Rene van Helsdingen - piano      

1962 - 1972, private classical piano studies with Mrs  Komter Loeber, Laren, The Netherlands
1979 - 1980, Private Jazz studies with Terry Trotter and Lazlo Cser, Los Angeles

P R O F F E S I O N A L  E X P E R I E N C E

2018 Internet release of a double album: "China Compilation", Rene van Helsdingen. Compilation of 17 Chinese traditional songs recorded in 1985/87. Style: Chinese folk music converted into New Age, World, Fusion and Rock. The album features: Brian Batie, Egbert van Gruythuyzen, Luluk Purwanto, Ben v/d Dungen, Evert Hekkema, Stefan Lievestro, Jan ten Brug, Broer Giesing and others. This release is part of an effort to distribute and promote music in China through the exclusive services of MUSICINFO, a company based in Finland that distributes to major Chinese music services.

2017 release of a double CD: “Water, All of it” , Rene van Helsdingen piano, consisting of all previously recorded material of the Mp3trio in 2010 including the unreleased tracks.  The album features Essiet Okon Essiet on bass and Marcello Pellitteri on drums.  This release is part of an effort to distribute all Helsdingen recordings on music web and streaming sites.

2016      April 15 - Sept 24 “MLD SPOT Stage Bus Jazz Tour 2016” - performances in 16 cities on Java, Bali and Sumatra, Indonesia on the Stage Bus featuring the Mp3trio, with Benny Mustafa, Taufan Goenarso, Kevin Yosua, Jeffrey Tahalele, Brian Batie. During the tour many famous Indonesian artists were invited to perform including Barry Likumahuwa, Yura Yunita, Eva Celia and many others.
March 4-6 “MLD SPOT Stage Bus Jazz Tour 2016” -
at the Jakarta International BNI JAVAJAZZ FESTIVAL. 9 performances on the Stage Bus featuring the Mp3trio, with Benny Mustafa and Jeffrey Tahalele and other groups.

2015      Sept 11 - Nov 29: “MLD SPOT presents Stage Bus Jazz Tour 2015” -32 performances in 24 cities throughout Jawa and Bali, Indonesia on the Stage Bus. Jazz Music performances, Stand-up comedy and food truck festival sponsored by MLDSpot.  Featuring the mp3trio, Rene van Helsdingen, piano; Benny Mustafa, drums; Jeffrey Tahalele, Bass. Special guests performing with the mp3trio include: Kevin Yosua, Inna Kamarie, Davina Raja, Bonita Adi, Syaharani, Rieka Roslan, Tiyo Alibasjah, Ireng Maulana, Matthew Sayersz, Dewa Budjana, Margie Segers, Dira Sugandi, Oele pattiselanno, Yura Yunita, Sandhy Sondoro, Tompi and many others.

2012      MP3TRIO – l’Eau, CD/DVD combination released by Demajors in Jakarta – demajors Independent Music Industry (DIMI), Jakarta. Catalogue nr: DIMI 234.  Release date: August 2012/. Cover printed in Jakarta

2010      Recording and production of the Mp3trio - Concept: / no names, no profiles, no biographies / For his latest CD & video series Rene teamed up with French photographer Christophe Agou (using Agfa b&w expired film and rangefinder cameras) and Dutch camera man Martijn van Beenen (using 3 x Canon DSLR 7dDFA Records). Rene set himself the challenge  to radically make a change and to create a visual presentation for a new musical concept entitled: mp3trio. No names – no bios - no profiles -  just a band, a treeo where roots and minds intertwine. The footage in all of the 14 clips don’t show any faces and titles. The recordings were done at the Bennett Studios, Englewood, New Jersey and mixed at the Farmsound Studio, Heelsum.

The title song:”l’Eau won the First prize in the jazz catagory of the 100% Music Songwriting Contest, an annual contest that awards songwriters from all over the World. The album features Essiet Okon Essiet on bass and Marcello Pellitteri on drums and a special appearance by bassist Ted Trimble.

2010      Friendship, official release of A book online
Presented by Rene to Her Royal Highness Princess Margriet of the Netherlands and her husband Pieter van Vollenhoven during their visit of Ottawa, May 2010, in the spirit of peace and international friendship as a tribute to Canadian veterans on the 65th anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands. The book is a collection of war stories and emotional accounts of Canadian WWII Veterans  transcribed from personal interviews during “TULIPS 2005” …. 60TH ANNIVERSARY FRIENDSHIP TOUR. The book also includes photographs of hundreds of WWII Veterans and of Canada taken during their concert tour.

