Mr. Ben Nind
and his daughter.
Executive Director
Northern Arts and Cultural Center
Organizer and host of today's event
Views from
the Rock.
Yellowknifers are very inventive when it comes to building
houses that suit the Rocky landscape. Flat real estate was
not ready available in Yellowknife's old town. Shacks,
outhouses, tents, cafes and hotels were all jammed together
in the early days, in every available nook and cranny
surrounding this area known as " the Rock"
Pilots of Canada
In the 1920s and 1930s a small number of daring aviators
broke the silence of the North. Often flying in extreme cold
and facing dangerous take-off and landing conditions, these
Bush Pilots ferried passengers, mail and freight in and out
of remote frontier regions and played a crucial role in the
development of the Northern economy and the delivery of
public services. Blazing air trails over immense areas,
these intrepid pioneers helped map the Canadian Shield and
the Arctic barrenlands,
and pilots transformed Northern life
by bringing this unique region into the Canadian mainstream. |