

MD001            Workshop Kreatifitas Seni Untuk anak - Creative Art Workshops for children  (jak)

Creative experience needs to begin at an early age, for it is basic in supporting the creative potential in each human being.  Through the creativity workshop, JakArt Festival 2003 acts as a facilitator for children to express themselves and to develop their productivity potential.  The experience aims to appreciate the sense of beauty existing within each human being. There are many benefits for children, if the creativity experience given through the arts can be carried  on as it will form an important part of their life.  JakArt Festival focuses on quality within the creative experience.  Quality needs to be explored by the children, because this can influence their future development to become useful members of their social communities. This event is coordinated by Dolorosa Sinaga. Some programs are: “Painting on paper” workshop (Nugrahanto), “Making a statue from clay” workshop (Budi, Rinjani, Dharani), “Making and painting masks” workshop (Galis), “T-shirt drawing” workshop (Alit Ambara), 2Monoprint on paper and fabrics” workshop (Setyaningsih), “Making souvenirs” workshop : “Photo frame, Greeting cards, Box decorating” workshop (RW Mulyadi, Taufan), “Face Painting” workshop (Sridadi & Sena S), “Making and decorating kites” workshop (Sari Madjid)

MD001 gal10, 8/6, 15/6, 22/6, 29/6            10.00 – 15.00


MD002  Idola* anak dari tempat pembuangan sampah – Idols* of children from the dump site

photo exhibition (jak/HW/PI/OAPG/SMOJ/ YDI)

Children of wastepickers from Bantar Gebang have photographed their idols:
Elvy Sukaesih, Iis Dahlia, Krisdayanti, Roger Danuarta and many more dangdut singers, soap opera stars, TV-presenters and other very important celebrities. Their immense photographs (1,2 meter times 2,4 meter) are exhibited at Senayan Square in South Jakarta.  The sparkling opening (June 11) of the exhibition will be attended by Idols (well known celebrities), young photographers (yet unknown celebrities), groupies, journalists and many other curious people who love celebrities and the unique combination of glitter and garbage. History: Their life is the garbage. Their window on the world is the television. Their idols are models, soap-opera stars, dangdut singers, and other celebrities. They are the children of Bantar Gebang. They live on Indonesia’s largest garbage belt, on the outskirts of Jakarta. Most of them live in miserable huts, built from scraps of plastic sheeting, wood and metal. Their school building is just a wooden shack, with chicken wire for windows. Many of these children help their parents with their jobs as wastepickers. They spend hours and hours turning over each scrap of other people’s garbage, looking for something useful they can sell. In the framework of JakArt@2003, about twenty of these children had the opportunity to meet their idols - as photographers, as real artists, meeting in the flesh the celebrities they have always wanted so much to meet. Just for once in their lives they stepped into the glittering side of life, into the world that unfolds itself before their eyes everyday on the television, but which is a world away from their own lives on the garbage belt. Their adventure began when each of them got a camera, and training in photography, consisting of very simple directions: Hold the camera like this. Don’t cover the lens with your finger. Aim carefully. Don’t open the camera if the film is in it. Etc. And then they were ready to meet their idols. One celebrity gave the children no more than five minutes to take pictures. It was a hurried job, between the dressing room and the stage. Other idols gave the children half an hour of quality time and showered them with presents. The children were invited to the homes of their idols, or were received in the garden of an exclusive hotel, in the office of JakArt, in a concert-hall, or on the film set. The children were always very impressed. To begin with most of them were a little confused and shy, but gradually they became used to their new role as a photographers, and in the end all of them felt very satisfied and intensely proud. They all cherish the pictures they took. A selection of these pictures has been included in the exhibition and the book that will be launched during JakArt@2003. Proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the young scavengers, among other things, to their own radio station: Radio Anak Kampung Bantar Gebang.

