David Broker
David Broker is a writer, curator
and Director of Canberra Contemporary , Art Space. In
2004 he coordinated the Institute of Modern
Art/Ssamziepsace International Residency Exchange
Project in Brisbane and Seoul. He curated Primavera 2002
at Sydney’s Museum of Contemporary and was co curator of
the exhibition component of QPACifika at Queensland
College of the Arts, Griffith University in 2005.
David Broker would like to thank
Tania Doropoulos, Sherman Galleries, Sydney ania Sydney,
David Broker
adalah penulis, kurator
dan Direktur Canberra Contemporary Art Space. Di
2004, ia merupakan koordinator Institute of Modern
Art/Ssamziespace International Residency Exchange
Project di Brisbane dan Seoul. Ia kurator
Primavera 2002 di Sydney’s Museum of Contemporary
Art dan ko-kurator untuk komponen pameran pada
QPACIfika di Queensland College of the Arts,
Griffith University di 2005. David Broker ingin
menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada Tania Doropoulos
dari Sherman Galleries, Sydney, Australia.