2009      Festival Management/ program direction: JakArt @ 2009 , International Arts Cultural & Educational Festival/ 30 Oct - 8 Nov, JakArt Special Project: Young in 60 Cities, the embodiment of 2 disciplines: Photography and fashion. Exhibition, fashion shows, photo shoots, Italian Art rock, workshops (including a FORUM and DISCUSSION, Organized in collaboration with UNESCO Jakarta - Highlighting the role of youth in establishing peace) and several performances of the mp3trio at the Grand Indonesia Shopping Town, Jakarta, Indonesia, featuring Benny Mustafa van Diest, Yance Manusama.  “Young in 60 Cities” is the result of a photo competition, ITFPC

2009       Organization and coordination of the ITFPC (International Teen Fashion Photo Competition) April 1 - Oct 27.
The ITFPC was an internet based competition open to amateur and professional photographers of all nationalities, designed to identify and nurture talented photographers and to encourage them to follow their dreams and fulfill their talent and potential. Members of the Jury included: Peter Paul Huf, Lisa Sotilis, Alice Smeets, Paul Verhoeven, Gian Paolo Barbieri, Simon Xavier Guerrand-Hermès, Robert Polet, Kenji Terada, Piero Guidi, Christophe Agou, Stephen Hurst, Raúl de Chapeaurouge, John Moore, Andreas Darwis Triadi and Goh Ching Lee. The winning photos were exhibited in Jakarta, Indonesia, organized in cooperation with JakArt@2009 international Arts, Cultural and Educational Festival Jakarta, Indonesia, as part of:"Young in 60 Cities", the embodiment of 2 disciplines: Photography and fashion
- a JakArt special project - an outstanding multi-disciplinary exhibition of images expressing the insight of photographers, investigating popular culture and fashion and its influence on youth and young adults. a compilation of artwork which explores the natural teenage impact on fashion to may be encourage a worldwide conversation about fashion.

2009       Production of 2 video clips: Il Giro, and Nobios: Jazz trio featuring: Donald Dean, drums; Henry -the Skipper-Franklin, bass. Life recording, Flower studio, Ojai California Friday May 8th, 2009. Mixed at the Farmsound Studio, Heelsum, The Netherlands. Engineer: Wil Hesen. May 25th 2009. Video created for website/

2008       Festival Management/ program direction: JakArt @ 2008 , International Arts Cultural & Educational Festival/ 1 - 30 Aug; forbidden forgotten forsaken - Reality begins where Fantasy ends/ IF Imaginary Festival .

Jakarta was transformed  into the ‘cultural city’ of the world featuring real imaginary, real, and imaginary real events.

Discussions, interviews, commentaries, write-ups, critiques etc of these imaginary events were published on the radio, television and in the printed and electronic media. A special imaginary news paper,  DAILY IF, was created by local artists and a 500 page  program consisting of hundreds of posters of imaginary events designed by Rene was printed as a limited edition on the first day of the festival.

2008       ASAH Indonesian Tour II/ March 25 - May 19, Ideas and concept by Mikhail Neocles David
Supported and co-organized by the JakArt Foundation (Jakarta, Indonesia) - Solo jazz piano performances in Larantuka - Kabupaten Flores Timur/ Ledalero – Maumere, Flores (NTT)/ Bajawa Flores NTT/ Kupang, Timor NTT/ Waingapu, Sumba Timur NTT/ Waikabubak, Sumba Barat, NTT/ Padang Panjang, Sumatra Barat/ Ambon, Ambon Island/ Sorong, Irian Jaya/ Ternate,Ternate Island

2007       Recordings and Production of “Aysha” the Double CD: Luluk Purwanto & the Helsdingen Trio featuring: Marcello Pellitteri and Essiet Okon Essiet/ recorded and mixed at the Farmsound Studio, Heelsum, The Netherlands / Released by Munich Records BMECD501 - dedicated to our Mothers and to the Mothers of all the children in the world.

2006       Luluk Purwanto & the New Generation. Jazz Competition - Concert series, Aug 24 - Sep 11
16 concerts in and around Jakarta ( Jabotabek.) with the STAGE BUS I featuring Marcello Pellitteri and Essiet Okon Essiet. A non-profit tour to promote Jazz in Indonesia, presenting the New Generation MEZZO Jazz Award to identify talented young Indonesian jazz musicians. The Mezzo Jazz Award was designed, set-up and executed by Rene van Helsdingen and sponsored by PT Djarum Indonesia.

