Press - 1996
Europe - the Stage Bus - part II
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flyer, poster, Musikschule Papagena, performance 29 September,
1996.at Rathhaussaal, Straubing, Germany
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program booklet, Unterfahrt jazzclub, Kirchenstrasse 96,
Munchen, Germany. Performance 28 Sept. 1996.
flyer, Programkalender, Lidköping Oktober, 1996
performance at Rörstrands Museum, Lidköping, 1 Oct. 1996.
Program booklet, The Village Jazzclub, Västeraas, swweden.
Performance on 2 Oct. 1996
Program booklet, Inside text (press release), The Village
Jazzclub, Västeraas, sweden. Performance on 2 Oct. 1996
poster and announcement, Performance at Just Jazzclub,
Strömparterren, Vid Slottet. Örebrö, Sweden, 3 Oct. 1996
poster, Performance at Just Jazzclub, Strömparterren, Vid
Slottet. Örebrö, Sweden, 3 Oct. 1996
flyer, Performance at Just Jazzclub, Strömparterren, Vid
Slottet. Örebrö, Sweden, 3 Oct. 1996
article, write-up, local newspaper,Örebrö, headline:
Strömpis i vulkanisk dallrande hetta, by Matts Norman.
article, write-up, local newspaper,Örebrö, headline:
Oförskämt lekfull, by Ulf Hjelting