About Metamorphosis  



a series of 33 works.
to express pain.

used in illustrations and animations for a music video entitled Metamorphosis, a day in Amsterdam

email: rm6y9x@gmail.com


Life goes on. This music video was inspired by the buzzing city of Amsterdam. Song title: Metamorphosis. Music composed by Rene van Helsdingen. A poem by Mark Edward Fuller. Music performed by the Helsdingen trio featuring: Rene van Helsdingen, piano; Ivan Gambini, drums; Giacomo Dominici, bass. Luluk Purwanto, violin/ voice; Teije ter Maat, saxophone; Walter Lampe, narration. Directing camera: Hans Arends.
Ramses van Veldhuisen. Production assistant: Huub Theunissen. Helsdingen trio was recorded at the Marzi Recording Studio, Riccione, Italy - 2022. Engineer Dani L. Marzi. Teije ter Maat was recorded at Studio Theemsweg, Amsterdam, engineer: Efraim Trujillo. Luluk Purwanto was recorded at Luluk Home studio, Munich, Germany. Final Recording, mixing and mastering at the Farmsound Studio, Heelsum, The Netherlands. Engineer: Wil Hesen. Video Editing and Animation: Rene van Helsdingen. Production: © Helsdingen Music 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This song is part of an album entitled: "The gift of life".