2006       Performance at the Java Jazz Festival, Jakarta, Indonesia - March 4th /
featuring Benny Mustafa van Diest, Benny Likumahuwa and special guest Praful (sax)

2005       Celebrations of the Birthday of Henry  - the skipper  - Franklin / Oct 1 - 8
4 concerts in California, USA, featuring Henry Franklin, Donald Dean and Trevor Ware.

2005       May 1 - Sept 25: “TULIPS 2005” …. 60TH ANNIVERSARY FRIENDSHIP TOUR - 100 stage bus performances in 76 cities throughout 10 provinces and 3 territories of Canada, offered in the spirit of peace and international friendship as a tribute to Canadian veterans on the sixtieth anniversary of the Netherlands’ liberation. Luluk Purwanto & the Helsdingen Trio featuring Essiet Okon Essiet , Marcello Pellitteri and Sylvia Cuenca. Initiated, designed and organized by Rene in cooperation with the Canadian Tulip Festival, Ottawa, The Royal Netherlands Embassy, Ottawa and JakArt @ 2005 International Arts Cultural and Educational Festival. Supported by the Canadian Ministry of Veteran Affairs. The tour was documented and published in an internet book on line.

2004       March 19:  Performances at the Pattaya Music Festival, Thailand: Luluk Purwanto & the Helsdingen Trio featuring, Benny Mustafa van Diest and Benny Likumahuwa

2004       Production of a DVD:  'Impressions of a Tour' / Mahabharata Jazz & Wayang
(editing / mixing/ production) released by Munich Records: MRDVD6002. The Mahabharata, the largest epic ever written, elegantly depicts Hindu ideals and philosophies and has provided a wealth of inspiration for many cultures. The Balinese and Javanese, who accepted these verses long ago, combined the Hindu stories with Buddhist philosophy and their own folk lore. (Javanese philosophy). This video contains a 12 chapter version of the epic performed in the Javanese language, subtitled in English and Dutch. The DVD was presented by Mr. Matthew Isaac Cohen, Ph.D. during a Puppets, Masks and performing objects seminar to students of the Theatre, Film and Television Studies, University of Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM

2004       Festival à la Carte / May 20 – June 20, 2004  (150 events throughout 14 cities in Java and Bali – Indonesia) Management, coordination of The Stage Bus I, and performances. Organized by JakArt @ 2004 International Arts Cultural and Educational Festival

2004       Aug 14 - 25 Jazz from Holland / The Stage Bus at the Olympics. Luluk Purwanto _ the Helsdingen Trio featuring Essiet Okon Essiet, Marcello Pellitteri and Jesse van Ruller . 14 concerts during the Olympic games in Athens, Greece

2004       Aug 11 - Sept 11: The Stage Bus from Indonesia - Festival à la Carte - 40 artists from Indonesia, West Africa, Denmark, Holland, America and Greece, 110 performances, touring 13 cities, seven districts of the region of Peloponese, in southern mainland Greece on the occasion of the Olympic and Paralympic Games of Athens 2004, and in the framework of the Cultural Olympiad and in the spirit of the educational agreement between Indonesia and Greece, the Government of Indonesia presents The Stage Bus. Supported and organized by JakArt @ 2004 International Arts Cultural & Educational Festival.

2004       Sep 19-26 Jazz from Holland / The Stage Bus in Greenwich.  /4 performances at the Riverfront Jazz Festival: Luluk Purwanto & the Helsdingen Trio  featuring Essiet Okon Essiet and Marcello Pellitteri. a Dutch Cultural Presentation

2003       February 1: the spirit of peace / Performance at the Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta with the Indonesian Art Orchestra, conducted by Dwiki Dharmawan and Singgih Sanjaya featuring vocalists Anggun, Trie Utami, Edo Kondolit, Luluk Purwanto, the Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Universitas Gajahmada choire, ISI Ethnic Ensemble -gamelan orchestra.

2003       Festival Management, JakArt @ 2003 , International Arts Cultural & Educational Festival in commemoration of the birthday of Jakarta. 600 events at over 200 locations in Jakarta, Indonesia. The festival program included an exhibition at the National Museum Jakarta entitled: Homage to the Eternal Creativity of the Human Race. A comprehensive chronological Educational Exposition of the most important examples of art produced throughout human history around the world, from the cave dweller to the present, in the form of museum replicas in an “atmospheric” context. The exhibition was opened by Mr. Koichiro Matsuura, Director General Unesco 2003. Rene was in charge of research and development in cooperation with students and lecturers at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia, Depok, Jakarta.