MD002 at pub27  11/6 – 30/6


MD003 Bila Ratih Sang Berpuisi – When Ratih Sang recites poetry, by Ratih Sang (jak)

“Rumah Muslimah” Ratih Sang is specialised in household needs for Muslim Women, such as clothing, head covers, shawls, bags, accessories, house ware, etc.  Ratih Sang is a famous Indonesian model for Islamic fashion, and has established a school for modelling and self development based on Islamic teachings  “Lembaga Pendidikan Ratihsang.”  She is motivated to convey the Islamic teachings. Through her experience of modelling, she is convinced that as a Muslim one can still look fashionable and appealing. This has inspired her to study Islam for the past 3 years and to become a dedicated muslim. Her school also features a parenting program: “nowadays it is becoming increasingly difficult for parents to communicate with their children”. Ratih Sang will recite poetry during the openings ceremony of the JakArt@ 2003 festival.

MD003 com33, 4/6


MD005            Mahabharata, Jagad ironing Pasemon – the world in proverbs (jak)

Dalang and Music by Nanang Hape and Kiky Dunung

Nanang HaPe was Born in Ponorogo on the 15th of August 1975. Graduated from Indonesian School of Performing Arts (Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia) in Surakarta, majoring in Traditional Classic Puppetry. Besides having a routine performance in East and Central Java and also Jakarta, this talented young  puppeteer is also active in various studies and Wayang research. One of his previous researches was about Wayang Timplong in Nganjuk, East java. His passion for shadow puppetry led him to perform at Arts Festivals and Arts Events, with Wayang Sandosa and Wayang Layar Panjang, an avant garde shadow puppetry based on classic Javanese wayang. Although he dedicated himself totally in traditional art & culture, he also likes to write modern scripts, articles as well as short stories. “Bedhol Kayon”: As with any other art form, wayang is open to various kinds of experimentation. These experiments contribute towards the awareness that people need to live a balanced life. Universal acceptance of art is a goal. “Budhalan”: Mahabharata is chosen as the main story. It is highly complex teaching narrated in a language that we all can understand. “Lakon”: Pandawa and Korawa are chosen to reflect the journey through human life. Birth, marriage, death…and then what? “Tancep Kayon”: Questions will emerge and then we will decide our own fate. In that final ascendance, there will be no more kinship. It’s time to be responsible for our own choices. During the JakArt @ 2003 Festival, Nanang and Kiky will perform daily from the June 10 - 27

MD005 the04, 10/6 – 27/6            19.00 – 19.45


MD006 Pelukis Bunyi, contemporary Batik painting by Haryo Wisanggeni

exhibition and live action batik making with music and dance by Wukir (jak)

COLLABORATION OF FINE ART, MUSIC, AND DANCE. Tones don´t ´grip´ sufficiently to be called “klangenan” and can´t stand alone for Haryo Wisanggeni. THE MARRIAGE OF HARYO WISANGGENI
Haryo Wisanggeni tried to integrate sound, dance and fine arts into contemporary batik, incorporated in ritualistic patterns. During JakArt@2003, Haryo is will collaborate with 3 artists: Wukir Suryadi, a musician, born in Malang, December 27, 1997. He performed with Idiot Theatre, Tanah Theatre in Malang, Ragil Theatre in Surabaya, Bengkel Teater Rendra and Kelompok Penyanyi Jalanan (KPJ) Jakarta. He has produced an Indie album, entitled “Sembelit”. Subur, born in Jakarta, grew up in the artistic environment of Teater Tetas, Gelanggang Remaja, Bulungan Jakarta Selatan. He has assisted the composer Slamet Abdul Syukur for several shows. Presently he is active in KPJ assisting with the making of soundtracks for film and theatre.
Nanang, born in Bojonegoro, loves painting and music. He has worked in several large and small scale productions with Haryo Wisanggeni over the years.

MD006 pub30/ 22/6, 17.00


MD007 Oseng-oseng, a multidimensional Performances Art-installation featuring Agoes Jolly and Made Beery Tukijo and their performance team.  (jak/PH/ESUI)

Expression on the Art of Cooking. An Installation conceived, directed and performed by Agoes Jolly (Jakarta, Indonesia) and Made BEERY Tukijo (Bernhard Batschelet, Swiss) and their performance team. A Performance-Ritual in three Parts, conceived for JakArt@2003. This installation includes three parts:

