Tulips Main Page  
July 2nd
Performance at the
Toronto Downtown Jazz Festival
on Danforth and Logan
July 2nd
July 2nd
July 2nd
Faiza R. Ansari
Director of operations
GreekTown on the Danforth
Business Improvement Area

Thank you for coordinating 2 great afternoons
as part of the Toronto Downtown Jazz Festival
July 2nd
Today's concert is a special tribute
to Bryan Michael Cassidy
A Tulip Friendship Garden of 600 Tulips Bulbs
will be offered to Mr. David Miller, Mayor of Toronto
in honor of Mr. Cassidy.

Quinten Rutgers reading a story
written by Jana Cassidy and Ray Seed (nephew)

My husband Bryan Michael Cassidy had a very special bond with Holland. A bond that stretched beyond life itself.
After joining the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1943, he was assigned to the 420 Snowy Owl Squadron based in Yorkshire, England as a tail gunner.  Returning from his third mission over Germany on April 25, 1944, his Halifax III night bomber was shot down and crashed into a field near the Dutch village of Zuilichem in the province of Gelderland.
Only my husband and the mid-upper gunner Ray Tanner survived.
The remaining five members of the crew, pilot Doug Watterson, navigator Ed Webb, bomb-aimer Alfred Redmonds, flight engineer Art Hansford and wireless operator Bill Murphy, perished and were buried in Zuilichem.  To this day the villagers maintain their graves and every year on May 4, they all gather to remember the sacrifices these young Canadians made for their freedom.  My husband eluded the Nazis for about three days, surviving on water from the dikes and a chocolate bar from his escape kit. He was eventually captured as he attempted to cross one of the bridges over the river Waal.
Initially, he refused to give the enemy any information other than his name, rank and serial number.  He wasn't carrying any identification so the Gestapo considered him to be a spy.  As a result, he had no choice but to give the name of the squadron he was with in England. That information satisfied the interrogating officer. He was then listed as a Prisoner of
War and stayed at several camps or stalags, in Germany, Poland and East Prussia, until his liberation in 1945.  When he first visited the graves of his crew mates in 1985 he thought this was where he should have been. They lived together, ate together, creating an unbreakable bond that transcends time.  On May 4, 2005, he was finally reunited with his "brothers in arms" in Holland.  May he rest in peace.

July 2nd
Private Frank Miller
3rd Canadian Infantry Division
D-Day Boys
Liberator of the Netherlands
July 2nd
Martin van Denzen
President of the Dutch Canadian Association
of Greater Toronto

and producer and Host for the Dutch Programme
CJMR 1320 - Radio - the voice of the city
July 2nd
Luluk and her fans
July 2nd
Audience / TV
July 2nd
Birgit - Ernst - Bill - Fotis - Sonja - Christine
July 2nd
top: Mr. Rossignol Junior
Jamming inside the Stage

bottom: Mr. Rossignol Senior
Bus driver

Dear Larry,
Thanks for a wonderful party
and for inviting all our friends and family
July 3rd
2nd day at the Toronto Downtown Jazz Festival
July 3rd
Special Guest
Kiki jamming with Luluk
July 3rd
Toronto Fire Department
a quick stop to enjoy some jazz
July 3rd
July 3rd
July 3rd
Luluk receiving gifts from Ibu Nuk
July 4th
Driving from Toronto ON to Windsor ON
location: Dieppe Park, Riverside Drive
Detroit River
July 4th
Cartunes - created by local artists in Windsor
to celebrate the automotive Industry

July 4th
The Stage Bus at Dieppe Park
July 4th
Dieppe Park

performance is presented by the City of Windsor
and the Windsor Lancaster Committee
Mike Taylor
Special Events Coordinator, Parks & Recreation Services, City of Windsor

