BORN FREE - USA... by Luluk Purwanto & the Helsdingen
Trio presented by Campus Activities Office and the UMass Music
Department. This is an Indonesian American Dutch cross cultural promotion tour
in 42 universities and colleges in 24 states. Luluk Purwanto plays violin.
Marcello Pellitteri plays drums. Essiet Okon Essiet plays bass. Rene van
Helsdingen plays piano. Library Lawn, 12pm-1pm &
7pm-10pm. Free!
CENTRAL GALLERY... presents Garden Party by Bonnie Druschel from Set 10 - Oct 6. Infirmary Way- wheeler House, Central Residential Area, Mon-Thu 3-6,
Sun 2-5.
HAMPDEN GALLERY... presents Omens
in Nature: Oriole Feshbach from Sep. 8 - Oct. 6. Southwest Residential Area, Hampden Commons Building, Mon-Thu 12-6,
Sun 2-5.
HERTER GALLERY... presents Foundatins: Prelude from Sep 4 - 18. Annual exhibition
featuring work by students in the UMass Art Department's Foundation Program.
Reception Sep. 18, 3-5pm. 125 Herter Hall, Mon-Fri 11-4,
Sat-Sun 1-4.
STUDENT UNION GALLERY... present Joe Stauber: Sculpture from Sep. 9-27. Southside of Student Union, Mon-Thu 10-5, Fri 10-3.
DOCUMENTARY SERIES... presents Radical Student Union from Sep 10 to Sep 11. MCLIBEL: Two
Worlds Colide. By Media Education Foundation. 803 Campus
Center, 7:00pm - 10:00pm. FREE!
Wednesday September 11, 2002
CENTRAL GALLERY... presents Garden Party by Bonnie Druschel from Set 10 - Oct 6. Infirmary Way- wheeler House, Central Residential Area, Mon-Thu 3-6,
Sun 2-5.