2003       MAHABHARATA JAZZ AND WAYANG tour 2003, Indonesian American Dutch Cross cultural promotion tour, 'Luluk Purwanto & The Helsdingen Trio', 20 concerts in Jawa and Bali in combination with Indonesian Shadow Puppets featuring: Marcello Pellitteri, Essiet Okon Essiet and Luluk Purwanto, Nanang HaPe, Kiki Dunung, Soled Saryanto, I ketut Budiyasa, Aart Marcus, Martijn van Beenen. Performances at Universities, Cultural Heritage Sites and Village centers. Sponsored by Djarum Super and Supported by ,US Embassy Jakarta, NL EMbassy Jakarta, Indonesian Embassy, The Hague. and JakArt @2003

2003       Production and Editing of a Film and DVD, Mahabharata Jazz and Wayang. Camera: Martijn van Beenen. Duration 150 Minutes. for Indonesian Television sponsored by Djarum Super.  (see 2004 Production of a DVD) The performances were filmed life on several different locations in Java and Bali Indonesia.

2002/ 2003           Recordings for new release and production of a Video Clip: 'Brushes' (CD/ and CD- Brushes The Clip, Munich Records BMECD368) featuring: Luluk Purwanto, Essiet Okon Essiet, Marcello Pellitteri. Recorded in New York and the Netherlands. The recording includes an life 6 minute music video with rotating drum stage designed by Aart Marcus and filmed by Martijn van Beenen.  (CDRom, Brushes the Clip)

2002       BORN FREE USA tour 2002, Indonesian American Dutch Cross cultural promotion tour, 'Luluk Purwanto & The Helsdingen Trio', 70 concerts- USA featuring: Marcello Pellitteri, Essiet Okon Essiet and Luluk Purwanto. Performances at 45 Universities in 24 States of America. Supported by JakArt @2002, UNESCO, US Embassy Jakarta, NL EMbassy Jakarta, Indonesian Embassy, to the Holy See Rome.

2002       Organisation and performance: Life TV Production for JakArt @2002 on June 22nd – Performance of Luluk Purwanto & the Helsdingen trio, life from the Brooklyn Bridge in New York: Birthday wishes to the city of Jakarta broadcasted by TVRI Jakarta / in cooperation with the Voice of America.

2002       World release by ZEBRA ACOUSTIC RECORDS, 'Luluk' - Born Free
Distributed by Warner/ Elektra/ Atlantic Corporation, an AOL-Time Warner Company

2001       LULUK.COM tour 2001, 'Luluk Purwanto & The Helsdingen Trio', 24 concerts- Europe featuring: Luluk Purwanto, Marcello Pellitteri, Essiet Okon Essiet, Billy Cobham and Luluk Purwanto, including Germany, Holland, Suisse, Poland.

2001       Festival Management, JakArt @ 2001 , International Arts Cultural & Educational Festival in commemoration of the birthday of Jakarta. Over 350 events, ranging from world-class international performances and exhibitions to public art and spontaneous expression, in 150 venues, ranging from the conventional to the alternative, all within the frame of one month.

2000       Building of the New Stage Bus by visual artist Aart Marcus.

2000       For the promotion of the CD, Born Free, and the new Stage Bus, a music video was produced on CD-Rom ( Film 2000 - 4 Musicians in Paris, Spring 2000 and Lir-ilir video-clip, Munich Records BMWCD296) featuring: Marcello Pellitteri, Essiet Okon Essiet. Camera: Martijn van Beenen.

1999       Official release of the CD: Born Free. (Munich records, BMMCD296)

1999       BORN FREE' 99 'Luluk Purwanto & The Helsdingen Trio', ( Donald Dean, Henry Franklin) 120 Concerts tour - Europe : including Jazz à Ramatuelle (France) Montreux Jazz Fest. (Suisse), Copenhagen Jazz Fest. (Denmark), Arhus Jazz Fest. (Denmark), Ålandia Jazz Fest. (Finland), Edinburg Jazz Fest. (Scotland), Sandviken Jazz Fest. (Sweden), Rotweil Jazz Fest. (Germany), and Django Reindhardt Jazz Fest. (France), Jazz a Mulhouse (France), A-Trane Jazz Club in Berlin, Domicil Jazz Club in Dortmund.

