province was liberated in three regions: the borderland between Musselkanaal and the Dollard inlet, the city of Groningen and the 'Delfzijl bridgehead'. A reconnaissance unit of the First Polish Armoured Division, led by General S.W. Maczek, crossed the provincial border on April 11th at Musselkanaal. After the liberation of Stadskanaal, Onstwedde and Tange-Alteveer, the Polish vanguard advanced further north. On the morning of April 13th, they reached Wedde and Blijham. Under German machine-gun fire, two light tanks stormed, shooting, through Blijham towards Winschoten. But at the bridge across the Pekel A the tanks were fired upon by German artillery. The tanks did an about-turn.
A young girl who lived near the bridge recalled: 'We discuss what we have to do and decide to leave the house and take cover in the fields. Father had always said: 'If anything happens then we have to head towards Winschoterzijl'. My 15 year-old sister, Martha, tucks the photo albums under her arm and spontaneously runs across the street with the dog, but in the exact opposite direction of what Father had always said. We take the wheelbarrow that we had filled with emergency provisions some time before, and follow her. Our neighbours join us along with Widow Kunst and her foster daughter. We find shelter behind the sheep fold in the pasture by hiding in the embankment on the other side of the causeway there. Towards one o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Pathuis, an older couple, join us as well. With eleven people in all, it's pretty crowded and so Martha and I are no longer able to get sufficient cover behind the causeway and in the embankment.'
After the encounter at the bridge, both parties called in reinforcements.
But in the evening the enemy crept out of Winschoten.
Winschoten was liberated on April 15th without further fighting.
Anecdote by Mr. K. Heikens: As far as I can recall, Dommering Hotel was requisitioned by the Canadians. Lieutenant Silz was in command. Performances were given there every month, especially musicals like America America. Dutch men were not allowed to attend these shows.
We were building a bar in Dommering Hotel. When my men arrived at work in the morning, they would find women there fast asleep among packages of cigarettes which they were given as payment for their services during the night. So my workers would take the cigarettes under the pretext that the women hadn't paid any import tax on them. They would then awaken the women with a bucket of cold water.


They slowly picked up their normal lives

The liberation of Bergen in the province of Noord Holland
The Canadians arrived in Bergen on May 8th, 1945.
Those who still lived in the town were wide-eyed at the sight of the ordnance that came rolling in: three-tonners, jeeps, etc. In the town centre the liberators were received with loud cheers, flags were waved in exuberance and immense joy prevailed. The war was over. The liberators handed out candy, chocolate and cans of food. A day never to be forgotten.
In the presence of the local Dutch commander of the Domestic Forces in the Netherlands, Mr. A. van Ulsen, and others of the Resistance, the surrender of the town became a fact. The Canadian staff car drove to Van Reenenpark 12 where the Canadian commander, the German Ortscommandant and Mr. Van Ulsen signed the documents.
The Canadians set up camp at "Het Oude Hof' and in an opening in the woods along the tramline between Jan Willemlaan and Sparrenlaan. Canadians were also accommodated in houses and large buildings, including Westerwolde Estate which had functioned as a refuge (“Fliegerhorst”) for German flyers operating out of Bergen airfield.
The people of Bergen, who were forced to evacuate to other towns, returned after May 8th, 1945, and slowly picked up their normal lives under the leadership of interim mayor, Mr. Lovink. Civil and military authorities joined forces to arrange for food supplies and to carry out the most urgent repairs. The first commemoration service in Bergen after the liberation was held on June 6th, 1945, the same date as D-Day in 1944, when allied forces carried out their first landings in Normandy.

Order in which the detachement will participate

5 May 2005
Wageningen has obviously organized elaborate celebrations this year on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the liberation.
Guests invited to attend the
Commemoration Ceremony in the
municipality of Wageningen May 5th,
Mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven / Chairwoman of the (Dutch) Upper Chamber Ms Timmerman-Buck / Chairman of the (Dutch) Lower Chamber Mr. Weisglas



/Deputy Chairman of the Council of State Mr. Tjeenk Willink / Defense Minister Kamp / Defence State Secretary Van der Knaap / Chief of the Military Household of Her Majesty the Queen/ Lieutenant-General Blomjous / Chief of the Netherlands Defense Staff General Berlijn / Inspector General of the armed forces, as well as Inspector of the Veterans Lieutenant-General Van Baal / Many Ambassadors and military attachés of the Allied Countries / Commanders of the Armed Forces and many other military authorities
Guests invited for the march-past after the Commemoration Ceremony; Crown Prince Willem Alexander of the Netherlands will take the salute:
Prime Minister Balkenende / Governor-Generaal of Canada Ms H.E. Clarkson / Minister of Veterans Affairs of Canada with a delegation of Canadian veterans / and many thousands of allies, particularly Canadian and British veterans.
Order in which the detachement will participate on May 5th, 2005.
Total number participating in march-past in bands: 736
Total number participating in march-past in detachments: 4485
Total number participating in march-past: 5221
Wageningse Harmonie/ Drumfanfare Korps Natres / Fanfarekorps KL Bereden Wapens / Vlagprotocol det. 13e BAT RSPB / Vereniging 8 RI – 1940 / Dragers Bronzen Leeuw/Bronzen Kruis / Stichting Samenwerkend Verzet / Vereniging Oud-strijders Prinses Irene Brigade / BNMO / Jeugdband RBL Brentwood / Erepeloton v.m Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten / 13 Infbat Lmb (Reg Stoottroepen Pr.
Bernhard) / Bond Oud-Stoottroepers en Stoottroepers  / Dutchbat 3 / Canadian liberation 60 Band / Erewacht CA Delegatie / Royal Canadian Legion / Thank You Canada / US Air Force Marching Band / US Color Guard / Honor Platoon / Nr 2 Dutch Troop / Bond Oud-Parachutisten / Vereniging Oud-Commando's / Korps Commandotroepen / 11 Poolse Pantserdivision ( muziekskorps + erewacht ) / Vereniging Poolse Oud-strijders / Brigade Piron België / Belgisch Nationaal Herdenkingscomité / Stichting Oud-Gedienden Militaire Luchtvaart / Pipes & Drums Royal British Legion / Royal British Legion / D-day & Normandy Veterans Associations / Market Garden Veterans Associations / 51 Highland Division / Polar Bear Division / Normandy Veterans Associations / Seaforth Pipes & Drums / Seaforth Highlanders / Wiltshire Regiment / Somerset Regiment / Royal Airforce Association / Thank You Britain / Band of Liberation / Peloton 48 / KNIL/Madjoe / Glodok Groep
Vereniging Oud-strijders Indiëbataljons Prinses Irene / VOMI / Tamboers & Pijpers Korps Mariniers / Korps Mariniers / Contact Oud-Mariniers / Reünisten Matrozenkapel / MTB/MGB Koninklijke Marine / Koopvaardij 1940-1945 / Gouvernementsmarine / OVW’s Koninklijke Marine / EX/ACT Vr. Militairen / MARVA / AVOM / Koninklijke Marine H.M. De Ruyter / Reünieorkest