6 19.30 T030 Kepingan Harapan Menjelang Ajal (a piece of hope in facing Death)
by teater Redam Redam
is an organization which was established in the residence of RW.011
Cipinang Muara, East Jakarta and opened for public participation. The play
will be performed by 15 actors. Jakarta
is a symbol of the development of our country’s citizens; it makes
people build up their hopes that they can make their dream come true.
Imam, a young man from a village, who has just got his senior high
certificate, leaves his home to find his fortune in Jakarta. In Jakarta he
meets Susan who is a high class hooker. One day, they are shocked into
realizing that they cannot share their life together as they dreamed. No
longer can they feel a beautiful hope and love. T030 pub27 15.00, 26/6, the05, 28/6 17.00 T031 Pengadilan Wek Wek by Teater Abu, Contemporary Theatre Teater
Abu is directed by Ms. Margesti. Abu is an abbreviation for Aneka Buruh .(Labour
union) This group was initiated in 1992. and their members used to be
mostly women factory workers. Their itensions were purely for leisure and
pastime. Pengadilan Wek Wek is a story about Petruk, a famous clown from
the wayang tradition. Petruk has no work, he takes a job tending geese. .
The geese are owned by Mr. Bagong, a rich and stingy man. Petruk’s wages
are very minimal so he decides to steel some of the geese eggs end keep
the money for himself. Mr Bagong discovered the theft and takes Petruk to
court. Petruk being in a difficult situation hires Mr. Gareng, a smart
lawyer. But Mr. Bagong is also very smart so the court case became very
lengthy and complicated. Mr Bagong is not lucky because the judge can not
be bought. The affair overwhelms and traumatizes Petruk and he loses his
power of speech. the only sound he could utter is wek wek wek. T031 com36, 7/6 19.30, com37, 8/6 19.30, prn01, 12/6 10.00, com35, 16/6
19.30, off10, 18/6 14.00 T032 Prita Istri Kita (Prita, Our
Wife) by Komunitas Seni Peran, Monologue Prita
Kartika, a girl from the village, always dreams of a beautiful marriage.
Her marriage with the teacher turns out to be different as in her dreams.
She always complains about the reality she is confronted with… A
monologue written by Arifin C. Noer and produced by Eka Syahrul. The
actrice Kicky Amalia was born in Jakarta in 1982. She is a student of the
Institut kesenian Jakarta (IKJ) and has performed for many years. Some of
her favourite plays are: Jam Dinding Yang berdetak by Nano Riantiarno,
Hilang Tanpa Bekas by Jean paul Satre, Polisi by Slawomir Mrozek, Kucing
Hitam (the Balck Cat) by Edgar Alan Poe, Perjalanan Kehilangan by Noorca
Mahendra. T032 mal10, 22/6 17.00, pub27, 25/6 17.00, sch13, 28/6 12.00, mal08, 29/6
12.00, mal11, 30/6 13.00 |