CONCERT no. 100

Photo top:

driving to St. Catharines ON
on the QEW
passing by Burlington

Getting ready for the last show of Tulips 2005 at the Montebello Park, Festival Stage.     Niagara Wine Festival

Sunday September 25th - 12.00 hrs
St. Catharines, Ontario

photo top left:

Mr. Gerry Ginsberg

Director of the Niagara Wine Festival
(Niagara Grape and Wine Festivals)
introducing the artists

photo bottom left:

Ms. Susan Erskine

Deputy Mayor of the city of St. Catharines ON receiving a Tulips Friendship Garden
for His Worship Mr. Timothy H. Rigby
Mayor of St. Catharines
in honour of the WWII Veterans

bottom right:

Are you ready?