Thank you for organizing a great day in Windsor

Mayors Office
Windsor HArbour Commission
Ground Effects
Kamsel Leasing
the Circle of Seven
Elias Deli (breakfast provisions)
Paddy O'Ryans (dinner provisions)
the Hilton
Windfest productions - Ken Brandes
Boblo Boat Foundation and owners and volunteers of the Ste Claire
Convention and Visitors Bureau of Windsor, Essex County and Pelee Island
July 4th
Piano tuner: Rick Moor
July 4th
left: Mr. Gordon Orr
Manager Convention and Visitors Bureau of Windsor,
essex County and Pelee Island

Mr. Michael Duben
City of Windsor GM Client Services
July 4th
Royal Canadian Legion Colour Guard detachment


Mr. Garnet Ryan
Royal Canadian Legion District A Commander
July 4th
right: Mr. Garnet Ryan
Royal Canadian Legion District A Commander
July 4th
Essex and Kent Scottish Regiment detachment
Honorary Colonel Rae Martin and
Lieutenant Colonel Phillip Berthiaume
July 4th
Greetings by reverend Jurrien Camman.
July 4th
Heidi and Lauren Toffen from Walkerville High School
Singing the Netherlands and Canadian
National Anthems
July 4th
left: Mr. Richard D. Ter Vrugt ,
Honorary Consul of the Netherlands, London, ON

His Worship Mr. Eddie Francis
Mayor of the City of Windsor

Rene receiving a City of Windsor Nell Rose Bush
(Nell is the mother of the current
Prime Minister - The Honorary Paul Martin
July 4th
His Worship Mr. Eddie Francis
Mayor of the City of Windsor, receiving a Tulip Friendship Garden.
July 4th
Left: Lieutenant Colonel Phillip Berthiaume
Middle: Mr. Richard D. Ter Vrugt ,
Honorary Consul of the Netherlands, London,ON

right:  His Worship Mr. Eddie Francis
Mayor of the City of Windsor

Right: the Honorary Brian Massey - Member of Parliament
July 4th
Mr. Garnet Ryan
Royal Canadian Legion District A Command
July 4th
July 4th
Special Guest:
On Drums: Mr. Rodney Mecks
July 4th
Rodney and Deborah Mecks
July 4th
Mr. Milorad Sokolovic
WWII Veteran from the Balkan
during the Partizan War in Yugoslavia
Fighting the Germans
July 4th
Mr. William van den Amstel
Prisoner at a German War kamp when he was 17.
Joined the Navy after WWII

Our concert is a special tribute to you
July 4th
Mr Edward Lee
WWII Veteran
With the Royal Canadian Airforce
4040 Squadron
involved during D-Day

Liberator of the Netherlands
July 4th
Danielle Oosterop joined us for 1 day
on her way to Chicago

Agent for:
Bik Bent Braam/Trio BraamDeJoodeVatcher/All Ears
July 5th
Ken Brandes
Executive Producer - Festival Epicure
Windfest Production


July 5th
Just before departure -
Windsor, ON - early in the morning


July 5th
early morning

Sergeant Stan W. Jones  - WWII Veteran from Windsor
Wireless Operator,  Lancaster 101 (Special Duty) Squadron,
Bomber Command Ludford Magna, Lincolnshire, U.K. April 29th. 1945

Liberator of the Netherlands

July 5th
Driving from Windsor ON to
Ohsweken ON.
July 5th
playing succer  while the driver is a sleep
July 5th
Arrival at Six Nations veterans association
Performance at Veterans Park
The Village of Ohsweken,
Six Nations of the Grand River Territory Ontario
Presented by the Six Nations Veterans Association
Checking in at the Bear's Inn
Ohsweken, Ontario
July 5th
Reception at
Six Nations veterans association

Mona Staats
wearing native Iroquois costume
Piper for Six Nations
July 5th
Dr. Angela O'Rourke, native from six nations
Reverend Norman Casey - Padre for Six Nations
veterans association
lJuly 5th
left: John Monture
president of the Six Nations Veteran Association

middle:Mr. Les Harrington - WWII Veteran
Member of the RCL Branch 90 - Brantford ON

right: Robert Monture - 2nd vice President
July 5th
Marion Hill,
Six Nations Canadian Women’s Army Corp
It was 1944 and Marion Hill was eighteen years of age
when she walked by the recruitment office in Brantford, ON
and decided to go in.  Marion was one of a number of
women who joined the Canadian Women’s Army Corp.
and made the commitment to serve her country in the mid 1940’s.
saying Grace before a luxery meal
Private Frank Sharp
1st Batakion Argyle and Southerland Highlanders PS

Liberator of the Netherlands
July 5th
Ms. Nina Burnham

Nina Burnham comes from a strong family of
veterans at Six Nations.  Three brothers and one sister
served in both the Canadian Armed Forces
and the American Army. 
Pointing at a document about her uncle,
Brigadier General O.M. Martin.

