JakArt@2001 is a
not-for-profit festival to celebrate
the birthday of
Jakarta, in June 2001. Jakarta will be
transformed into a huge stage for a whole month. Not only
most of the exiting venues in the city, such as concert halls and theatres, but also unconventional venues in the city,
such as schools and universities,
community centers, community theaters, parks, the
streets, mosques, churches, cafes, a bus that opens into a
stage.... and more will be used. The local community
will be involved to the maximum extend
possible, by taking the festival to them and creating hands-on experiences and events. JakArt@
2001 is |
2001 is the
result of the combined efforts of an impressive number of
individual artists and concerned citizens who have
collectively come to the realization that some action is
called for imminently. These same individuals have struggled
for many years and to various degrees of success to address
the concern of the lack of adequate educational and
financial support (often due to lack of understanding of the
important links between the arts and our everyday economic
and social activities). In Jakarta, a city of 15 million
people, most of the cultural projects and events address
themselves to narrow and specialized audiences and seldom
reach the wider public. What made JakArt@ 2001 different is
that for the first time in many years a consensus has
emerged that if all these noble efforts in the various
fields and disciplines can be pooled together for just
one moment in time, i.e. June 2001, and in just one
space, i.e. Jakarta, then perhaps we can create a monumental event
that will reach a wide audience and draw attention to a
number of important issues. We hope that this will start an
on-going dialogue that will develop into a deeper level of
understanding. |