1999       'BORN FREE' Australia 'Luluk Purwanto & The Helsdingen Trio', ( Victor de Boo, Belinda Moody) 20 Concerts tour - Australia: including The Basement in Sydney, Adelaide Jazz Fest., Darwin, Katherine, Port Hedland, Perth, Albany, Melbourne, Euroa, Canberra, Kiama, Tamworth, Toowooba. (Australia tour organized by Australia Northern Europe Liaisons, Henk van Leeuwen) Supported by the Dutch Fonds voor Podiumkunsten.

1998       Recording for new release: 'Born Free' (CD/ with CD-Rom Bonus track, Munich Records BMMCD296) featuring Essiet Okon Essiet, Marcello Pellitteri. Recorded in New York and Holland. The recording includes an 8 minutes music video.

1997       'THE STAGE BUS' Indonesia 97, (LA Lights Tour) 35 Concert tour Java and Bali, Indonesia, with The Stage Bus: Australian - Dutch - Indonesian Cultural Promotion tour sponsored by PT. Djarum, Co- sponsored by National TV and Radio and Press (Jakarta-Jakarta). featuring: Victor de Boo, Belinda Moody. Including Concerts at Universities, Art Centers,a performance at the Borobudur Temple, The Sultan's - Palace in Yogyakarta, Denpasar Art Centre, Solo Art Centre, Bandung,Cirebon, Bogor, Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Purwokerto, Salatiga, Semarang, Nusa Dua etc.

1996-1997            1996 THE STAGE BUS' Australia, 25 Concerts tour - with the Stage Bus featuring: 1997 Victor de Boo, Belinda Moody: Australian - Dutch - Indonesian Cultural- Promotion tour incl. Melbourne Art Festival, Adelaide, Albury, Canberra, The Rocks - Sydney Brisbane, Kuranda, Mount Isa, Tunarama Art Fest. - Port Lincoln, Darwin. This tour was organized in Co-operation with Australia Northern Europe Liaisons, Henk van Leeuwen.

1996       'THE STAGE BUS' 96, 100 Concerts tour - Europe featuring: Donald Dean, Marcello Pellitteri, Henry Franklin, Kent Brinkley, including: Jazz Fest. Vienna, Impuls Fest. Bregenz (Austria), 400 Days of Gorzow (Poland), Kristianstad Jazz Fest., Falkenberg Jazz Dahar (Sweden), Jazz Fest.Antibes Juan-les-pins, Jazz à Nice (France), Jazz no Jazz Zürich, Wintherthurermusikwochen (Suisse), Natt Jazz Fest. Bergen (Norway), Voices Kassel, Worms Jazz Fest. (Germany), Chard Fest. Of Women in Music (UK), Aalborg Jazz & Blues Fest. (Denmark) etc. Including a performance for His Majesty King Harald the Vth of Norway (for the opening of the Bergen International Fest.). These performances also included Life-Action Painting. (In Oktober 96 the Stage Bus was shipped from Rotterdam to Melbourne. )

1995      THE STAGE BUS 95, 60 concerts- Europe feat: Donald Dean, Henry Franklin, Kent Brinkley, Henk Zomer, including: Nice Jazz fest., Jazz à Vienne, Warsaw Jazz Days, Marlborough Int. Jazz Fest., JVC Jazz Fest. Torino, Festival des Cropettes/Geneva. Local visual artists were invited to perform Life-Action painting on the roof Stage of the Stage Bus.

1995       Performance at the Jakarta Int. Jazz festival, featuring Luluk Purwanto, Henk Zomer, Jos Machtel.

1994       In co-operation with The Stage, Jakarta, a bus was purchased and rebuild by visual artist: Aart Marcus. The side of the Stage Bus can be lowered to form a stage. (equiped with grand piano, sound system etc.) for outdoor performances. During the rebuilding of the bus a CD was recorded : 'The Stage' (CD, Helsdingen Music HM 002) featuring: Donald Dean, Kent Brinkley, Erik Visser. 

1994       THE STAGE BUS 94', 100 concerts- Europe featuring: Donald Dean, Kent Brinkley, Wiro Mahieu, including: Estival Jazz Lugano, North Sea jazz Fest., Kristianstad Jazz - fest., Århus Int. Jazz Fest., Couleur Café Brussels, Festival de Musique du Touquet.