2 outdoor-performances and 1 indoor-performance with a documentational multimedia-installation, three performances within three different sociocultural environments. Oseng-Oseng (stirring food) is one big Ritual about Cooking and Eating, about production and consumption, about making food (or ideas, opinion, etc) and being fed with it, voluntarily, inadvertently or forcefully. A performance art-installation including theater, music, ritual, dance, performance, recitation, visual arts, as well as a video, slide and foto-installation (culmination of all three performances). The artists: Agoes Hari Rahardja. SA, (Author, direction, performer, visual artist) named Agoes Jolly (Jakarta, Indonesia) is one of the formost Indonesian performances artists. He is equally known for his Installation-WOrk. He graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Jakarta Institute of the Arts.... Made BEERY Tukijo, (Bernhard Batschelet, Basel-Switzerland) co-Author, director, performer, flutist, composer, has a broad portfolio: soloist diploma as a flutist from Music Academy Basel, Switzerland, MA and PHD in musicologyu and composition from UCSD (University of California in San Diego). Broad activities as a composer, performance-installation artist, flutist, organizer of multidimensional events. Activities in garden architecture and environmental design (California), nature protection (President Mountain Wilderness International), politics (Basel Parliament) and mountaineering. Since 1987 yearly cultural exchange with Indonesia. Collaborations with bestknown Indonesian artists, like Afrizal Malna, Joseph Praba, Bodhy Darma, Edi Utama, Agus Purwantoro, Wayan S. Jiwatman and others, now with Agoes Jolly. In the third week of June 2003, BEERY Tukijo Batschelet will celebrate the vernissage of his new ALBUM MINANGKABAU (a drawing-book on the vaning of West-Sumatra's Minangkabau Culture) in Jakarta.

The other performaers are: Ahmad Fahmi Alatas (Jakarta) (music composition, sound engineer, performer), BEI from Teater Mandiri (tokoh kursi I), Boim alumni IKJ (Institut Kesenian Jakarta)(tokoh kursi II), Fuad Idris alumni IKJ (tokoh kursi III), Andi director Teater Mega-mega (tokoh kursi IV), Devi studying theatre at IKJ (tokoh kursi V), Nina studying Dance at IKJ (tokoh pelayan). Production and Organisation Team: Andi Lomsky, Ipul, and others

MD007 the04, 7/6 17.00, pub27, 8/6 17.00, gal22, 11/6 17.30, exhibition at gal22, 11/6 – 16/6


MD011            ‘Karena Serakah’ and ‘pak Tua dan Tikus’ – ‘because of greed’ and ‘the old man and the mouse’. 2 stories By Yayasan Anak Bangsa Indonesia, performances at 50 schools (YABI)

Yayasan Anak Bangsa Indonesia will perform 50 times at 22 different primary schools and kindergartens. Their performances consist of 2 Children Folk Tales. (Dongeng anak). Denny Kadarusman or Kak Denny was born in Jakarta, October 6, 1974. He started to tell stories (fables) in 1998 at several schools and Malls. He established Yayasan Anak bangsa Indonesia (YABI) in 2001. He has been involved in several UNICEF programs  and plays an important role for the Yayasan Bahtera Bandung in caring for street children. Story telling stimulates children’s enormous curiosity and builds their fantasy and imagination. The growth and the rapid changes in our high speed society leaves little interest in the art of simple story-telling. The truth is, that simple story-telling is essential for the moral education of our children. The fables will refocus the children’s attention on the real world and the environment in which they live, away from the digital and virtual world created through electronic media. The stories invite the audience to participate and the children to interact. The activities include Children Fables, Quizzes and Interactive Games.

MD011 kg00, 4-30/6, kg01, 4/6 09.00 – 10.00, kg02, 4/6 10.30 – 11.30, kg03, 4/6 14.00 – 15.0, kg04, 5/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg05, 5/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg06, 6/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg07, 6/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg08, 7/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg09, 7/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg10, 7/6 15.00 – 16.00, kg11, 9/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg12, 9/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg13, 9/6 15.00 – 16.00, kg14, 10/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg15, 10/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg16, 11/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg17, 11/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg18, 11/6 15.00 – 16.00, kg19, 12/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg20, 12/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg21, 12/6 15.00 – 16.00, kg22, 13/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg23, 13/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg24, 14/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg25, 14/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg26, 16/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg27, 16/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg28, 17/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg29, 17/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg30, 18/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg31, 18/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg32, 19/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg33, 19/6 10.00 – 11.00 , kg34, 20/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg35, 20/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg36, 21/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg37, 21/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg38, 23/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg39, 23/6 10.00 – 11.00 , kg40, 23/6 15.00 – 16.00, kg41, 24/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg42, 24/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg43, 25/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg44, 25/6 15.00 – 16.00 , kg45, 26/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg46, 26/6 15.00 – 16.00, kg47, 28/6 08.00 – 09.00 , kg48, 28/6 10.00 – 11.00, kg49, 30/6 08.00 – 09.00, kg50, 30/6 10.00 – 11.00


