Exciting Events At Sites All Over New Haven

June 13-30

Luluk Purwanto and Helsdingen Trio
BORN FREE & The Stage Bus

Indonesian American Dutch cross cultural promotion tour featuring jazz/improvised music by Luluk Purwanto (violin) and the Helsdingen Trio (piano, bass, drums). The Stage Bus, a special multi-functional vehicle for travel and performance, designed by Aart Marcus, a Dutch artist, will travel to 42 universities and colleges in 24 states this summer. The Born Free USA tour is part of JakArt@2002. Hosted by Yale University. Info: http://www.luluk.com/

Date and Time:
6/30/02 1:00 PM, 6:00 PM

Venue: New Haven Green
downtown New Haven
(bounded by College, Chapel, Church and Elm)

Ticket Price: FREE

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