1993      Release of CD/Cassette : 'Ojongono' , South East Asia, WEA Hong Kong

1993       contracted by Yayasan Pro Seni to Set up a cultural program at a restaurant in Jakarta: 'The Stage' Restaurant.  Combinations of different art-forms were scheduled in a weekly program.

1993       10 concerts- Los Angeles area. featuring: Henry Franklin, Donald Dean

1992       25 concerts- Scandinavië, Benelux. featuring: Marcello Pellitteri, Wiro Mahieu, Agenda tour, 40 concerts- Europe.feat: Belinda Moody, Donald Dean.

1991       25 concerts- Holland, Denmark, Sweden, France, Belgium, including live broadcast Denmark TV 1. featuring: Don Mumford, Wiro Mahieu

1991       Recording of 'Ojongono' (CD. Helsdingen Music, HM001) featuring Wiro Mahieu and Egbert van Gruythuyzen (released in 1992.)

1991       Performance at the Jakarta International Festival (JakJazz'91) featuring Benny Mustafa van Diest and Yance Manusama.

1990       'Luluk Purwanto & the Helsdingen Trio', 15 concerts- Holland, Denmark, Sweden, featuring: Marcel Serierse, Wiro Mahieu.

1990       The TV Film production, -'Live' Luluk Purwanto & the Helsdingen trio- was purchased and broadcasted by TV2, Denmark

1990       'The Super Band', 7 concerts - Holland and Indonesia. featuring: Billy Cobham, Wolfgang Schmid, Luluk Purwanto, Steven Kelly, Deborah Robinson, Nippy & Shana Noya. (compositions of all individual members were performed. )

1989       For promotion the quartet was engaged in a TV Film / CD production: -'Live' Luluk Purwanto & the Helsdingen Trio'. (directed and produced by Theo Ordeman/ Frans Mijts) This production was financed by Helsdingen Music BV and released by Dureco (CD: 'The Walz' , Dureco 1151512)

1989       To celibrate their company's first year, a performance was organized with The Metropole Orchestra at the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam. Conductor: Rob Pronk. Featuring: Ira Coleman and Gene Jackson. (all songs for orchestra arranged by René and Luluk Purwanto)

1988       Formation of the goup: 'Luluk Purwanto & the Helsdingen Trio' featuring: Egbert Van Gruythuyzen, Trevor Ware, 10 concerts- Holland.  

1988       The founding of THE STAGE - THE STAGE BUS - HELSDINGEN MUSIC BV
Company's objective in a general sence: The promotion of musicians and their work, in particular by means of the production, sale and distribution of the image and sound recording media of these musicians and their work. Director Helsdingen Music BV, an enterprise for the organization & promotion of concert tours and Music productions.  Through the emission of music share certificates  the company had over 350 Share- holders.

1987       A new release in China on which Chinese national tunes were converted into New Age Music. " Spirit Of Spring" (LP/CD Pacific Music; Tao Label') featuring: Luluk Purwanto, Ben v/d Dungen, Evert Hekkema, Stefan Lievestro, E. van Gruythuyzen.

1987       2-months Fusion project : recording in Jakarta with mainly Indonesian musicians playing compositions of René and Luluk Purwanto featuring: Udin Zach, John Phillips, Margie Seegers, Happy Pretty, Embong Rahardjo, Kiboud Maulana, Ireng Maulana, and others. - the latter has never been completed.

1987       Arrangements and recordings for Asai Harum. A project at the Farmsound studio's featuring: Ben van den Dungen, Jarmo Hoogendijk, Collin Scott, Peter Guidi, Marcel Schimscheimer, Egbert van Gruythuyzen, Leen Barbier, Ernst Reiziger, Stefan Lievestro, Mark Mommaas, Eddie Conard, Joost Timp, Jacques Koopmanschap, Janice Lakers and others. The recordings where never released.

1986       Helsdingen Trio' , 15 concerts- Holland, featuring Brian Batie and Rodney Mecks.

1986       Indonesian and Indian tour of 'the Quartet' featuring: Luluk Purwanto, Brian Batie, Rodney Mecks. A cultural Exchange sponsored by the departement of Welfare Health and Culture Affairs. 30 concerts- Indonesia, (sponsored by Filtra, Djarum Kretek) and India. (JazzYatra, Bombay, New Dehli - sponsored by Air India and the Bhaskara studios).