MD013 Bogel Anak Jaman by Bengkel “Creative” Anak Indonesia, Operet kampungan.

Musical Drama for children. (jak)

The task to reconstruct and revitelize the artistic vision in a child’s life is the responsibilty of every artist. With art we can mould a child to be balanced in mind and feelings. An alternative education that emphasizes art values for a child, will cultivate (sharpen) his talent, creativity and social awareness. This is the aim of the Bengkel Creative Anak Indonesia.  The work of these children is to show to the world the value of Indonesia and it’s ability to compete internationally. These children have channelled their creativity through Bengkel “Creative” Anak Indonesia, directed by Nendra WD. By performing operette kampungan “bogel anak jaman” during JakArt @ 2003 they will show their creative potential. With this performance we learn that the artistic spirit of the kids is very strong and should be given more attention. Some of these young participants have been featured in some Cinetron, soap series and TV commercials.They can also sing. They will perform a musical drama about nationalism and respect for other nations.

MD013            pub31,7/6 16.55, pub30, 8/6 15.00, off10, 14/6 16.00, gal11, 15/6 10.00, off10, 21/6 15.00, Gal11, 22/6 15.00, pub27, 26/6 16.30, mil01, 27/6 13.30, sch13, 28/6 19.00, gal11, 29/6 15.00


MD015            photographs, illustrations, prints, films, acrylics, pastels, lithography, etching & serigraphy. Combined exhibition. (jak/EARG/ESUI/DMG)

A combined exhibition at Gedung Dua8, Jl. Kemang Utara No 28 Jakarta

Featuring several exhibitions from 5 different countries: ‘Childrens’ Games, 30 Acrylics and Pastels by Ricardo Tourino (Argentina)V024 , Affandi, The Graphics,  Lithography, Etching and Serigraphy by Affandi (Indonesia) V009, Geometry and Natural Lines, 8 illustrations & 7 prints by Daniel Dick (USA) V010, Djakarta, Jakarta, Jakarte, 50 Photographs of and about Jakarta by William R. Durman (Great Britain) V016, and three Suisse films: Les Petites Couleurs, by Patricia Plattner, War Photographer by Nino Jacusso and Escape to Paradise by Christian Frei, (Switzerland). Les petit Couleurs by Patricia Plattner will be shown on the opening night.  All movies will be shown during Swiss Sensations Month F002 at gal14

MD015 gal14, 8/6-21/6 (op 8/6)


MD016 Nyanyian Bumi (erath song) – by Komunitas Hitam Putih, Contemporary Balinese Music, Dance and performance art. 85 artists.

Komunitas Hitam Putih has a total concept in which their arts poetry, dance, Music, and acting, are intergrated in a single harmonic form. Komunitas Hitam Putih is supported by a team with great technical potential for integration and harmony. For Komunitas Hitam Putih, JakArt @2003 is providing a timely opportunity to draw the attention of  the  Indonesian arts community to their work. The “Nyanyian Bumi” performance has a theme which is to bring peacefullness to the earth.  This performance includes both music and art, which integrated results in a colosal performance, including 85 performers, from the professional artists to the general people who care about arts and peace. This performance includes contemporary balinese Music and traditional Dance and Perfomance Art. This concept is developed from the Hindu-Bali philosophy which is often known as Nawasanga. A religion which includes 9 Gods, 9 winds directions, and 9 colors. “A symbol of human  balance”.