Nina joined the Six Nations Veteran’s Association in 1962.
Brigadier General O.M. Martin was the highest ranking
Native officer in Canada.
July 5th
Mr. Bud Keeton
veteran from the Korea War
July 5th
Bill Little - PPCLI
member of the Royal canadian legion
Paris Ontario - branch 29
July 5th
veterans present at the reception:

Norm Allen - Navy
Lucy Martin RN - Canadian Army
George Roach - Royal Canadian Submarines
N. Gale MacAulay - Navy
Derek Pite - Army
Ed Maddock - RCNVR
Jesse Green - USA Army
Bob O'Rourke - US Navy
Angela O'Rourke - US Army
Iyan McHenry - US Airforce
RE Johson - USMC
Don McNaughton - US Army 1st AD
Walter Hawkins - Army
Les Harrington - RCL branch 90
Chuck Camillan - RCL branch 90
Ross Shered - Unit 13 KVA
Len Hill - Unit 13 KVA
John Rank - President Unit 13 KVA
Mary Donavan - J/cpt
Joe Finch - RCL branch 90
Albert M. Collins - RCL branch 461
John Bradley Senior - Royal Canadian Army WWII
John W. Dave Brantford
June Lynn - RCL Brantford branch
Betty Jo Bryson - RCL Brantford branch
Doreen Newton - RCL Brantford branch
W-1900 PTE Audrey Lethbridge - RCL Brantford branch
Ted Vanderlans - Branch 543 Harly-Burford-Cathart
Florence King - Branch 543 Harly-Burford-Cathart
Marion Hill - Branch 463 / South Brantford
Bud Keeton - RCL #29 Paris
Frank Sharpe - RCL #29 Paris
Bill Little - RCL #29 Paris
July 5th
Just before driving to the location
we had an empty Battery
July 5th
Michael Bromberry
giving a warm welcome in the Cayuga Language

Traditional Smoke Dance presentation by
Michael Bromberry


Marion and Peter Ittinuar
Building Aboriginal Economies Co-ordinator
Business and Economic Development Unit
Corporate Aboriginal Policy & Management Branch
Ontario Native Affairs Secretariat
and Guitarist with Rankin File

Thanks for initiating our visit to Ohsweken
July 5th
Pianist, singer , song writer
Mr. Murray Porter. Native from Six Nations

Robert Johnson - Vietnam Veteran
Listening to the music
July 5th
Dressed up in Mohawk
July 5th
Six Nations Elected Chief
Mr. David General
Chief of Six Nations Elected Council ,
Mr. David General receiving a tulip Friendship Garden
July 5th
Luluk and Michael Bromberry
combining Indian dance and Indonesian music
left to right

Lucy Martin - Veteran Nurse in the Royal Canadian Army
George Roach - Veteran / RCN Submarines
John Bradley - Six Nations / WWII Veteran
July 5th
July 5th
left: Mike White - 1st Vice President - Six Nations Veterans

middle: John Monture

right: Brian La Forme
Chief of "New Credit of the Mississauga Reserve"
July 5th
Carolyn King
Partnership Development Advisor
Two Rivers Community Development Centre

Thank you Carolyn for all your work and organisation
July 5th
top: Mr. Derek Pite and his wife - WWII Veteran RCA
zone commander with the RCL Branch 90

Peter Smith - WWII Veteran

July 5th
Ms. Lillian Burnham Montour
July 5th
July 5th
July 6th
Thank you Nina Burnham for all your care