Press - 1999 Born Free tour, Europe
Page 11

program flyer, les Trinitaires, Concert Gratuit, Place Jeanne D'arc, Metz, France. performance 5 Aug, 1999.France.

Click thumnail to enlarge

Pr - press release, Les Trinitaires, Dans le Cadre de Metz en Fete. Jeudi 5 Aout, 1999. Metz France.

Pr - press release, Les Trinitaires,. Jeudi 5 Aout, 1999. Metz France.

program booklet, Edinburgh International Jazz & Blues Festival, Announcement performance at the Countinghouse. 7 and 8 Aug. 1999.

foto, BornFree tourbus, Edinburg, Scotland. 8 Aug 1999.

Program flyer, Artist's view, das konzert zum film. 111 Aug, 1999. Kino Traumstern, Lich, Geermany.
Press release - German

Program, Kino Traumstern, Lich, Germany. Announcement and press release, performance: Artist's view 11 Aug, 1999.

announcement, Local newpaper. Lich, Germany. Performance at Kino Traumstern 11 Aug, 1999

Announcement, Giessener Magazin Express, Nr 31/99
15 Jahrgang. performance Traumstern, Lich, Germany 11 Aug. 1999

Program booklet, 11.Detmolder Sommerbühne. 29 Juli - 13 Aug, 1999. Fot + press article.


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