MD016 pub30, 22/6 19.30, fco07, 28/6 19.30


MD017 Kemang Street Festival, Jalan Kemang Festival, distinctive arts and cultural works presented in a one day street festival. Bazaar, parades, art performances, exhibitions, games and sports. (jak/RC.COM)

Jakartans and expatriates will have a spectacular treat when some of Indonesia's most distinctive arts and cultural works are presented in a one-day Kemang Street Festival (KSF). The 3rd Kemang Street Festival, organized in conjunction with the Jakarta's 476th anniversary. As in the previous festivals, the 3rd Kemang Street Festival will occupy a one-kilometer long stratch on Jl. Kemang. The 3rd Kemang Street Festival is being organized by, in cooperation with Kemang business circles and the city administration.

The 1st and the 2nd Kemang Street Festival were an incredible success, with over 50,000 and 250,000 enthusiastic visitors respectively. With better preparation based on the previous experience in organizing the similar event, the upcoming festival is expected to be more attractive and lively.

MD017 pub31, 7/6


MD018 Pesta Budaya Rakyat dan Hutan Wisata Kali Pesanggrahan, the pesanggrahan River Forrest folk festival.

In the middle of a densely populated South Jakarta, there is still space for a forest and fauna. The most significant part is called the forest of Kali Pesanggrahan. Actually this area almost vanished, but it was saved by few of the farmers who really cared about this environment. According to the book of Babad Cirebon in the year of 1522, Kanjeng Sunan Jati ordered his son in law, Syarief Hidayatullah, also known as Fatahillah, to protect the Sunda Kelapa Harbour from the Padjajaran and the Portuguese. Then the Adipati from Cinere, Cirebon, a delegation from Fatahillah, and 80 men of his army conquered and cleared a forest to build a new settlement now known as  Karang Tengah and Cinere. Since 1992, a lot of farmers from the Karang Tengah Village, Lebak Bulus, used this land for agriculture. In 1997 Mr.Chaerudin gathered a group of 17 farmers known as “ bambu kuning “. During their activities in developing the forest they changed their name into “ Sangga Buana “ (Sangga: a post to support an object above;  Buana: Earth consisting of air, plants, water, animals, etc , which need to be nourished to become everlasting). Sangga Buana “ a group of farmers protecting the environment and rebuilding the community. They aim to improve the relation between nature and the people and to secure the territory of the Kali Pesanggrahan Karang Tengah. Sangga Buana has organized a 3 day festival celebrating with traditional art, performances, sport and games: Flying Fox, Penyeberangan basah, Penyeberangan kering, Rapheling, Jembatan gantung, Jembatan goyang, Jalan di atas bambu, Jalan miring, Permainan layang-layang gebang, Atraksi alam, Uji coba rakit hias, Pasang obor sepanjang 500 M., Permainan anak-anak dan Pemutaran Film Lingkungan, Monkey games, Tepak kepala, Pasang api unggun, Renungan suci, Hiburan Rakyat, Ondel-ondel, Pencak silat, Tanjidor, Delman hias, Drumband, Pramuka Gudep HB IX, Parade rakit hias, Lintas alam dengan halang rintang, Tarian Betawi Selamat Datang, Tarian Melayu  and music.

MD018 com33, 12+13+14/6


MD019 Openenings Ceremony JakArt @ 2003-05-26

The openings ceremony of JakArt @ 2003 include the following events: V031 Installation of Bottles by Mikhail David and Rachmadi Fiedorowicz. M019 Dis' BoOet, Techno Ethnic Music featuring Suaharani and Doni Suhendra. Cerita Hal Ikhwal hutan kali Pesanggrahan by Mr. Chaerudin. MD005 Wayang Kulit, “The Jungle species” by Nanang Hape (Dalang) & Kiky Dunung (music). MD002 Book launching of Idols(*) of Children From The Dumpsite, A contemporary photo project  on the interface between  culture and education A selection of these pictures has been  included in an exhibition. MD021  The Reda Folkloric Troup, Traditional Music and Dance from Egypts (jak/ MFAE/MCE). MD022 Aisha A.S. Pletsher and Aning Katamsi and Poetry reading by Wisnu Prajudha. Some works of Ravel, Jaya Suprana, Mochtar Embut and others

