The story, their stories
4 jazz musicians playing tribute to
Canadian WWII Veterans

Official Canadian Logo of
Year of the Veteran,
Année de l`ancien combattant.

First Edition 2007
Design of the first English Edition:
Rene van Helsdingen
Helsdingen Music BV

Official Dutch Logo of
the 60th Anniversary
of the Liberation
of the Netherlands.

Adaption and Re/design
Mikhail David

Official Indonesian Logo of
International Art Cultural and
Educational Festival.

Helsdingen Music BV
1st Edition Published in Holland

Logo of Slinger Printers,
Alkmaar Holland.
Printer of the official tour poster
and official sponsor of Tulips 2005.


We went right through from Arnhem, right up to Assen, Groningen.
A couple of us took the German flag off the city hall in Assen. We took it down, and I took it
home, and kept it for a number of years, but then my wife had me get rid of it.
Private Allan Ted Lancefield

  'photo Jan Otter, Assen' – city Hall, Abdijkerk aan de Brink
courtesy of Asser Historisch Tijdschrift, april 2005, Assen-NL'.