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The shootings for Film2000 were done on the 23rd of April
at 7 different locations in Paris.

Except for the sequence of stop motions: 6 weeks ‘rebuilding the Stage bus’
from 19th of February until the 4th of April in Amsterdam.

Pont Grenelle,
How the Stage Bus operates
30 sec

The Stage Bus at the
Arc de Triomphe
52 sec

"live" at Pont Grenelle
statue of Liberty
61 sec

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Luluk at the statue of liberty
'Sit & Go'
61 sec

Breakfast at De Beaupre
going up the Eiffel-tower
85 sec

Live performance in front
of the Eiffel-tower
'Mau Lagi' 6.12 min.

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View from the Eiffel-tower
the Stage Bus going home
'Pulang Yuk'  64 sec.

Singing Lir Ilir in the Bus
on the way home
1.48 min

19th of February until the 4th of April. For six weeks a camera was set in one position to record the rebuilding of the Stage Bus. The final sequence with stop-motions was edited on top of a drum-solo performed by Marcello Pellitteri, from the track: Lir-Ilir

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Luluk Purwanto
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