Aisha has her master degree form the Manhatten School of Music, New York and has performed all over the world. During the last few years she has been dedicating herself to the development of the YPM. (Foundation for Musical Education, Jakarta. Presently the YPM has more then 1800 registered students) Aning Katamsi is a well respected Classical Vocalist who performes very often as a solist or in combination with orchestra. She teaches in YPM. MD003 A Special poem written by Ratih Sang for JakArt @ 2003 called Namaku Jati is recited by Wisnu Prajudha, a wellknown actor for cinetron and presenter at RCTI Television. He hosted several shows including “Buah Bibir. At this time he hosts  more religious programs like “Islam Actual” (every Saturday) and “a meaningful life” (every Sunday). As an announcer at Pesona FM (103,7 FM) radio, you can listen to him every morning (mo-fr) 5.30 – 9.00 AM. Ratih Sang is a famous Indonesian model for Islamic fashion, and has established a school for modelling and self development based on Islamic teachings  “Lembaga Pendidikan Ratihsang.” She is motivated to convey the Islamic teachings. Through her experience of modelling, she is convinced that as a Muslim one can still look fashionable and appealing. This has inspired her to study Islam for the past 3 years and to become a dedicated muslim. Her school also features a parenting program: “nowadays it is becoming increasingly difficult for parents to communicate with their children”.

MD019 com33, 4/6 20.00


MD020 Banda Bra-Ma by Jilly Likumahuwa, Brazilian culture.

What is Banda Bra-Ma? The word is taken from both Indonesian and Portuguese. Banda (Portuguese) means band and Bra-Ma (Indonesian) has several meanings including Brasil Mania (the group is crazy about anything Brazilian, Brani Mati (they are ready to die to perform), Brani Malu (they are unashamed to play in any situation). The concept offers a way to learn about Brazilian music for people in Indonesia. We are eager to help others to learn about Samba, Capoeira and Batucada etc.. The Brazilian dance, Samba, introduced by slaves in the past, contains elements of African dance. It became popular with the annual Carnivals throughout Brazil, especially in Samba O Dromo, Rio De Janeiro, where the famous Samba parade is held.

The Capoeira martial art form originally came from Angola in the 16th century, where often the slaves had to fight for food and space. If they were caught fighting they would be shot or hung. The slaves developed tricky moves to fool the guards, and that is how the dances were developed. Popularized in Bahia, Salvador.

Batucada is a music genre from Brazil based on percussion. The accompanying dancers also sing.. Usually the dance performed is the Samba.

MD020 pub30, 1/6


MD021 The Reda Folkloric Troup, Traditional Music and Dance from Egypts (jak/ MFAE/MCE)

Born on 18 March 1930 in Cairo, Mahmoud Reda, general director of the Reda Troup pioneered dance theatre in Egypt. In 1959 he founded the first folk dance company « The Reda Troupe » to present Egypt’s rich dance heritage in theatrical form.  The Reda Folkloric Troup has toured several times around the globe, performing on the world’s most prestigious stages revealing the cultural and social aspects of Egyptian daily life Presently their company consists of 140 members. The first dancer, Fareda Fahme is a well know leading dancer. Most of the repetoir is composed by Ali Essmaen. For their visit in Jakarta the group will bring 15 members. The 4 musicians are: Nabil Yousri El Sayed Ahmed, Adel Zaki El Sawy Mohamed, Moussa labib Mohamed and Antar Hussein Abdel Salam. The dancers are: Nasr Saleh Mohamed, Reham Mohamed Taha, Doaa Hassan Salam, Zeinab Ramadan Abdul Moneim, Dalia Hussein Mohamed, Eman Yusri Riyad, Mohamed El Sayed El Husseiney, Ashraf Farid Hassan, Ahmed Farouk Mahmoud, Hassan Farouk Helal Mohamed and Abdel Hakim Helal Mohamed.

MD021 com33, 4/6 23.00, mil01, 6/6 11.00, hot04, 7/6 20.00, res05, 8/6 19.00 , pub27, 11/6 19.30


MD022 Aisha A.S. Pletsher and Aning Katamsi, Some works of Ravel, Jaya Suprana, Mochtar Embut and others (jak)

MD022 com33, 4/6 20.00