Kathrin Deventer Secretary General European Festivals Association (EFA) 29-year old Kathrin Deventer is Secretary General of the European Festivals Association (EFA), www.efa-aef.eu, the representative umbrella organisation of arts festivals from 37 countries all together. EFA communicates through facilitating cooperation among its members, EFA engages in training and education for young festival managers, EFA supports research and know-how and plays an important role in advocacy and lobbying activities to make the voice of festivals heard in the ‘cultural debate’ at a European level. The Arts Festivals’ Declaration on Intercultural Dialogue is a flagship project in this context. With a political science background and a first work experience in Genoa, European Capital of Culture 2004, Kathrin started at EFA in 2004, year when the Association re-launched its activities with a new team under the direction of Hugo De Greef. Since May 2008, Kathrin is Secretary General of the Association. EFA has office in Gent and Brussels.
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