1986       Formation of private record label: Relukreul records. First release of this label: "Impressions of Indonesia" (LP: RLIxU000) featuring Brian Batie, Luluk Purwanto, Rodney Mecks. The latter ones were sold as business gifts to several companies.

1986       This same year 2 more LP's where released on Relukreul records: "Onix" (production for Witteveen Fashion - relation gifts) (LP: RLIxU002) feat: Egbert van Gruythuyzen, Stefan lievestro and " Protection" (pre-release of "Spirit of Spring" (production for Markgraaf - relation gifts for Chinese Business partners) (LP: RLIxU003) Original Chinese music transferred in a western style, featuring: Luluk Purwanto, Ben van den Dungen, Evert Hekkema, Stefan Lievestro, E. van Gruythuyzen, Broer Giesing, Jan ten Brug.

1985       Helsdingen music' 20 concerts- Holland drums/piano duo featuring: Egbert Van Gruythuyzen.

1985       Contract with Timeless Records,: LP 'Helsdingen Jazz Trio' featuring: Egbert van Gruythuyzen, Brian Batie. Finance of this LP by the sale of advertising space on the record-cover. (LP: "Helsdingen Music" SJP222)

1984       World tour/ travels - in one year time, René visited 150 record companies in 40 different cities all over the world. In Hong Kong a contract was signed with pacific Music for the production of an LP with Chinese National Melodies converted into a western style (LP/ CD and singel: 'Impressions of China' Virgin Records, Pacific Music Hong Kong. Virgin 611327) featuring: Brian Batie, Egbert van Gruythuyzen.

1983       Smirnoff Quintet' feat: John Butler, Dale Barlow, Rick Hollander, Brian batie, Henk Zomer, Evert hekkema, 85 concerts- Benelux (sponsored by Smirnoff). - 45 concerts on the Smirnoff Stage Bus. Including a performance at the Grand- Prix, Zandvoort. (sponsored by le Coq Sportif)

1983       Contract with signed with Turning Point records. (LP:" Smirnoff Quintet" TPR010683)

1982       'Superlights quintet' feat: Obie Jessie, Peter Guidi, Essiet Okon Essiet, Don Mumford, - 85 Concerts- Holland, Belgium (sponsored by Phillip Morris). During this tour, 45 concerts where performed on René's first version of the Stage Bus (The Superlights Bus)

1981       'Italian Jazz' quartet featuring: Peter Guidi, Essiet Essiet, Don Mumford. -20 concerts - Holland, including the Northsea Jazz festival.

1981       The recording for LP "Motivation" was financed by the sale of 400 spaces on the record-cover. (Munich Records BM150232) This project was supported and first mentioned in a television program of Mies Bouwman (Dutch TV Host)

1980       Performances with Obie Jessie featuring: Charles Owens, Donald Dean, Kent Brinkley. Recording as a guest artist for singer Obie Jessie with Billy Higgins, Brian Batie and others.
- During his 2-year stay in Hollywood, California, René shared a house with several Musicians including Steve Jacobs, Essiet Okon Essiet, Brian Batie, John Rigby, John Butler and others. All house members were involved in a recording at the Media Art Studio's in Hermosa beach. (LP: "After the third Window" Munich Records BM250241) featuring: John Bolivar, Obie Jessie, Felix Ramos, Steve Jacobs, Rick Hannah, Essiet Okon Essiet, Clifford Howard, Rodney Mecks, Brian Batie, Edmond Allmond, Wouter Büchner, Mark Wigman, Nicola Paron, Tequila Mockingbird, David Best, Dale Allmond.

1979       Departure to the United States for private Jazz studies. Introductions at several educational institutes for jazz.
Recording (LP: "One minute Willy " Munich Records, BM 150200.) featuring: Willie Owens, Essiet Okon Essiet, Jimmy Roberts, Kent Brinkley, Henk Zomer.
First professional appearances with the Charles Owens quartet featuring: Leroy Vinnegar, Douglas Sides.

1978       contract with Munich records. First recordings. ("Helsdingen Modern Jazz" Munich Records BM 150219) featuring: Wim Essed, Klaus Flenter, Börge Ring, Henk Zomer and a student orchestra formed during his studies of mining engineering at the Technical University of Delft, Holland.

 1973 - 1976        formation of his first trio featuring: Martijn Nesenberend, and Dick Pluim.
Participated at the Singer Jazz Festival in 1973 and in 1975 the trio was accompanied by a string orchestra.